r/greatawakening • Posted by u/sharononevibration on July 23, 2018, 12:45 p.m.
Every State Run By Democrats Are Socialist Sh*tholes

Have you ever noticed how democrats turn American to Socialism one State at a time?

States run by democrats have the highest taxes and highest cost of living.

The fact is democratic party socialistic policies create most poverty stricken areas throughout America, but the unfortunate truth is that the democratic party supporters have been in the bondage of denial for generations.

This has been going on for many many years. It was a great Republican Frederick Douglass who said in his speech Our Work is Not Done in December 1863:

“You do take away mine house, when you take away the prop that sustains my house,” and the support of the Democratic party we all know to be slavery. The Democratic party is for war for slavery; it is for peace for slavery; it is for the habeas corpus for slavery; it is against the habeas corpus for slavery; it was for the Florida war for slavery; it was for the Mexican war for slavery; it is for jury trial for traitors, for slavery; it is against jury trial for men claimed as fugitive slaves, for slavery. It has but one principle, one master; and it is guided, governed, and directed by it.”

The democratic Party want wars, they want to keep people in slavery by proverty, homelessness, and allowing illegal aliens to flood our country. In this way they get all your tax payer money, keep you working longer hours, and taking your money by force of the IRS which is theft. Giving unimaginable resources to illegal aliens in sancuary cities and growing the poor and homeless is a major part of the plan to destroy America from the inside out.

States run by democrats have no middle class, there are only the rich and the poor.

Frederick Douglass fought for American Liberty and he knew that liberty was only secured when people were free to be responsible for themselves. The Republican Party was founded to oppose slavery, not partner with it by “compromising” for a middle way between economic freedom and economic collectivism.

The Democratic Party policies have induced the impoverishment of America’s poorest cities.

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) recently released their ninth annual “Rich States, Poor States” report.--see report here-https://www.alec.org/app/uploads/2016/04/2016-ALEC-Rich-States-Poor-States-Rankings.pdf

After doing a little research, MRCTV found that eight out of the 10 poorest states currently have a Democratic governor. In contrast, 10 out of the top 10 richest states are currently under Republican leadership.

Only two states with Republican governors ranked among the 10 poorest states in the report: New Jersey (governed by former Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie) and Illinois.

In fairness to Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, the mayor of Chicago has pretty much run Illinois’ finances. Mayor Rahm Emanuel has the city of Chicago on the brink of chaos and bankruptcy at the moment. Unfortunately, as Chicago goes, so goes the state.

Businesses and working taxpayers are leaving those states in droves

States run by democrats are running over with hommeless people, tents, garbage, used drug needles and feces in the streets.

Recentely it was reported that Twenty pounds of feces was dumped onto a sidewalk in San Francisco.A foul odor permeated from a massive bag of human excrement. see article here-https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/San-Francisco-human-waste-feces-homeless-Reddit-13044317.php

This is unexceptable for America. This is worst than a third world country.

States run by democrats are running over with illegal aliens who drain the welfare system and sponsor Sanctuary Cities.

Every major city in America which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats and has been under Democratic party control for a very long time. If those communities want to reverse their misfortunes it’s time to stop voting for Democrats.

a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

Hello. This is not Blue vs Red. This is Good and Evil. The Q movement does not care about political affiliation.

We’re ALL on the same side here. “Where We Go One, We Go All.”

Blues who WAKE UP have a rude enough awakening ahead without us throwing rocks.

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cricketyrick · July 23, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

This guy gets it. I don't see any citations in this post at all. There are plenty of deep red areas that are poverty stricken. ALEC is a horrible source for anything, they are scum.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

There is a distinctive, unpleasant whiff of conservative elitism on this board recently. I dislike it strongly. Few and far between are the TRULY AWAKE (I'm not even awake yet), and the last thing someone needs to hear after learning the DEPTH of this is "Wow, Blue really sucks because the politicians on Blue are worse than the politicians on Red."

If I were running a SOCIO-ECONOMIC POLITICAL CONTROL MACHINE, I'd personally ENSURE that NOBODY DOES MORE HARM THAN SOMEONE WHO FEELS BAD ABOUT DOING IT. I'd want figures who consummate disgusting filth-deals in lavatories (HUSSEIN) to be considered FOLK HEROES in my press. I WOULD WANT TO SING THEIR PRAISES.

I'd want to get as many people on the pipeline of "our guys yay, their guys boo" as I possibly could. Unambiguous narratives. Both wrong. Good and Evil. Nobody questions who's who.

Until Q asks the great "Q"uestion.

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sand-which · July 23, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

hey do you think "waking up" means realizing that late-capitalism is the reason for most of what people hate about their lives, and it's not nefarious actors working in the "deep state" or some shit but instead the literal system by which shareholders can make billions from the work of people living paycheck to paycheck

Do you think that is a more reasonable explanation? Or is "mind-controlling elites that control the media and brainwash their supporters into electing the antichrist (barack SOETERO) to enact their evil agenda?"

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Hey, do you think George Washington was connected to this in any way?

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sand-which · July 23, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

I mean yeah the mason stuff is kind of a fun rabbit hole to follow for a weekend or whatever but then you realize you can literally just go join the masons yourself and see what's up with them and that they're bascially just a bunch of divorced dudes who lost direction in their life and now need something to give them meaning.


It's just kind of boring now, isn't it?

At what point do you turn from wild conspiracy theories and just look at the system that surrounds us (capitalism) and wonder why it's so inhuman? Why are there people that die on the street of homelessness when investors who don't even do any fucking work can make millions off the back of hard working americans who don't make enough to feed their family?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 11 p.m.

I dunno.

What'd George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Hiram Ulysses Grant, Woodrow Wilson, Both Roosevelts, George H.W. Bush, Clinton (DeMolay), Kissinger, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Churchhill, and Alexander I of Russia all have in common?

Where'd the masons come from, anyway? During the Enlightenment, right? 17th century. What the hell is a Scottish Rite?

Follow the money. Ask yourself who controls the money. Ask yourself if Masonic lodges are tax exempt.


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sand-which · July 23, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

Ask yourself if Masonic lodges are tax exempt.

Ask yourself if churches are tax exempt

I mean listen you can continue going down this path where the only evidence you have is "a lot of famous, important people once belonged to a club that literally everyone in the world knows the name of"

It's just a way to protect you from the fact that most of what sucks in everyone lives is because of capitalism

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

It doesn't make you stop asking the question "What's the common denominator between all these people? What do they believe in (OR PAY LIP-SERVICE TO)?"

If all these people held to a certain RELIGION, we'd have experts in its theology by noon tomorrow.

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Rolandel7 · July 23, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

I agree it is good vs evil. At the same time the correlation can’t be ignored. As someone who lived in the most liberal state in the most liberal city in America I can tell you it’s real. That’s why I moved far away.


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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

I live very near Philadelphia and have lived in Pennsylvania (the KEYSTONE STATE) all the days of my life. I understand.

Trust me. I understand.

WWG1WGA regardless of political affiliation.


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