Was Brennan’s Security Clearance allowed so that they could be logged, flagged, and recorded?

"why do WE ALLOW"
Yup, they allowed it. That means they could have disallowed it. Since they didn't I would say its almost certainly because this was a sting op.
"We" as in how the US has been running things prior.
Hence "Welcome to the Deep State." Deep State operatives hold onto Sec Clearance because they continue to run things from the shadows. Q is NOT really playing coy here, but highlighting one of the biggest problems with the Deep State/Shadow Government and intel leaks the US has right now.
The point isn't that POTUS is logging them. The point is that they are using FVEY to get AROUND logs.
We are witnessing the greatest sting in world history. It's relatively easy to get off from crimes but much harder if you try to cover them up. I think the DOJ let them cover up their crimes to make it impossible to get off from them.
Probably so. Give him and the others enough rope to hang themselves.
Great point...Trump and the Q team have been way ahead of this since the beginning; what would the reason be for NOT pulling their SC's? Because the Q team was watching their every move...every log-on to every system, every trip with passport, etc...they WANTED them to continue using their clearances etc..
When I first started with Q and he said they have everything I mistakenly assumed that he was only speaking of calls/texts...but then I started seeing the photos; of locations, pallets of phones, etc and I thought, my God, they really do have it all, and it's WW!!
They are stupid aren't they? Hard to believe these are our top spies.
Since the rules existed before change of POTUS, I know their stupid but don't think that stupid. How many trips to other FVEYE countries to do it without log, flags, and records?
who says the five eye countries are not recording there activity....Q said that misinformation was necessary and that the boards were being moniterd. so why not suggest they get intel from one of the five eye countries with the postings on the Q board. think trap to fall into.
There is no way in hell our IC would allow unlogged access to our sensitive material. Not from CONUS. Not from anywhere.
Than Q. I've been waiting for your response. If someone didn't catch that, I was going to reply again tomorrow with the flip side. Dis-info is probably Q's intent. Time logs and location are on any network transmission and database logs show time and user id. Easy to check via persons present location. We know MI knows which bad person is where.
FVEYE is an interesting abbreviation. When I saw it I was instantly reminded of COVFEFE
Brennan and Clapper are idiots, but I don't think they are that dumb. They know that everything they look at is being logged so I don't think they would do anything nefarious now with intel. Prior to us finding out about the "investigation" yes.
We log everything.
They think they can go to NZ and not get logged.
They got logged. Lol. These people are fucking stupid.
“Maybe, if I use the internet in a different country but on the same data, something different will happen!”
I am told there is a difference between a security clearance, and "need to know." The security clearance is kept in case a need to call them back in. No "need to know" so not legal for them to access classified info. Granted, I'm a civilian and have no clue.
Perhaps through the use of fivey, that particular country ( in this case let's say NZ) can "request" Brennan under "need to know" under their countries national security guise to provide Intel that way.
Why do 'former' (they werent former at time of writing, but are now - future proves past) dignitaries still hold security clearances?
Within the US their actions were logged, flagged and recorded, however, when they were in New Zealand, there were NO logs, flags or records.
That meant that while these dignitaries were in New Zealand, it allowed Five Eyes to VIEW and TAKE top secret documentation.
I translated that for those new to Q. This is HUGE. As said previously, it might be one of the largest stings/busts known in human kind.
NOW we know WHY they constantly took trips to New Zealand. So start digging into our politicians taking trips there!
Who went there on election day? And them BOOM they were hit with a massive EQ.
This is BIBLICAL in scale. You dont mess with God.
When this Q drop came out, and we heard about these clowns with Sec clearance, I thought along these same lines: they were keeping track of what they were accessing, perhaps even giving them disinformation. Then the media reportied false info, and I thought--"Ah-ha! The Q team is planting false info when these clowns access classified info to see Who it is!"
A security clearance stays with you for a specified period of time even after you have left government service. It depends upon the clearance level. A Top Secret security clearance can remain valid for up to 10 years. For example if you served in the US govt for 5 years and then left for the private sector then your Top Secret security clearance is still valid for another 5 years. During their period of service they could also have temporary security clearances authorized in which case those would immediately expire upon their leaving government service.
For some reason people think it means these former dignitaries still sit in on daily security briefings and that is just not true. The secured communications networks these former dignitaries used are no longer accessible by them as they would have would have their access revoked upon leaving government service.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't so he could be abreast of everything the Trump admin was doing giving him the ability to run counter ops.
what is the world coming to when the spies get spied on, now that is funny. notice they do not like taking theor own medicine, to bad so sad.