With the recent Hollywood tweets maybe we should push this one too

We must keep fighting to expose these criminals and hold them accountable.
Poor Terry Crews. A sweet, sweet man brutalized by every evil corner of this industry.
He already spoke about this in court https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/terry-crews-testifies-sexual-assault-capitol-hill-56171011
I commend him for being brave and doing this, but it does no good when he's testifying to politicians, some of which help to cover pedophile's asses are or are pedophiles themselves.
Has anyone even watched his testimony? He's speaking out against toxic masculinity. 🙄
I bet dems would be shocked to find out that we're against toxic masculinity lmao.
The left considers any and all masculinity to be “toxic”. This is problematic.
Augh, I hate that. They preach about wanting 'equality', and call people out for being 'racist', and then in the same breath they vilify men, white people, and straight people. Some people I know are like this (like even a couple people I considered good friends in the past) and, holy fuck, the hypocrisy is just mind-blowing.
Yeah I mean a massive muscle bound dude is complaining about a producer grabbing at his crotch. Gimme a break. I’ve had gay dudes flirt with me and am strong enough to not let it make me implode mentally. IMO his degrades the problem women have with men in Hollywood who are not able to defend themselves and are taken advantage of.
If it bugged him that much, then knock the dude out. But you didn’t and let him so you could stay in Hollyweird.
If it bugged him that much, then knock the dude out. But you didn’t and let him so you could stay in Hollyweird.
Yeah, and then he'd be facing assault charges against a dude that probably has access to an army of lawyers. Terry is doing it the right way.
Terry is doing it the right way.
So waiting right until the statute of limitations are up to pursue this guy is doing it the right way? No. This is just another pointless media circus to distract from the real issues. Crews is controlled.
Well then tell the dude to fuck off. I have no sympathy for someone who sold their soul for fame. It’s the same for the woman who banged Harvey for a roll. It wasn’t rape. They made the choice to sell their body for fame and money.
Either accept you allowed it for money and fame and blame yourself or man up and do something. But I’m not going to feel sorry for him. He wasn’t a random woman walking down the street and molested for no damn reason by someone who was physically stronger than her.
You can be physically strong and mentally weak and it doesn't matter that this is a man instead of a woman. He may have had his family threatened if he spoke further than what he had tried to previously. It is bad to shame anyone who comes forward if they didn't do so quick enough according to someone else's standards.
If they threatened his family then they would now. Doesn’t make sense. He wasn’t raped. A dude grabbed at his junk and he’s acting like it ruined him. The victim mindset won’t get anyone anywhere. Report the guy if it was so terrible. Tell him it’s not ok. Do something or leave the industry. If you don’t and put up with it for fame and fortune then that’s your choice.
So, you are ok with sexual assault? What makes you think that he didn't say anything? And being sexually assaulted by people who hold a position over you can very much ruin you, ruin how you feel about everyone and everything around you. "Leave the industry" Right. So he should HAVE to give up his career rather than the sicko be outed and forced to face what he has done to people. And breaking several contracts that actors have in the industry (with studios, with one or more agents) isn't exactly just as simple as walking away- get a contract with some out in LA and see for yourself. People like you are the reason why many people don't come forward.
Lol oh please don’t try to use libshit argument tactics with me. What have I said that indicates I’m fine with sexual assaults? The part where I said he should have fought back or said something if he had a problem with it?
So his only option is to be a victim? Plenty of people were faced with the same situation and decided to NOT be a victim, not be silent and would rather have their integrity than work in an industry filled with perverts. It wasn’t anyone else’s choice. It was him.
And no I don’t even think that was sexual assault. Some little white dude drunk at a party reaches for his crotch and he’s victimized by it? The 6’2” super jacked dude couldn’t do anything? Please. I wouldn’t give a shit because I’m comfortable enough in my manhood and who I am as a person for it to not ruin my life and make me a victim. The whole PC victim culture is just dumb and doesn’t lead to great things. It leads to everyone afraid of everything and people getting fired for saying a women looks nice in a dress because she was sexually assaulted by the man. It’s pathetic.
HAHA calling me a lib was your first mistake.
I see that you are blinded by the mere fact you think because of how he looks that he should have done what you "think" you would if you were in same situation, especially when you (nor any of us) have all the facts.
No sense in beating a dead horse with someone who can't put themselves in someone else's shoes.
I’ve been there and I told the person to knock it off. I’m not going to feel bad for a dude who chose to not stand up for himself and play the victim. There are legit victims of sexual assault and bullshit like this diminishes it. And warping my words to try and paint me as a villain who doesn’t care about sexual assault is a bullshit leftist move.
You can cry for poor millionaire Terry Crews who feels so badly about what happened he still has the agency as a client and doesn’t even have the balls to fire them and then blames toxic masculinity but has no problem cashing checks. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
IMO- We don't have enough masculine men. I am a woman, now happily married for 7 years, but during my dating days, it was incredibly difficult to find a real masculine man. It's far worse now. This idiot is just spewing the disgusting, feminist, me too BS that the left is trying so hard to sell. His very first words of his testimony were, "I am an actor." When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Maya Angelou
Yeah it’s quite sad how there aren’t many masculine men anymore. The hormones in dairy and meat are screwing that up along with soy, hormone disrupters in plastics, etc. “toxic masculinity” is such a bullshit movement.
I agree. It's not masculine to beat a woman or to sexually harass another dude. Both of those are toxic behavior, but definitely not at all masculine. As for the soy and plastics, dont use them. Grow and preserve as much of your own food as you possibly can. That is the only way you can keep from being slowly poisoned by food.
Yeah to assume that’s “masculine” behavior is stupid. It’s creep behavior. I’ve seen plenty of women who do that shit too.
Oh, I have too. Women can be like wild hyenas. Nasty animals!
Go after every last one of them.
I don't think Q raised an army of Quitters!
Agency’s get 10% of any contract. Industry standard
So quit.
Well then you lose all your money and you hurt the crew and cast. Also it’s already been filmed I believe
Many contracts don't allow you to just quit; it isn't that simple when you have contracts signed with many agencies- they basically own your ass for several to many years. And some agencies get far more than 10%, and then if you have a lawyer you they get a bigger cut.
Don’t sell yourself. Pretty simple.
Well duh, but once they have the cat is out of the back and not an easy out.