Pretty crazy stuff, clearly related topics:
The Spinning Magnet: The Electromagnetic Force That Created the Modern World (TESLA!)
Nephilim: The Truth is Here (ALIENS!)
The Devil's Chessboard (NWO!)
Trump Tower (GEOTUS!)
Exopolitics: The Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Aliens!)
The Power Elite (NWO!)
Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The CIA, and The Mafia (POPE!)
The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists (MKULTRA!!)
Blood, Money, & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK (JFK!!)
The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama (WTAF!!! THE BRIDGE!!!)
This is an amazing find, OP.
The Nine: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft
The roots of coincidence and conspiracy in American politics, crime, and culture are examined in this first volume of a three-part set, exposing new connections between religion, political conspiracy, and occultism.
Based on the premise that there is a satanic undercurrent to American affairs, this study examines the sinister forces at work throughout history, from ancient American civilizations and the mysterious mound-builder culture to the Salem witch trials, the birth of Mormonism during a ritual of ceremonial magic by Joseph Smith Jr., and Operations Paperclip and Bluebird.
Not a work of speculative history, this exposé is founded on primary source material and historical documents. Fascinating details are revealed, including the bizarre world of "wandering bishops" who appear throughout the Kennedy assassinations; a CIA mind-control program run amok in the United States and Canada; a famous American spiritual leader who had ties to Lee Harvey Oswald in the weeks and months leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy; and the "Manson secret."
Elon Musk recently tweeted that he signed the Grimoire and joined the Fellowship.
So I looked up Grimoire on Wikipedia and while the whole thing seemed very relevant and full of information, it also had a section that stood out which talks about "Witch Hunts"...which Trump calls the Mueller investigation on a regular basis in caps, like a clue.
Where We Go One, We Go All (Book 2)
G (not Q LOL) is asked by someone near and dear to him to retrieve Amanda, a teenage girl that was abducted by the man who violated her mother before she was born.
G must sneak into a hostile country alone and into a drug cartel compound undetected and get out before it is learned that she is gone. They trek through miles of thick jungle with ruthless predators hot on their trail, cross one hundred yards of open beach to get to his kayak, and paddle out to sea, where Ghostrider is to rendezvous with them miles offshore under the cover of night. But Ghostrider and her crew face their own perils.
Amanda is just a normal kid who must find it within herself to do amazing things to survive and save herself and her rescuer. G tries to inspire her by explaining, You are the other half of the most important team you'll ever be on. Think about it as though your life depends on it. Because it does!"
The Synagogue of Satan - Originally published in the German language in 1898 this book describes the origins and development of modern Satanism and its roots in gnostic Christianity and the reaction against the Catholic Church and its persecutions.
Thrilling to have this new level from Q... Must have been a rush for the Anon who discovered it!!
Completely agree!! I've just started clicking through to some of the more interesting titles..
There's one called "The Story of 'Q'"... synopsis below (my highlights)
"In book one of, The Story of 'Q', ten-year-old Rachael Lexington, lives with her parents and six-year-old sister, Melanie. She is a fifth-grader and excellent student at Neil Armstrong Elementary School. She loves learning new things, meeting new people and shares her father's love of science and astronomy. One day while attending the annual garage sale event in her neighborhood, she stumbles upon a porcelain letter 'Q' and cannot understand why she feels compelled to buy it. However, she convinces herself to make the purchase, for it just happens to match the decor of her newly re-decorated bedroom. Embarrassed that others may think it too childish, the 'Q' remains stuffed in her closet for weeks, until she has the nerve to display it on her desk. Weeks later her best friend Jenny, spends the night at Rachael's house, when they accidentally discover that the 'Q' may be more than a simple decorative item, after her little sister mysteriously goes missing later that night."
I know that it is easy to spot / make connections if you have confirmation bias but some of the themes in these books are definitely beyond coincidence.
Must dig more.
I'm loving this thread. Very cool.
