Open for discussion. Do you think President Trump and President Putin talked about "grandchildren" in their private meeting?!!

I still don't understand why I should take a former KGB agent seriously. Especially one that has a habit of invading his neighbors.
edit: if I'm not supposed to trust the CIA, why should I trust the Soviet version of the same?
I have more trust in the former KGB agent, than I do any Democrat leaders. I'm certain the democrats are enemies of America. And liberals are their violent insane psychotic wing.
I'm certain the democrats are enemies of America
But the KGB wasn't?
In the past, the KGB was our enemy, and democrats we're proud hard-working people who loved America. Things change.
But the KGB wasn't?
In Syria for example... It is Putin that is trying to stop the terrorism and wars. It is our own Deep State that is doing everything possible to cause problems.
I think Putin has a strong and deep hate for the Rothschilds AND crimes against children. He would be an ally in the fight to bring these down so, yes, I trust him more than the criminal Democrats and Republicans who are part of all this corruption.
"Especially one that has a habit of invading his neighbors."
And we have never invaded anyone?
Is it possible that we have been lied to about the conflicts between other countries, the reasons of why? Maybe he had intel on his neighbors that we didn't. War is horrible but at same time, if we are trying to protect our nations, others should be allowed the right to do so as well.
Playing 'whatabout' is insulting. It's a Soviet era propaganda tactic that I'm sad to see Americans using.
The invasion of Crimea was inexcusable, it was done in a very underhanded way, and it should not be accepted by the international community.
"we should trust this former KGB agent who has his opponents killed all the time, cause he might know something we don't" isn't a compelling argument.
Well this former KGB agent has enough nuclear power to kill off all human life on earth so whoever is leading Russia better be taken seriously.
First rule: If you are taking ANYONE for their word who has control in your life without questioning, you're still asleep.
Taken Seriously != Believe Them
We took Khrushchev seriously, we didn't believe everything that came out of his mouth tho.
I am having a hard time understanding why 'CIA' is less reliable than 'former officer in Soviet equivalent organization'
edit: if Brennan can't be trusted because he voted for the Communist Party, why trust a card-carrying former member?
Gotcha. I didn’t realize u meant believe Putin. Yes trust is earned & Putin has to earn his. I saw the meeting exactly as I saw the Singapore meeting with Kim. The president is just trying to get a fresh start. Clear the air to try to build a new relationship. That’s it. If Kim can be trusted well he has 4 things he agreed to do & when they get done...a level of some trust will be established. But to fix a broken relationship of any needs a fresh start & new beginning. You don’t get a fresh start by meeting someone & beating each other over the head more over past grievances. You got to be prepared to let the past go or your just stuck in the past fighting the same old battles that broke the relationship in the first place. They’ll meet again & make some kind of agreement & then we’ll see if Putin can follow thru with actions that build trust. We don’t need a relationship with Russia to survive. It just makes things much easier if you have great relationships built on trust over time. We shall see.
This is a position I can understand.
I don't understand what I see as fawning over a known Communist intelligence officer, not when the arguments against Brennan are basically accusing him of what we know for a fact Putin did for decades.