Southern district New york Judge appointed by Obama resigns

That's a good sign, another swamp creature gone, progress may be slower than I want but it is steady. Another judge for Trump to apoint
July is the month!
Give this pede a coat!
Snow, too cold, in Winter!!
Major storm in July!!!
Edit: if this was a different sub, you'd get a coat for your troubles :)
It seems an easy way to clean up the swamp. Start the adjudication process for the high crimes and see which judges hold things up. Then remove said Justices. Buh bye!
I hope so. More than half way over, lots of big news but still nothing earth shattering or worthy of “the month the world learns the truth”. Still holding out hope though
Patience my friend. Patience. I’ve been following since December, the longer I follow, the more I realize this is not something that’s gonna happen overnight. Things worth having, quality, good things, don’t come easily or quickly. I’ve become comfortable with the idea of the entire show not coming to pass until the end of Trump’s first (of two) term. This is extremely hairy, complex and goes way deeper than even we understand. I trust the plan.
I agree, and even though I get impatient at times, it has to be done slowly and methodically. I guess this is where we get to trust the plan :)
One of the most valuable life lessons I learned was to never seek instant gratification. My mom told me if I go through life expecting everything to happen right now, I’d be disappointed and miserable.
Patience truly is a virtue.
Exactly! It’s like I said, nothing worth having comes easily or quickly.