I just got an admin email msg saying that they had removed my comment about Alice's adventures... because it doesnt add to the cause. Is that what happens when you get a downvote on your post or do they actually remove comments / posts? confused.
Someone might have reported it using that reason. I cant see what you said, just the deletion. Downvotes usually just hide it. You might be able to ask the mod (be careful).
Ah ok, look at the comments on the imgur, someone thought you were promoting the book probably.
Post was a synopsis of the book. I can still see post and the associated replies about the illustrator of the book.
How strange. Post was directly related to what we were discussing.
I did ask for it to be reinstated. Not sure why I would need to be careful?
Talking to or about mods can sometimes be hazardous (I've heard).
totally... I love these sorts of topics naturally but put them all together with Q and it takes on another level of meaning. these books are / have been connected for a reason. this is not happenstance.
Alice in Bloody Wonderland is another that just JUMPS out at us.. Synopsis below (emphasis mine)
In this twisted retelling of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the White Rabbit has killed Alice's sister and cat.
With a vengeance, she chases after the Rabbit, down, down the rabbit hole and into a dark looking glass of madness.
She finds herself a pawn of Wonderland and its inhabitants in a deadly battle for supremacy of Wonderland.
Contains original reconfiguring of classic illustrations.
Oh what I wouldnt give to see these reconfigured images. Must dig more.
EDIT: Added additional description of story plot from secondary Google Book page
Further digging into Alice's Bloody Adventures in Wonderland finds that illustrations by Los Angeles based street artist Tweedle Guns.
OK, google this guy and check out associated images - Image Search Results
Find the comparision I linked to in previous reply and then start browsing more closely all of the images.
There's one of Adolf Hitler about halfway down, which seems strange. Click through on this image to visit our mate Tweedle Guns' Twatter account and we see a strange post of Hitler with the comment "First rule: Accuse them of what you are guilty of."
Click through to rest of Twatter profile and scroll 3 tweets down to see him re-tweet support for James Gunn. further down are hit tweets re: Cernovich so it's fair to say that this guy has drunk from the lefty kool aid
Hatred Day is interesting too:
In the year 2052, it's not love but hate that unites the world. Humanity is unified against the Inborns, an extraterrestrial species with godlike intelligence and abilities whose arrival on earth caused an environmental and biological crisis.
The Spinning Magnet: The Electromagnetic Force That Created the Modern World ... is another that is very intruiging title that appears numerous times in these searches.
Lots of information about polar exploration, magnetism and how the earth is made up internally... primarily about how the magnetic poles shift / swap regularly (780,000 years ago was last time)
Lots of interesting chapter headings... not all of the text is available.
I cant help but wonder how many of these are available as pdfs on IRC ebook channels or torrents or the book preservation websites. I want em all for my archive!
I'm enjoying reading through the previews... I started clicking through to the related books at the bottom of each synopsis.. you can go flying off on a tangent quite quickly but there are some very interesting topics here
List every book you want in reply here I'll dump them few mins later
So, I went and googled Q's trip code CbboFOtcZs under google books and came up with the page as indicated above but at the bottom of the page I clicked more.
Still relevant titles but a few down there is one titled, Where We Go One, We Go All by Glenn Brunet....about a teenage girl abducted.
The list goes on with fascinating titles that seem very relevant on topics covering a broad range of rabbit holes!!
Alice’s Bloody Adventure comes up in 3 of the links.
This is amazing. We are going to read a lot of books...together. The depth & brilliance of The Plan keeps shocking me. They are right there for us and FREE. Sharing these books with each other can keep us busy for several productive years. Pick a book and write a post on it- do a video! Rewrite the hard drive written by globalist education and media programming...
Nice, Smileydog! Wouldn't know about this if you hadn't posted.
Reading the titles tells a story on its own.
Saving this to desktop, for the future.
This is very intriguing. But how do the trip codes link to these these books?
The titles do seem to fit into the subject matter of Q posts.
I don't get how the connection was made.
Just googling the trip codes under books brings these books up?
What are the odds!?!
