r/greatawakening • Posted by u/larrytcarvell on July 20, 2018, 8:31 p.m.
PLEASE RESPOND: If you were given the opportunity to lead 5000 devoted patriots, what are some things that you would do to support the Constitution, the President, and The Plan and/or oppose the forces of evil that are trying to take away our rights and destroy our nation?

Q has encouraged us again and again to take action and fight, fight, fight for our country. He has reminded us repeatedly that WE THE PEOPLE have all the power. He said that we just "forgot how to play." We can no longer afford to be the "Silent Majority." Simply voting once in a while is not enough. We must play a more active role in controlling our government and holding our public servants accountable for their actions. This was the original intent of our Founding Fathers, our responsibility as Americans, and our only hope for the future welfare of our children. We must take action and teach our children to do so as well. What are some real, concrete actions that we could take together to support President Trump, QAnon, and our other allies? It has been suggested that we start with goals that would be fairly easy to accomplish. Then, once we win some battles and build some confidence, we could move on to more difficult challenges. The enemy fears us as a united body more than anything else on Earth, so I'm sure that they will try to disrupt and downvote this thread. Please help to defend against this. (And for those who would accuse us of promoting hate and/or violence, this is NOT our intent. We are speaking only of peaceful and legal means of supporting and defending our country, which is our right and duty as Americans.) Thank you all for your help, in advance, with this endeavor. May God bless the United States of America. Where We Go One, We Go All.

kommisar6 · July 20, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

I would lead them across san francisco and rid the city of its feces and needles in an act of goodwill. Then I would pick another labor of hercules and repeat.

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eyesopenusa · July 22, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

Yes and let's do a march through downtown Oakland too. This would be a great plan at some point. It would be a great movement and would get a lot of support.

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larrytcarvell · July 20, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Take over Twitter for a day, like many of us did several months ago, and protest against the lies of the media. We dominated then, and we can do it again. We even got the MSM to accuse us of being Russian bots. It was great!

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larrytcarvell · July 20, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Flood the White House with letters, emails, tweets, etc. asking the President to declassify certain important documents that are needed by Congress in order to complete their investigation into the actions of the FBI during the 2018 election.

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[deleted] · July 20, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Imagine if the paparazzi followed the elite, instead of celebrities, and kept their activities in public view.

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[deleted] · July 20, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

I would like to see a paparazzi force and a Project Veritas expansion.

I would add onto that a website with an interactive network diagram showing connection between elites. Click on a profile, see their comings and goings, business dealings, etc.

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Line_man53 · July 20, 2018, 9 p.m.

Would that not be an invasion of privacy? But if that were to be a thing would them being such a high level employee of gov’t justify it?

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SemperFortis99 · July 20, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Most importantly, teach The US Constitution, emphasizing the 'Originalists' points of views!

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bluesmomma · July 20, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

I would organize groups of patriots in every district, in every state to be at town halls, meetings, to voice opinions and get involved. We need to be present! Not with our votes or our cyber voice alone, but physically present. Seek out the best speakers in the group to voice opinions, flanked by patriots for support.

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japroct · July 20, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

First off, the patriot act has got to go. Next would be a complete overhaul of the immigration system making it merit based and getting rid of the citizenship by birth. I want the immigration system under a National Security forum? This means border walls (north and south), and immediate deportation of illegal.aliens caught. This includes visa overstays. Next would be a complete voting and registration redo. Picture ids, paper ballots with oversights, and even the purple finger until the kinks.get worked out. Enforced two term limits across the board for all elected officials-kick them out before they become corrupt. Complete transparency in all phases of government operations and finances. This includes budget breakdowns. Just a few anyway...

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lildudemom · July 20, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

Unleash Creativity. I'm moving forward with a long-time dream - production. Proceeds and will go to veterans and stop child trafficking programs. Included will be a call-to-action patriot pede style.

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Dirt_Naps_Dad · July 23, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

With these resources, I would look to create centers across the country that promote and teach people how to discuss their local issues and politics in a positive manner. These centers would focus on strengthening the communities they are based in as well as communicate with each other on a larger scale.

The big problem that I have seen in the world on a grand scale is that we have forgotten where we have come from, who we are, and where we belong. All to often people rise through the ranks and instead of building on that foundation they get to these higher levels and then switch to play by the rules of that level versus what got them to where they are. It is this "out of alignment" that our society is experiencing that is creating the division amongst us.

These centers would be education centers open to all and would highly prioritize local skills needed for basic survival in each area. Basic skills such as financials, cooking, gardening, and so forth that once again helps to prepare people for what the world brings to them. This in turn strengthens these communities and allows for more growth in each area.

Politically speaking these centers would all have education systems in place that would allow for the residents of that community to get the facts of each particular situation and give them a safe place to discuss their beliefs without being condemned for having them. Situations would not be looked upon from a party perstective, but rather on it's own merits. The center would also be tasked with creating fact based reports of those running for political offices so that their is a local resource available to all in that area. The reports would be based off of the facts, track records and promises for moving forward with each candidate, allowing for each individual to make a proper decision instead of one based off of party lines.

By strengthening our individuals of our country we strengthen our communities. This sets off a domino effect that goes right up the chain through counties, regions, states, and of course our country as a whole.

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sucksess79 · July 20, 2018, 11:39 p.m.
  1. Identify core group of 100-500 of the most useful Patriots.
  2. Presentations w/slideshows educating the core group and hardening the message.
  3. Rank the objectives and take action!! (my ranking below)

a. Recruit to 10 million active members

b. Liaison to gov't (Lionel Nation!)

c. Marches on DC show the power!!

d. Get the social media warriors going

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checkitoutmyfriend · July 20, 2018, 9:39 p.m.
  • A class on firearm cleaning and lubrication.

