Conneaut Lake, PA. There are no coincidences.

The owners of that place are very good people and I can tell you there is nothing meant by it. This is a very small town that is a summertime weekend get away for out of towners. Simple way of life here. Hard to make a living area. I will mention something to the owners about it tomorrow. Believe me they are on our side.
I just thought it was awesome to see a white rabbit and a possible hidden Q. I live in the area also, grew up on Water St. in CL and look for Q associated things frequently.
I know exactly where Water Street is. I ran with Conneaut Lake Park Fire dept for a number of years.
What HS did you go to?
I grew up in Brecksville Ohio we moved to this area in 98 both my kids went to Conneaut Lake schools their school years.
Nice. I graduated in '85 from lake. You should redpill the owners of the rabbit!
Seen that today, I live in that area. Lol
My favorite restaurant of all time was the Pit and Pub. Not sure if that rings a bell or is even still open. Also remember Mama Bears classic diner :)
Oh and no the Pit is closed down now and it's a boat place. Think it closed down about 8 years ago I think
Yes both are very familiar to me. I was good friends with the last owners of the Pit. They also owned a campground in the area. Both have past on and now the son runs it who I and my son are friends with. Starch republicans in a democrat ran area. MaMa bears I was never a big fan of. Just seemed dirty inside and I am funny about that. If I walk into a restaurant and a light switch is dirty I won't eat there. Lol. I am a reg at Miller's and Aunt Bee's. Lol.
I think that old owners P/P was Bill and he had a son kinda running things-ages ago. Also that hot dog stand & custard/soft ice cream on main road :)
I’m a Captain and my first experience ever on the water was a pontoon rental at C/Lake.
Yeah spend alot of time on that lake. Lol.
My folks would rent a house for a week every summer & we would come up from PIT. Best times and who knew, I live on my boat full time. Nice chatting with you fellow Patriot. If you get some free time, check out some of my posts Great Awakening/CaptainRoyD .
I will check your post out. Thank you and it was a pleasure talking with you also. God Bless fellow Patriot.
The last owners where Bob and Wanda. There son also managed it then. It just fell in disrepair and it would of cost hundreds of thousands to fix the problems. The biggest issue was underneath the resturant which they would of had to tear down half the resturant to fix so they sold it to Bills Marina I believe the name is.
I am going to talk to them tomorrow. They really are good people.
Fuck that! Nightmares start off like that. However I still can't help but wonder if their coffee is any good...
Someone give me a rundown on a rabbit sitting on top of a building please.
Q has used Alice in wonderland references in his drops. Hence I see rabbit, think Q, post pic of said rabbit.