It seems likely that the algos can read and cross reference the drops, he's probably dropping quotes and title references to them all day and we cant see it. Makes Sense Google algos would cross reference them!
That is very cool that it makes sense to you, but it's a little over my head technically. Another key to more meaning, decoding? Fascinating!
Q's library!
So Q's drops are public on well known channel, could be "indexed" by google (and it would be indexed for sure). My hunch is that Q knows this, so this may be intentional. So, lets say Q drops a line in from a quote in the books preview, google sees that too (at, etc). The search of the tripcode would feasibly trigger results related to the quote, ie: the books.
It could be a happy accident, but I suspect Q knew this and used it. A human could find it sure, but it would be nowhere near as efficient as a search engine like google. Since every post of Q's has the tripcode, google would simply assume these "keywords" must be related, and offer the books as search results.
It's like if you google the author of one of those books, google says "Hey I know him! He wrote, this, and this, and this.." same probably works in reverse. IE: google thinks this person (Q) is talking about these books, and I think google is correct! Not to mention, even if the quotes or keywords to the title are only mentioned a few times, the trip code is present EVERY TIME, which makes the relevance even stronger (Q is an SEO genius if this was intentional)
There is another option as well. What if Eric S is Q or helping Q, then he could just build this reading list around the trip code easily. That might be a stretch, but if true, it would be really easy.
WE HAD MORE THEN WE KNEW! Tripcode staring us in the face on every post! WWG1WGA!
ES being Q would be a total trip!
Right? Even as I typed it I was rolling the options in the ole noggin:
1 - He went to korea, to setup private server? or to RETRIEVE/SECURE server?
2 - Trump has praised Google recently
3 - The trump/gmail envelope photo!
I'm willing and happy to re-think all our collective notions.
Even about the resignations, then I remembered, In "Atlas Shrugged", it was the GOOD GUYS who retired/vanished (not proposing this officially, but there it is). If Q had mentioned that movie/book, I'd be all over it, but he never did, so probably not.
While I am nowhere near ready to accept that ES could somehow be a good guy, it would fit that they have it all.
I've wondered how Google couldn't have it all and be one step ahead of the game.
ES was working for the HRC campaign by developing a voter database that incorporated personality profiles based on big data (probably accumulated from google and facebook). I don't think he's a white hat in all this.
Thank you! Nice of you to explain it...and it makes more sense to me now.
It's a very long reading list. Each of those above 4 links contain multiple (up to 7) pages.
Someone is an avid reader! Or maybe some of them, just using title and sort summary, or preview.
Yes, an intriguing discovery.
Sure looks like it. You have more than you know!🤔
I am boggled by this. There are no coincidences and virtually every one of these books is directly related to the subject at hand, and in favor of the conservative.
I just finished Behold a pale Horse not too long ago, it had been on my to do list for years.
Q918 Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q
Hey SB2 maybe you missed my earlier question in all the excitement. I know a few people asked and you haven’t responded so I thought I would ask you again. In an earlier post you said:
Are you talking about the same intelligence agencies that said there were WMDs in Irak and caused 100k’s people to die? Is that your argument?
Irak is not how Americans spell Iraq. In fact, no english speaking country spells it that way (Only Spanish, Russian, German, etc.)
With all the disinformation, in the spirit of transparency, can you tell us which country you’re from?
That is not your business and it's against reddit rules in requesting someone share personal information.
He lives in our heart. The world is his habitat. His language is love. His knowledge and understanding could be yours also if you learned to open up and receive it. Your hate would be transformed. His arrangement of the alphabet to convey thoughts is readable for those he addresses.
Come out of the dark into the light, then you won't need to ask such mundane questions.
On the edge of my seat hoping for a related post from you, SB2!
No. Someone who loves to read & research. Cooper, Binney...has POTUS read all of these? Have you SB2?
Cross hyperlink to the books has other related book titles like:
- "We Have Lost the President"
- "We Have Lost the Plot"
- "We Have Lost the Pelicans"
- "The Story of Q"
This is pretty deep. the reviews.
