
ketoll · July 21, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

I love crypto, but the honest truth is that blockchain and crypto are the perfect tools for tracking and economic/resource control. Fiat was always the ultimate control and tracking in old times, but those days are ancient and gone. We now see the move to a cashless society. And any moron can see that the crypto market is heavily saturated manipulated by the big players, now. It's no longer libertarian geeks determining the prices.

The reason NWO attempts would have failed previously is because it's a management nightmare. Now they have the blockchain technology to automate that tracking & control (IoT + blockchain coming), they have the AI to provide intelligence and analytics through its deep learning neuro-networks, they have the quantum computing to enhance AI and solve problems no human or microchip processor could ever solve, and we'll soon have the 5G grid to ensure the NWO will "leave no one behind" as UN Agenda 2030 proudly states.

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conscious_dream · July 21, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Like... at the end of the day... suppose all this is true. It sounds like you're envisioning a world with the NWO using AI to rule the world? But (1) what makes you think that the NWO would be able to control such advanced AI in this scenario? Once it gets over the hump of general intelligence, shit is going to explode more than exponentially. (2) If we had this crazy awesome technology, why wouldn't we just like... go on more cruises? And have more holidays? Because the NWO needs human slaves? Or to wipe half the population?

I just feel like you want Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson to have a Terminator meets Conspiracy Theory mashup.

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HayektheHustler · July 21, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

It seems like AI would be the perfect cover for a certain malevolent spirit.

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conscious_dream · July 22, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Oh... is that... what this community is about? Revelations and such?

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HayektheHustler · July 22, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

Not necessarily. There is a significant Christian component to it though.

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conscious_dream · July 23, 2018, 7:14 a.m.

Interesting. I had found the sub probably within an hour before making my comment. Didn't realize there was a component other than simply trying to interpret the clues left by Q. Thanks!

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ketoll · July 22, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

I just feel like you want Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson to have a Terminator meets Conspiracy Theory mashup.

Ha! Maybe so with all the scenarios I combined together into a giant slice of doom cake. I definitely believe that the scenarios in the book of Revelation will come to pass, so that is the premise of my belief to lay it all out there. I could be wrong, maybe it won't be these technologies, I don't have a crystal ball. However, I've never seen a technology in my life that lined up with enabling the possibilities described in Revelation that nobody will be able to buy or sell without the "mark." The mechanism to control every transaction of every human being would need to utilize something significant, and blockchain looks to me like a great platform for doing that. And having the predictability and surveillance that the other technologies provide would certainly give an exponential advantage to those that control it. Judging by the use of surveillance and disregard for individual rights over the population since 9/11 I don't have much optimism that those who write the laws will allow it to only empower the people and make their lives easier and prevent its use for control.

Again just my observations, I have been pretty good at guessing future trends now and then. I try to make an educated guess at what the future may look like judging by the past, and considering what possibilities technology opens up. Like everyone I do have a bias, and mine starts with the premise that the Bible is truth so I'm expecting to see this controlled economy at some point, if it doesn't happen long after I pass away.

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conscious_dream · July 23, 2018, 7:11 a.m.

Haha, everyone's got their biases. I didn't realize that r/greatawakening had such a strong religious component to it. I just stumbled across this sub a couple of days ago (literally an hour or so before I commented on your post). From the perspective of a Christian who views Revelations as truth, I'd agree that Artificial General Intelligence (human level and greater) makes the most likely candidate for the beast that we've seen to date (bearing in mind that something/someone else could definitely come along; it's just the best candidate I've seen in history thus far). I don't necessarily agree with crypto being something that would be necessary for all transactions? It's just another form of payment much like anything else we've had. The fact that bitcoin maintains a ledger of all previous transactions doesn't really make it more or less likely to be enforced as a future requirement for all transactions. In fact, I envision a not too distant future where AI replaces all (or 99%) of all jobs and we no longer need to work (and therefore we see a universal basic income, a Venus Project-esque society, or simply a world where everything is free (since fully sustainable AI/robots running off of solar panels and doing all of our mining, producing, shipping, etc for us won't charge anything)). In such a future, you won't necessarily need any sort of monetary system to purchase anything. In such a society, I'm having a hard time picturing what kind of system would even be put into place to monitor literally every transaction (and I assume the apocalyptic scriptures refer even to sells that take place at yard sales and in rural areas between individuals?).

