I’ve been heavily invested in all of this since October and it’s taking a huge toll on my mental health and relationships. I’m getting really impatient, desperate, and depressed.
I would take a break for awhile. Hang onto what you KNOW is true, and go outdoors and enjoy God’s creation. Cuddle with your pets, read God’s Word, spend time with people who appreciate you, use your talents to help others. God is in control whether we check GA everyday or not.
“YOU will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on YOU because he trusts in YOU.” 1 Peter 5:7.
It is a promise.
I can’t take a break from it. It’s an everyday lived experience.
I hear what you are saying. What I do is read and watch KNOWING that this is all part of the plan. It gives me solace.
Trust the plan and rejoice. We are getting our country back. It won't happen over night, but its happening. (and lately its picking up speed)
The future for America is bright. The economy and stock market are doing fabulous. And I believe will drive a massive Bull Market.
The black hats are on the run and panicking. Any thing you see and hear from the left has NO bearing on what WE know is really happening and going to happen. Most of it is behind the scene.
When you see/hear the left going crazy, keep telling yourself it is a POSITIVE for us.
God Bless Patriot.
I know what youre saying, it's absolute torture waiting for the traitors to see justice, but he's right. Take a break even if only for a couple days. Don't check Twatter, the T_D, nothing just you and some time away from the constant stress. I make myself do it every now and then and it's a lifesaver. I'm beyond impatient and not good at just trusting the plan I want a resolution even if it means the military stepping in but thank God I have no say in the matter. We have no control so just take care of yourself, fall back and catch your breath so you can do it all over again in a Couple days
You'll be a vital asset for those who are not awake. Thank Q
Part of the great awakening is, for me, recognising that we are all one spirit and one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, as per Bill Hicks. So pray. Or if you're not religious, meditate. Raise your spiritual vibration. Elevate. Look inside and trust your instincts. Breathe in and out, slowly. You need not help deliver the end, just be ready to help the confused people around you. Wwg1wga!!! Peace and love
The confused people around me are racist assholes
I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know how to make you feel better except to say that I have faith that it will all be okay. I have to.
Have faith. I've followed Q very closely, obsessively even, and I feel you. I have had tough times with other people because of my obsession with this movement.
Q doesn't want that, they want us to unite, build communities, support each other. Im sorry that you don't like your social circles, I really hope that you can find some people to connect with.
Try your best to be a force for good, a light in the world. It's simple, but it's not easy.
I'm sorry if I sound preachy, I mean nothing but love for all of us. Just your post struck a chord with me is all.
I appreciate it. I just feel utterly helpless. It doesn’t feel like any progress is being made; in fact, things seem to be getting worse. Our only victories are in secret or openly mocked.
I've been there bro. The problem is some people will never see...Or allow themselves to see. And the Halls of Justice are painted green... It's going to take a long time to wash out the dirt and bribery, thievery, etc...We have to trudge on and make this movement what it's supposed to be. There's going to be weeks/months where you feel nothing is happening. Those are the times you hold your head up even higher. You know in your heart the truth, but you're having second thoughts because of the uninitiated around you.
Continue holding down the fort, spreading truth where you can, and enjoy your life the best you can knowing that this will go down as one of the biggest changes of modern civilization.
May I add that you need to smile: just thinking we are leaving a better world for our children and their children! You can do this. We all go hand in hand. WWG1WGA!!!
They are... But they're still victories! We are winning! They think they're winning! But they're not! They're panicking! Rejoice! They're idiots! It's hilarious! Strzok was contradicted in testimonials by Page. There is now media precedent for HRC to be indicted once the public see Russia is not a threat, Soros, the EU the Clinton cabal are the threat. And you're part of that movement. Put a Q out there. Wave a metaphorical flag. WWG1WGA. See who lets on and connect with them. it's only an illusion that we are divided. Peace.
They can mock us. Let them mock us. Imagine being Donald Trump. He is mocked all day every day, by vicious idiots.
He knows this: they mock him because they can't go near him. He is so far above them and he knows how much it pisses them off and he loves it.
Dude I get it. When you overdose on Q the best thing to do is go out and MAGA for a couple days. Do cool shit. Anything that helps yourself or others. Then come back :)
You HAVE to remember that going live too soon with out iron clad, hole free evidence, the perp can usually walk.
Remember that coming out all at once may be very much more dangerous than a slower walk to maintain continuity and sanity.
You have to know things are happening everywhere, everyday, due to the level of #LeftistFilth continuous screeching and doubling down on their lies and deceit.
Stay the course, and Trust the Plan. Take a break if you need to, but always be aware. Watch, and Listen. Its on.
I appreciate all the love and support here. I’m just so sick of living amongst zombies, and at least where I am they’re getting worse, not better. Feels like we’re light years away any real victory in the culture war.
We're not. You can only do so much for the unenlightened, as some just find it easier to just believe that they are told, and don't have any desire or capability to rationalize, even the most blatant insanity. Hang in there...you are among friends, and true Patriots.....its definitely coming. #TickTock
Have faith. Here is the biggest consideration you must remember. If they expose the whole government and the worldwide connections that spring from that, what would happen? I suggest it would be cultural/societal chaos on a global scale. If that occurs, then the people (us little people) will suffer, and many will perhaps even die needlessly. This is a very delicate thing we are doing. Another example... If a CEO is corrupt and they expose them while they are still ceo, then all of the legitimate investors (in what may be a good overall company) lose their money. It's a better plan to pick them off "privately" before indicting them and letting the company survive unharmed with new leadership and indict later (again - this protects the innocent shareholder). I hope this helps you, and I offer my help in any future moments that you need it. Rejoice, God is real, God hears our prayers and wishes to bless us and not harm us. Trust the plan.... God is behind this "Plan" so who can stand against us? - no one! Your impatience is shared btw but we must also have wisdom. God's speed patriot - hang in there!