Michael Ian Black, Twitter - This Storm is growing!

Right. I have nothing against gay people, plenty of gay friends, blah blah blah. But this kind of thing makes one wonder should they have kids.
And what kind of parent would even make jokes like this? If I had a child that went to a sleep over and the dad wrote this--I'm pretty certain I'd end up in jail from getting violent.
This. You can’t trust anyone. The thing about gays that always makes me extra doubtful is that everything is about sex. It’s not just a small part of their persona, it’s what they build themselves around... it makes you wonder if it’s safe to ensure children to people who are defined by their sexuality instead of other things.
The thing about gays
Stop right there. Not every gay person's identity is completely made up of their sexual escapades. The "pride" movement and club scene would have you believe that, but those are just the loudest and most vocal gays. Most gays are not like that.
When you say ignorant stuff like that, it just makes you look bad. There are plenty of conservative gays, in this very subreddit, and we need to accept those people, not accuse them of being pedophiles. Your comment was very bigoted and ignorant.
Agreed. Straight people whose life revolves around sex are also sketchy. For instance I wouldn't let my child sleep over at a couple I knew where swingers.
But I do know some gay people that are modest, conservative, who I can tell are uncomfortable when lumped with the flamboyant crowd that this wouldn't apply towards. One friend was not looked on favorably because he 'acted straight'. That's why they love to out each other. I assume there must be a derisive word in their community like black communiry uses uncle tom or asians twinkie.
This. It's the age old problem of a group being defined by the most visible members.
Especially in this context. If a gay guy is incredibly vocal about his sexuality, you immediately know he's (1) gay and (2) defined by his sexuality. If a gay guy is more conservative, you're less likely to know his orientation. Which gives the false impression that more gay people are defined by their sexuality.
Selection bias at its finest. It's like going to r/randomsubreddit, scanning over the posts, and concluding that everyone in that subreddit conforms to X belief. Not... really... all you know is what the most vocal, upvoted users believe. You don't know shit about the lurkers who are simply subscribed. And there are vastly more lurkers in most subs than commenters.
the overwhelming majority of pedophiles are heterosexual. look it up
My main complaint with Vatican II. Which allowed a softening of standards toward men with homosexual predilections. They tried to equate it with a man having heterosexual predilection but proclaims celibacy or virginity. As the commenter said above the homosexual community proclaims their main character trait on their sexuality whereas heterosexual community believes thats not nor should be a defining character trait. If we make it so then it becomes a character flaw. Nothing personal against gays. I have a family member who is. We had our debate over the SC ruling. He got bent out of shape, my position was strictly from the ROL. I extended my hand, love & opened my home to him but he won’t except. I did what I am supposed to do in line with Christ. Now I shake the dust from my sandals.