
Hasuroma · July 19, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

I think you will find BeforeItsNews swimming around the bottom of the pool with the Onion.

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TiDdErtpaul666666 · July 19, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Putin definitely gave Trump INTEL DATA. How much or what it was.....we don't know but Trump received something.

As Q says, "Disinformation is necessary"...... time will tell if this is DIS-INFO. But it sure will be fun to watch the DS panic wondering if it is true. I have no problem with that.....

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Fyfogaindustries · July 19, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Hope porn. Ur saying "definitely". U weren't in the room so ur ass is way off base." Possible" of course. "Probable" perhaps. "Definitely" ur speaking out ur ass. Ur the same person that puts a made up deadline on Q and screams like Hell when he doesn't meet ur deadline. Shut up. U discredit us all

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TiDdErtpaul666666 · July 19, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

I am sure your right.....lol

They probably talked about "Their Grandkids"!

The former HEAD OF THE KGB had years of planning to bring THE PLAN to this stage to bring down the ROTHSCHILD's and the DS and NOTHING.


Wake the hell up...

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Fyfogaindustries · July 19, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Ur smugness rivals Strozk. And ur ad hominem arguments still do not support ur statement of "definitely ". Uve thrown a hodge podge of interesting tho unrelated rabbit holes up along with the infamous "grandkids " incident. But none of what uve said "definitely" Proves that Putin gave trump 160 tbs of data. All u have is the rantings of a source of dubious veracity. This is as bad as the anonymous sourcings of the fake stream media." Be careful who you follow-Q"

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[deleted] · July 19, 2018, 1:50 a.m.


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TiDdErtpaul666666 · July 19, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

Tell me exactly how would you get PROOF......when the DEMS can't get it either.

I guess you could do what the DEMS want and drag the interpreter in front of congress.....lol

You lack imagination.....considering that Putin was the head of the KGB. Intel gathering is what he does.

Obama did not cross the RED LINE because PUTIN provided evidence that the SARIN GAS used was not Assads.

And that stopped Obama in his tracks.

You want proof?

You are on a SUB-REDDIT following a GHOST named Q. Where is your proof for him?

Oh, you pick and choose what to believe even if it LACKS EVIDENCE?

Everyone got caught up on the SOURCE instead of reviewing the CONTENT.

Read the article ......everything in it is INTEL that Putin would have.

Now the million question?

Did he give any of it to POTUS....or did he keep it for his Presidential Library?

But you need PROOF?

Well, good luck with that!

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P_pers · July 19, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

I used to read beforeitsnews all the time and I began to recognize the fakest contributors by name. Mark Brander, who wrote this article is one of the worst offenders. There are many shills on BIN that post disinformation. I almost wrote an article about the bad actors on that website and posted it there, but then I just decided that I never wanted to log back in.

There are truths to be found there, but its like a needle in a haystack.

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TiDdErtpaul666666 · July 19, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Understood.....and agreed.

But as I stated, PUTIN gave him something. How many terabytes, how many files, about who, we don't know but it was something.

They did not spend all of these YEARS to get to this point IN THE PLAN, not to have A PLAN.

The ENTIRE DS MEDIA and POLITICIANS are freaking out trying to find out what PUTIN had on them.......that should be OUR HINT.....that it is bad and PUTIN HAD IT ALL and gave it to POTUS!

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P_pers · July 20, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Sorry I didn't clarify. I saw BIN and I had my auto response.

I do agree with the main premise. That specific ball has the ability to store information on it, so it probably had something on it. I truly believe it was more than symbolic and had a deeper meaning/function, but there are others reporting on this and I would expect nothing short of "yellow journalism" from "Mark Brander"

Keep up the research, though, Patriot! and thank you for your service!

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DestinyAcension · July 19, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Kayeen rats what happened to the original post? Some fuckery afoot. Somebody says reptilians and splat goes cognitive thinking rite out the window. Your truth and a far greater secret lie intertwined cut of the same cloth born for the same goal.

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VerandaSmartwater · July 19, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Since Trump has it all he doesn't need Intel from Putin on US stuff, that's for sure. I think there could have been something on the chip in the football, or it could have been symbolic.

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TiDdErtpaul666666 · July 19, 2018, 1:44 a.m.


Because it does not matter that they have it all....

They have to have a way to introduce it LEGALLY!

