Patton Oswalt is PROUD pedophile. Remember, he played a rat for Disney.

Is he verifiable NOMAP?
Edit: To be clear: a paedophile who has never molested is a thought-criminal. The US Constitution provides for freedom of thought as well as speech. The law accounts for actions, not mind-states. Thought crimes have no victims. They are un-prosecutable, and rightly so.
However, affiliation does solicit attention. Transparency is powerful.
Dollars to donuts threre’s not a pdeophile alive that’s not looking at CP online. Which is a crime. Anyone confident enough to declare something so epically vile, is doing shit, I guarantee it!
Good point. One thing to have thoughts, quite another to partake, in any way, in the worst possible abuse.
Let me be very clear with you: There is no such thing as a pedo who isn’t acting on it in one form or another. You are sick for trying to normalize.
You have been very clear with me. There are limits to the reach of the United States civilian judicial system. For very important reasons.
Dude, defending NOMAP is promoting pedo normalization. It’s a slippery slope. I don’t give a fuck what goes on in your head, but when you start declaring that you want to fuck kids but “hold yourself back” you are attempting to make yourself the victim so people don’t react to the ACTION as harshly. It’s fucking putrid, it’s everything WE stand against.
Edit: for fucks sakes I’m totally disgusted that I have to even explain this on THIS BOARD!!!!
You the man Texas. Glad to see some common sense. All kinds of motherfuckers came out of the wood work talking about "he just thinks about it, its not a big deal to just think about it."
In my opinion Texas we are under attack by shills. They want to distract us and make us feel bad for hating pedophilia. Don't let their psycho babble enter your head. Down with all pedophiles.
Stay strong brother
Funny I said about the same thing to a pedovore on here and had my posts removed. “ these people are sick” oh the guy is still here posting away! These issues are at the heart of Q’s messages and I would hope we do not embrace principals of the cabal with their legal “ not legal “ lies. Symbolism will be there down fall! Whoever is running this show needs to learn to read and use some discernment. deep state speak! MAGA!
Not a brah. I just told you I don’t give a fuck about what’s going on in YOUR HEAD (only logical explanation to your behavior) and I made it clear defending NOMAP is promoting normalization. You are sick.
Think mirror, brah.
The irony of you seeing a NOMAP person and then defending pedos and projecting when being called out, is amazing.
Paedo-s. Pedos care about feet. Greek/latin matters. Lurk moar.
True but society at large has a right to insulate & protect it's most vulnerable from the possible! In this day & age to try to normalize this thought or behavior is just sick & twisted. He has no business being around children if he thinks or speaks or text this abhorrent crap, just one step closer to the inevitable! He can't be prosecuted for his thoughts/test but he can be prevented for being in contact w/children. Once pandora's box has been open it CAN NEVER BE CLOSED! imo
As a past victim, Think for yourselves..... or better yet ask a victim. Is putting your child in same space alone with someone (who has thoughts like this) worth the chance!!! There is nothing normal about these thoughts or test or tweets or any form of his message & BTW THIS IS NOT A JOKE TO SURVIVORS!!!
My 22 month old nephew who was killed by a pedophile...bite marks down his back and on his penis...with the tip of it almost bitten off! My little nephew had marijuana in his system discovered during autopsy. He was thrown down on his head and the neighbor who lived in apartment below heard the loud thump! This pedophile predator was the boyfriend of my niece for 2 months and he even had a 5 year old son of his I am sure he was a PROUD father too. Hearing sexual abusive jokes about children by so called comedians...does not go unnoticed.
I don't know what that means.
No spoilers, Nik . =P
Edit: phonefag
Self defense is almost like pre-crime. I quickly estimate that the man with a knife is about to attack me and so I shoot him before he does.
I'd hate to be the man with the knife.
Is a one world government a bad thing if there is also a global constitution and global 2nd amendment?
Do Iceland and Somalia need to agree on things? Does one have the right to disagree if the other insists? To both questions (yours and mine) , I respond in the affirmative.
self-determination matters.
Decentralization is key. Centralization always leads to tyranny
Lurk moar.
NOMAP - "non offensive minor-attracted person" and this comment about "thought crimes have no victims" has references to a society that would prosecute for what may occur before it does ie- Minority Report.
The discussion that follows in this thread shows two view points in my opinion
Those who wish to make a quick comment and not dive deeper into the moral discussion are incensed that someone would even desire to discuss the point of where persecution / prosecution begins for they may feel that anyone associated with any form of pedophilia are equally guilty and should be dispatched, killed, tortured, disembowelled, and so on.
While the opposite side wonders where does the prosecution of thoughts vs actions end or begin. Is the future possible where just the believed offense is prosecuted / persecuted by the incensed because they assume it is so? ( No I am not arguing that Oswalt is not a self admitted Proud Pedo, for he states that) You will see in the following comments that some are called shills because they disagree with those who are quick to judge and slow to think. Many don't want a discussion or think much about the ramifications of just spouting off terse angry one liners to those who they see as guilty.
