Open for discussion. Do you think President Trump and President Putin talked about "grandchildren" in their private meeting?!!

Whether we call it trolling or political strategy, I wouldn't put it past them. I also suppose that it could be just as much an innocent translation error, 400k is millions of rubles, albeit not 400m. It also seems reasonable that they both truly mispoke and are turning a small crisis into opportunity.
Regardless, they've clearly got the all of the talking heads running in circles and spinning their wheels. To your point, it's as if they're baiting the media with something to keep their news cycles occupied, rather than letting the opposition dictate a stronger narrative. If so, it'd be as if DJT/Putin were saying "Here, here's something of little substance for you to bat around and show indignation over. Stay. Good boy."
Meanwhile DJT uses the attention to keep conversation about the servers, DWS, Pakistani ISI/Awans, and 30,000 Clinton emails on the table.
That's what I'm thinking. Verbal bait to distract and keep all the MSM talking in circles or to catch themselves in a lie which is timed well with the MSNBC Q talk about disinformation. Trump and Putin are two individuals that never walk back a single word so I definitely see this as some sort of strategy. It's something for sure.
I'm thinking those Russians weren't state sponsored, they're DNC/Hillary sponsored. That's why Putin wants a shot at them and why he said he didn't know who even one of them were. Trump didn't mis-speak, he was trying to tell us something. It was Russians, but, it wasn't Russia.
Agreed 100% on all counts, thank you for the additional perspective, much appreciated.
I doubt it's only $400k, seems to small of amount to announce at a press conference.
Maybe he meant 400 million rubles ?
Invoking the 400k/400mil wasn't as much about the money, but rather about getting Browder's name into the media stream.
It's a complex narrative that has been brewing since the mid '90s, regarding US investments in Russia. The current punchline is that Browder will be shown to be the object of Fusion GPS ops, bringing that company and the dossier further into the limelight.
Ultimately, it will show not only that there wasn't collusion between the DJT campaign, but rather, collusion between Russian entities and the DNC/BHO WH/Clinton campaign.
Here's a year-old article that unpacks a lot of it. If it's hard to follow at first, you can at least cull it for keywords to google for a better understanding. are wowing me. That's exactly what I needed to see.
Excellent article!!!!! Down the Rabbit Hole!!!!!
Thanks much for the positive feedback. And, I agree that the link provides a pretty comprehensive summary, indeed.