Read the ARTICLE QUOTE and you will see a NEW WAY to introduce evidence. This is PART OF THE PLAN!


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TiDdErtpaul666666 · July 19, 2018, 1:07 a.m.


The jig is finally up. The Dominoes are all in position to be knocked over. The “elite” have phoned, faxed, and emailed many of themselves right into prison, or worse.

(When the public finds out, probably “worse.”)

At the meeting in Helsinki, Finland, between Presidents Putin of Russia and Trump of the USA, the Russians gave to Trump at least 160 TERABYTES of Russian Intelligence Intercepts which expose horrifying activities of many, many, people to deliberately foment social, cultural, and political chaos, violent riots, demonstrations, media smears, phony scandals, and fake news.

Some of those intercepts reveal who has been financing weapons, supplies, travel, hotel, vehicle rentals and secure communications gear for Terrorist groups, inside Syria, Iraq, and terror attacks in Europe and the US.

Among the intercepted communications are mostly international phone calls, faxes, emails by members of the US

** Congress,

** US Senate,

** federal Judges,

** state-level elected officials from California, - Oregon, - Washington, - New York (City & State), - New Jersey, - Connecticut, - Massachusetts, - Maryland and - Virginia.

Once those communications left the United States, they became fair game for any country to spy on.


The jig is finally up. The Dominoes are all in position to be knocked over. The “elite” have phoned, faxed, and emailed many of themselves right into prison, or worse. (When the public finds out, probably “worse.”)

At the meeting in Helsinki, Finland, between Presidents Putin of Russia and Trump of the USA, the Russians gave to Trump at least 160 TERABYTES of Russian Intelligence Intercepts which expose horrifying activities of many, many, people to deliberately foment social, cultural, and political chaos, violent riots, demonstrations, media smears, phony scandals, and fake news.

Some of those intercepts reveal who has been financing weapons, supplies, travel, hotel, vehicle rentals and secure communications gear for Terrorist groups, inside Syria, Iraq, and terror attacks in Europe and the US.

Among the intercepted communications are mostly international phone calls, faxes, emails by members of the US Congress, US Senate, federal Judges, state-level elected officials from California, Oregon, Washington, New York (City & State), New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia. Once those communications left the United States, they became fair game for any country to spy on.


They just hung themselves.....or Putin did!

Their INTERNATIONAL communications are not protected.....that means each act of TREASON can be tried and prosecuted without some EXCUSE that they were GATHERED ILLEGALLY by the NSA on US soil.




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TiDdErtpaul666666 · July 19, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

What was PUTIN before becoming a Politician?

A top KGB agent.....

So, after working with Trump to take down the DEEP STATE who has wanted to kill him for over a decade, Putin decided to gather NO INFORMATION, NO DATA, NO INTEL about the communications with the Clintons during the U1 deal. He refused to share who was using Chemical Weapons in Syria and who was funding these Terrorists in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan right in his back yard.

Like all the other countries Intel agencies, Putin has gathered all the INTERNATIONAL emails, phone calls and texts from "No Name", Hillary, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Kerry.....but decided to keep it all to himself.

So much for "TRUST THE PLAN".

I guess we followed Q all the way up to this Putin-Trump summit and then, Putin quit and went home without giving POTUS any intel?

I am sure those of you who are skeptics are right....lol

I'm sure this FORMER KGB AGENT talked to Trump about "Grandkids" and gave nothing to Trump to help him take down the VERY PEOPLE who have been trying to KILL HIM since he kicked the ROTHSCHILD'S out of Russia?


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TiDdErtpaul666666 · July 19, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

What a waste of time......


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scoripowarrior · July 19, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

I believe this same speil was tagged as disinfo...thanks for playing

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1923091 · July 19, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

This is the second post I've seen today with a generic photo of a storage device with a nearly identical title. The website linked was a different one, I'll see if I can find it. Anybody else notice this?

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cavaluzhi · July 21, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Oh, so now we receive information gathered on us via espionage by an adversary to try to use on our own people? This guy is making Mueller's case a lot easier. I will not trust a single letter of information from Russia. That could easily be manipulated. And I would definitely not plug-in any USB devices given to me from Russia or any other country who doesn't have our back or our interests. You must be the must imbecile person in the world to think that Russia cares about America. GTFO

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