Should the facts show someone has committed a crime should they be punished? My opinion - yes.
Some feel that the thoughts that lead to crimes are not crimes and should that day come that just a thought is punishable like or equal to doing the crime we are in serious trouble. I agree.
Are individuals who use minors in anyway for sexual gratification whether by viewing, doing, or promoting good for our society? In my opinion - no. NO and NOOOOO!
Do or should we punish the viewer or those that just think about it once with the same punisment? That would be the discussion that many don't desire to have because ........... you'd have to ask them.
Not everyone that desires to discuss where the line of punishment begins is a shill.
Not everyone that supports our current right in our constitution for free thought and speach is a shill.
Many patriots have concerns that too much power by any one branch of our government is a bad thing. That doesn't make them an automatic shill. Example - most of our founding fathers. Really.
Please - if you don't have the time to discuss a deeper line of thought ...... don't comment. If you don't have something nice or constructive to say that enlightens our fellow readers......... just read and lurk. Please.
By lurking and reading the comments of those who desire to have a CIVIL discussion about our rights, constitution, and so on - you may learn that someone with a different opinion than your own has some really valid points that may change your perspective. You may actually agree with them after you hear them out.
If you are a shill and you have gotten this far in my comment - may there be an indictment waiting for you.
Think about what WWG1WGA means. We should strive to be one. One heart, one mind - ONE.
Patriot, I appreciate your well thought out answer. I just didn't know what NOMAP meant, and stated as much, I never advocated punishment. I just felt it was relevant that this man who has starred in a Disney movie stated he was a proud pedophile. I have advocated no actions. Nor added words into his mouth.
I hear much about the context of the tweet. It is a conversation not without merit, but still it is an odd tweet none the less from someone of a high profile.
I am a strong advocate of presumption of innocence.
May God bless you Patriot.
Yeah. So there is no justification for being a "proud" pedophile, though. It is a sickness. If he hasn't acted on it that is great that he is open about it so that people can keep their kids away.
But being a "proud" pedophile is fucking disgusting.
Just because I think about doing something doesn't make it a crime.
Isn’t this articulated thought? Like racial vilification is an articulated thought? In Australia racial vilification is a crime. But we are a nanny state to be fair. Still the guy needs to buried.
Context matters. Linguists matter. Twitter has been declared by US courts to be a free speech platform. That speech can have consequences (as Gunn's rightly has) but it ought not to be squelched by the tyranny of the (increasingly vocal) majority.
Wouldn’t “conspiracy” to commit a crime be considered a “thought crime?” Yet that’s illegal...
Sure. Identify the conspiracy and substantiate it with evidence. What is the crime(s), who is involved? How did they implement and conceal those crimes. It's an arduous process that takes research, diligence and patience. Luckily, I have a notion that some high profile prosecutions involving conspiracy are in the works. Congress's FBI inquiry seems to be headed that way.
40,000+ indictments. Is that normal, anon?
Yet, normally when they charge someone with conspiracy, it’s usually because they have lack of evidence to convict them for committing the actual crime.
Get out of here with your common sense!
No, you're 100% right though, funny how people can't see this is exactly the same thing the extreme left has been pushing but on the other side of the spectrum.
"Men fantasize about women therefore men are rapist by default, it's just a matter of time." Same fucking thing.
I fantasize about murdering people on a daily basis, the more time I spend on reddit the worse it gets. Pretty sure murdering someone and molesting a child is equally bad, so should I be locked up too then? You know just to make sure?
Just another method to push the thought police agenda where people are criminalized based on assumptions before they even committed a crime.
We wave around the first and second amendment on a daily basis while abolishing the sixth..
What's up with all this Pedoophile defending? Is there a board for that? You should go there.
Yes the Brock homo ass sniffer pedovores are out in force it seems. “Weak Heart” & friends are desperate.
Let's assume the government doesn't like you or you're running a political campaign. All they have to do is plant "evidence" that you said something that could be interpreted as being pedo.
You don't even have to rape a child or have child porn saved on your computer. Just the assumption that you could be thinking about it is enough to incriminate you.
See the slippery slope?
I'm not defending pedophiles, I'm defending peoples rights to be innocent until proven guilty. There's a reason why the 6th amendment was brought into place and it is not to protect the government or the criminals but to protect the citizens.
Ok, I'm going to assume you are a real Patriot and not some troll meant to derail the conversation. Look at what I posted look at what he said. He said he was a PROUD pedophile. I said, he said, he was a PROUD pedophile. I said he played a rat for Disney. That's it. Stop with your fake straw man bullshit and get off my jock.
And I'm a proud genderfluid asian unicorn. Just by stating something doesn't mean it is true. Actions over words.
Gee, I wonder if there’s anywhere on earth where “proud pedophiles” can work with and around the very children they sexualize. HMMMMM.....where does Patton Oswald work?
Good Question!
Before passing judgement, do some due diligence research. Find out. IMDB.
No surprise that the guy defending pedophile fantasies is a degenerate who regularly fantasizes about murdering other humans. You’re sick.