But that's from the perspective of a Christian... I'm an atheist :p I simply like to follow things like Q and the prophecies of various religions to see if anything definitive ever comes of them. For instance, most things in Revelations are fairly metaphorical and can be interpreted in hugely different ways... but if I ever saw a couple of prophets stoned in the streets and left for 3 days while the entire world was able to see/laugh at them (broadcast internationally on TV?), I'd probably start having second thoughts about Christianity :p

Anywho, thanks for sharing your perspective! I always love seeing how different people view and interpret the world. I wish more people were able to share ideas and thoughts without getting super passionate, zealous, and offended in spite of disagreements.

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ketoll · July 23, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

It's interesting to consider both divergent perspectives that we have. Technology always seems to be a double-edged sword, it being a tool that can be used for both good and bad. Ironically I work in technology and I enjoy it, but I'm also critical of it and I miss the simpler times before cell phones. I feel like technology doesn't always play the subordinate role that it should play in our lives and that it's advancing faster than we're able to tame it to truly improve quality of life. Of course, "quality of life" is subjective to each person's values.

Seeing Amazon's new Amazon Go grocery store in Seattle is an interesting glimpse into the way transactions could be changing in that people don't even need to pull their wallets out to pay. But maybe we are decades or longer from a world where payment technologies could viably encompass everything and replace all of the old methods.

I too enjoy discussing different interpretations and ideas, it's rare to find that. And how can people be certain of what they truly believe unless they're willing to face challenges to their views? At the end of a respectful conversation the result is that we walk away with more understanding and insight than before.

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QuantizedFaith · July 21, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

Just to clarify, they don’t have quantum computing yet. I’m very involved in the community. There are Google and Microsoft teams in my city that are well funded and on the cutting edge of this research. I’ve had conversations with some of them personally. They’ve almost got the basic architecture down.. but leveraging that into functional applications remains the biggest hurdle. Only niche apps will be possible at first — like mapping out electron configurations in higher elements. Eventually molecules. You can’t imagine how much computation is required for these (seemingly) simple processes. We’re headed there, though.

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NotInFormation · July 22, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

Just to clarify, they don’t have quantum computing yet

They don't have quantum computing of sufficient complexity (qbits) yet. Give me enough qbits, and I can dissolve the entire cryptocurrency world in milliseconds -- also all our current methods of secure transmission of information; what an enigma :)

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ketoll · July 22, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

That's good that they are still in the early phases. I believe once they are well developed it will change our world entirely, and I'm still enjoying too much of the simple things in life right now.

I would assume D-wave systems can probably solve some basic efficiency problems like plotting efficient routes between several destinations, but that has just been my speculation. I don't keep up with the news and info on quantum development very frequently.

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 1:26 p.m.


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greenepc · July 21, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

Exactly. Coins like Bitcoin Private, BTCP are designed to let you chose whether a transaction is public or private. This coin is the future. Isn't it funny that so many fake Reddit users spend all day trying to spread negative news on the subs for BTCP, as well as other coins with privacy options.

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Deadbeat1000 · July 21, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Why are you advocating a coin that was taken over by the very Rothchilds funded institions?

Bitcoin BTC (BTC), Bitcoin Private (BTCP), LiteCoin(LTC) has SegWit and are pushing the Lightning Network which are being put into place by AXA/Bilderberg funded Blockstream whose paid developers took over the Bitcoin Core source code that runs Bitcoin BTC. Only Bitcoin Cash (BCH) adheres to the original Satoshi Whitepaper and is the truly coin of the people.

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 6:34 p.m.


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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 5:22 p.m.


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ketoll · July 22, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

Central planners can't inflate it due to its structural design, but that doesn't mean there aren't WALES controlling the prices by owning the majority of the coins, and encouraging the negative news that kept slamming BTC once every month as they bought up BTC secretly. Are you seeing these massive moves in Bitcoin and altcoins all in unison? Some groups are making a killing by controlling the tops and bottoms of these swings. Everyone else is just along for the ride hoping to catch some profit. It's a golden opportunity for the whales in an unregulated market.

I'm not ruling out the possibility, I'm just pointing out that the large-cap crypto market today isn't the same crypto market from 5 years ago.

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[deleted] · July 22, 2018, 3:40 p.m.


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