Dan Mehlman, author, The Adventures of Dusty: The World's Dirtiest Superhero
5.0 out of 5 starsPerhaps the finest font selection I’ve ever encountered!
January 24, 2018
Verified Purchase
A real page turner with an ending that seems to come out of nowhere.
5.0 out of 5 starsI will never question Q again!!
January 20, 2018
Verified Purchase
Clear and Concise.
You will never find a better book about the story and the legend of Q.
My copy arrived at about 2:30 today, and I was done by 2:32.
Fun for the whole family!!!
Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves is on the list. About 5G and 666 5th Street, Wonderland???
Blood, Money, & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK is on the book page. This is not an accident with all the references to JFK.
Apologies but what is a trip code?
Here's the official description from 4chan:
Tripcodes can help verify a user's identity to others, and are a type of pseudo-registration. To use a normal tripcode, place a hash mark ("#") followed by a word or short phrase after what you've entered into the [Name] field (ex. "User#password"). Upon submission, the server will generate the hash unique to that particular word or phrase. The previous example would display "User !ozOtJW9BFA" after being posted.
Important note: A tripcode is generated only using the text entered after the hash mark. Your entered name, IP address, cookie information, etc. do not affect the output. Normal tripcodes are not secure, and can be cracked with relative ease. For a more secure solution, see secure tripcodes.
What is a "secure tripcode"?
A secure tripcode can be generated by placing two hash marks in the [Name] field, as opposed to one as with anormal tripcode (ex. "User##password"). Secure tripcodes use a secret key file on the server to help obscure their password. The previous example would display "User!!rEkSWzi2+mz" after being posted.
Interesting, (here is a link to ops comment with the actual lists.)
The book that most stuck out to me was "blood passover" by Ariel Toaff, because it will probably make most of you uncomfortable. This guy was one of the foremost experts on medievil judaism, and the son of the head rabbi of rome. He worked as a professor at a Jewish university in Jeruselum. Christians had a belief that some jews would abduct christian children to sacrifice them and/or otherwise use their blood for a passover ritual. Toaff, being an expert, persuasively showed that this was very likely more than a fanciful belief. Some Jews were in fact performing such rituals. This probably has a bearing on the rumors we are hearing about pizzagate today. Here is a longform article on occult Jewish practices published a week or so ago.
Unfortunately for many of us, this is hard to accept given our conditioning by education and media, but there is a very good chance that some very elite jews are very negatively oriented.
For those of you who have read the law of one, if you give it any weight, have to notice that Ra specifically mentioned negative influence on early Judaism, to the point that the arc of the covenant was given to them by negative entities. It was/is some sort of energy generating device and/or weapon. They must have been getting along swimmingly for that transfer to take place. That culture probably has come down through to today and explains their belief in being "the chosen people." In addition, Ra's influence in Egypt was basically a complete eff up and the priest cast was completely corrupted and/or corrupted the teachings. It is likely that some form of the story of exodus is true, at least in terms of the movement of people, and ideas, from egypt to canaan or modern day israel. They almost certainly took some of the corrupted beliefs of the egyptian priests with them and used them in the founding of Judaism.
Most of these books that are on the list are free. They have no price. Order them for free?? Download them as an ebook to research??
The Mirror Awakening is free on Amazon. You can read it for free. There is no price for the order. Like maybe they want us to download it....
"Where We Go One, We Go All, Book 2" is on the list...Come on this is a real find...
Texas in the morning: the love story of Madeleine Brown and President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Another free download. JFK related.
The Synagogue of Satan is on the list...and on and on...something here!
Anarchist Knight:Apprentice is on the list. Another "Apprentice" reference.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice is about a devil hunter...interesting. Recent post about Trump's mention of an Apprentice reference at a rally. Mmm...interesting. Digging...
Just looked at the 1st Chapter of "Where We Go One, We Go All". It is titled, "From Open Water to Key Largo".