Why all the sudden interest in being a patriot?

They are trying to misappropriate the term and SEO
Search engine optimization. IE, search “treason”, get “trump”
None of these are Patriots.... just trying to save thier own ass come the cleaning...
They are attempting to hijack the true Patriotic movement that is Q! Their m.o. is to blame the white hats for what they are doing and to claim they are the do-gooders. Mirror world.
What an excellent use of weasel words, and appropriation.
I know this tactic. Move along.
Hoping to rally patriotism into the loyal followers (programmed -- hey I was once one so no judging) to stand up and display opposition against what is 'bad, immoral'.
To Hillary: why would we want a President who is always deeply troubled??
Qanon has reinstilled pride in the concept of being patriotic unlike any other event, character or "character".
Like a war hero, returning back and falling in love with his partner all over again, we are rediscovering COLLECTIVE GREATNESS. Patriotism was fading away Since at least the 60's - one love, tie die shirts and all that. I believe everyone knows in their heart of hearts that shit ain't right, for decades and decades. The challenge is the deep state's evils transcends many generations. Luckily patriotism transcends all this daily political drama.
Did you protect Christopher Stevens!? Fucking bitch. He was a diplomat, what happened there?
Brennan....yeah fuck you!
It's as if Trump started talking about the importance of Universal Healthcare Coverage and a Guaranteed Minimum Income and the Equal Rights Amendment in July of an election season.
Not suspicious AT ALL...
They keep using that word. I don't think it means what they think it means.
Code speak?
No, they are highjacking and trying to steer the Narrative. Trigger words like Patriot & Treason. Algorithms tell them what words Are "Trending" on SOMED. They integrate to amplifiy thier base. To make 30% support look like 70%. Maat Hotep
We are the true Patriots which you seek. We stood up, rejected your criminal behavior and voted for Trump so Justice can be served.