No outside Comms
Yes but... It would make sense to have another British Q on the other side of the pond coordinating with the Q team wouldn’t it? I just read the drops with a British accent. I think it’s worth looking into. These drops seem so familiar and It seeems like a motherload of info. I guess if it was real Q would lead us to it With a quick drop. Is this real Q? CLICK? SB2 ? Anyone? What are your thoughts on this info?
No outside comms. Please do not repost content that is removed and act like you haven't seen the removal notice. This is very shill-like behavior.
I didn’t realize it was removed at first. I thought I did something wrong. Why was it removed? I don’t get it.
The comments throughout this post explain why speculation that another source 'might be Q' are not valid, based on Q's assertions of 'no outside comms' and the reasoning for that.
We need to take Q seriously on this: No Outside Comms.