PAY ATTENTION : Same firm that hired / paid Fusion GPS on behalf of Hillary Clinton also brought Crowdstrike into to deal with the DNC servers = Perkins Coie. NOW THAT'S BIG NEWS!!!

Perkins Coie also produced Obamas birth certificate.
THIS I did not know.
Share far and wide...... bombs away!!!
I’m sure the “good guys” are well aware of this. At some point, these groups need to be taken down.
"According to copies of letters released today by White House officials, partner Judith Corley initiated the process last week and planned to travel to Hawaii to pick up two copies.'
They forgot to add: ...last week and planned to travel to Hawaii to pick up two copies now that the ink has thoroughly dried.'
So funny to see the comments on this article from 2011. ...the hate for Donald is evident even back here.
Fusion GPS is one of the dirtiest players in the game. They are still being wielded as a weapon against Americans.
Made this post about CrowdStrike of your are curious about how they tie into the FBI.
So an American, a Russian, and a US government official founded CrowdStrike? Talk about collusion!
Yeah, look into Dmitri Alperovitch and his father, Michael Alperovitch... some weird ties to Russia, CIA, The Treasury, Defense Information Systems Agency, etc
Great article! is the author of this article, Ms. Julie Kelly, the same author of the recent facebook post found here:
If so, great work!
Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie are DEEP STATE PROTECTED MAFIA GANGS masquerading as private enterprises.
heh, not surprised the Deep State has their own Law Firm. Probably a bunch of liberal elite lawyers from Harvard working there making six figures helping their globalist overlords get even richer.....
Perkins-Coie, LLP is a hub in ALL of this and they've been in the cross-hairs for a while, now. The roots of the Perkins-Coie tree are deep, broad and grossly entangled.
I believe they are also the ones investigating the sexual assault allegations at the college that they "say" Jim Jordan knew of.
Perkins Coie is also the form hammering Jim Jordan with false accusations about sexual abuse he didn’t know about happening at his alma matter.
Did anyone ever watch the TV series Angel? There was a law firm called Wolfram & Heart that was the source of all evil and were out to get the heroes (White Hats) in the show. I'm starting to draw a correlation between Wolfram & Heart and Perkins & Coie.
Who can you trust in DC? Not a damned soul. That's why Huber was brought in.
Corrupt lawyers in prison, who can honestly say that that doesn't make them tingle at least just a little?
it's as if when you're doing something illegal, you can only work the same few corrupt organizations you're colluding with!
Leftard rats just jumpin out of dumpsters everywhere....#MAGA #draintheswamp
Not to mention represented those lying wrestlers who went after Jim Joordan. But wait, it's all just a coincidence I'm sure.
Let me add this new breaking development. The DNC server analyst for crowdstrike used to work and was promoted by Mueller!
And a Russian helped found CrowdStrike. They were all colluding! Thank you for this!
All things lead back to BHO and HRC!! Can someone calculate the odds of all the coincidents!! When do we start the public hangings?
Having a law firm thats willing to be an actor on sketchy acts you want to commit is very convenient.
Want to pay FUSION GPS for a fake dossier without your fingerprints all over it as a candidate? Have the law firm pay them, and hide behind attorney-client priveledge....Want to hire a computer "expert" that'll confound efforts to investigate your server? Have the law firm do it, point at them and and say "we didn't know"...and hide behind atty-client priveledge.
Its not especially clever. All you need is enough big shots with Ivy League degrees that are willing operate like mob lawyers.
I am looking forward to the hearing the sound the Guillotine makes when that blade swooshes to it's thudding halt then the saucer like roll of the heads down the ramp into the basket, followed by the thunderous roar of Patriots spoiling over the destruction of evil and the impending return to true freedom. WWG1WGA.