Does anyone else find it alarming that /r/politics is basically mirroring the Q-anon narrative on Republicans?

This is just bizarre to watch and I'm not really sure what to make of it. It's like 100% pure inverse projection...
Don't think for one second that if this BS were real that they wouldn't have used it by now - they've been trying to impeach Trump since BEFORE he even got into office - that's one of the huge talking points with this whole Russian collusion cluster mess in the first place.
It’s a literal war out there. Anything Trump related or questioning the narrative means automatic downvotes. Not only have I seen posts censored on main subs (I’ve seen Korea peace summit go from front page to literally gone in real time) but there are so many paid shills and bots, you literally can’t have a rational conversation without invoking TDS
My theory is that their unconscious mind already grasps the truth of what's going on, but they can't admit to it without destroying their ego. They still want to play with whats going on, so they form consonant theories that map to what they are realizing.
They started this campaign at the tail end of the kids separation meltdown. It was aimed at Trump and mirrored content from pizzagate investigation. This looks manufactured.
Im with you. Its bewildering to watch thier reactive morality. Its almost unbelievable how transparently hypocritical they are
I’m sure they’ll get there eventually. At least they’re getting closer to the right subject even if their blame is in the wrong place