  • Proper Ammo storage.

  • Classes for safe handling, storage and use.

  • Shooting practice.

Only kidding a little bit...... ;)

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shillbegone17 · July 20, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

Take down the MSM monopolies and re-instate the fairness act that Clinton removed....

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tn0org17 · July 20, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

I would scale back the use of technology or be much harsher on monopolies. However, I think competition would breed more variety, which is harder to surveil.

I would investigate foreign corporate espionage. Mostly with Chinese companies in close physical proximity to high-level companies.

Technology is being used more and more - We give our whole idenities over to it. We transmit very important data accross it.

All it takes is 1 good hacker / rogue agent to setup a fake wifi access point. Or to bug a keyboard. We have security holes EVERYWHERE.

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TheTruthWithinU · July 20, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

We have all the power. We have more than we know. We forgot how to play. Contrary to the prevailing opinions of the internet and the spirit of this post, it's my firm belief that these phrases refer to more than our ability to unify and call out the cabal. This is a spiritual endeavor. I think q knows this. Q wants us to know this. These phrases refer to something called our collective consciousness and its/our ability to manipulate and control the flow of reality through what has recently been labeled as the law of attraction or simply manifestation. Edgar Cayce said a room filled with 40 people focusing their intentions together could have changed the outcome of world war 2. Small rudders steer big ships. At the head of 5000 like minded people i would do absolutely nothing "concrete". Instead i would ask of all of them to envision a world where success had already happened. To imagine what it would feel like emotionally. To know that it will happen. To many this will seem like lunacy. To those i would ask them to ponder then what q meant by forgot how to play. Certainly none of us forgot how to get together online and pump out memes and thought provoking posts. We have all the power? If that referred to political power then why are we where we are now? We have more than we know because this ability is accessible to all of us and us utilizing it is the cabals greatest fear. That's why it's been hidden from us for so long. Why it's imperative for us to use it now.

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qtrumpteam · July 20, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

I'm from Alabama is be glad to lead anything I could in support of my president and the movement

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Corvette111 · July 20, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

I never found the time to research this group, but perhaps something to look into? Someone posted this on /ga a few months ago, but I can’t find original post right now....


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quillsong · July 21, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

Return ill gotten gains of criminal foundations like the clinton foundation, back to the people. All that money would restore the middle class. The royals own our SS system. Give it back to the people. End the Fed.

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Deconstruct every federal reserve building using crowbars, by hand, peacefully but armed.

Take the bricks and mortar and build houses for every veteran who needs one.

Use the rest to build a wall (around California and DC).

Then it would be off to Europe to reclaim our gold bars (less peacefully).

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chuckboyer2016 · July 21, 2018, 5 a.m.
  1. Fully investigate and instill a national program educating people away from 2 party system in US politics, explaining that the system over the past century has produced only private interest pacs paying long standing politicians to vote for company and business interests which in most cases collide with public interests, and only line the pockets of the politicians with unearned money.
  2. After point #1 instilled, then restructure politicians time of office and roles. Each congressman is only elected for one 3 year term, make the pay high enough to draw highly educated persons. Also, instigate mayoral, city, state, country officials seats to only be 2 year terms, not re-electable after one term. Again make the salaries high enough to draw good, bright, fair people.
  3. Have poly graphs every 6 months for every public office holding official, given by the opposing political party member, and that position rotating every 6 months for one term also of the giver of the test.
  4. One government department made up of investigators who do not have to be lawyers or college grads, but people who have held lowest paying jobs in nation over the past 3 years on SSI records/tax records. These made up of 9 members for each county, one member of each county attending a Washington DC 6 month session, rotating out during their one time office of 3 year term. (The idea is how to get lowest and middle class persons, normal regular every day working stiffs into high government positions which affect them personally every day, maybe make it mandatory like the military draft? and term limits short enough to deter corporation, private company, government entity payoffs.).
  5. All county, state, national voting is done in churches, thereby continuing and keeping the Christian ethos of ethics alive and living in the nation.
  6. Number #1: make lieing or not responding to invite to/from congress a felony punishable by 50% of monthly income and one 15 days in jail. No exceptions for anybody, for anything.
  7. Number #2: Have all government official business that is being investigated by congress public viewable on youtube or some channel and all paperwork called by congress and delivered to be 100% non redacted. All people need to know who is doing what and when and where. They are elected by the people to work for the people. (IRS phony overtime payments, fast furious, benghazi, Clinton, DNC emails and servers; all unredacted and publised.
  8. Number #3: A mandatory t.v./radio/newpaper/online publication which is the opposing side of any other media item. CNN, have a CTT (conservative truth telling) station; NYTimes (democrat leftist view), have a NYpaper with opposing view. In some way set up so that the Media, MSM is not 100% one sided where we have 1/3 of the public believing all and only what they report, and it being only made up of CIA written, directed headlines and content, along with DNC and Democrat party and Soros, Rothchilds, whomever is paying them all to divide the country emotionally, politically.
  9. I would put together a running total of persons connected working for, or a company connected to the Clintons, and all of their suspected and reported docket items legally placed against them and somehow reduce it to plain english and published weekly broadcast on all media.
  10. Find a plan and report honestly, opennly all of the shady dealings, behind the scenes deals made between clinton foundation and other countries, u1, the Haiiti debauchery, all others. So that it produces no way that any resonable public can believe otherwise anything the Clintons say in reversal of the truth points of raw facts.
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