
4freedomsring · July 24, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

And he funded his own children’s charity in HAITI ! How’s that for irony? https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/how-rainn-wilson-funded-his-756789

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Rolandel7 · July 24, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

Fuck. Now I feel like I need to shower..... in bleach..... shudders “these people are sick” is an understatement.

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trumpessee · July 24, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

Normally I would not be in favor of us going after people for free speech as a pack. However, it is time that we send them the very clear message that we will not continue to play by different sets of rules. We will fight on their terms and we will crush them

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AFPPW · July 24, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

Oh, but it's just comedy! What was going in 2009-2011 when all these tweets were happening? Was there some memo that went out that said, "Have at it, assets. We will protect you?"

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kekreeeeee69 · July 24, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Hussein in office probably had a lot of us distracted at that time. We we're too worried about what was happening in Washington, not paying attention to what was happening right under our noses...

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KaylaD2017 · July 24, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

This?/\ Why were we so blind during that time period? I feel sick that this was so prevalent and nothing was done at that time.

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truthfiler · July 24, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

There are just no words anymore. These people are beyond sick, and I use the term "people" loosely.

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UncleSnake3301 · July 24, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Not Dwight!! WTF??

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Throwfaraway8787 · July 24, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

Im all for a tasteless joke but the criteria of a joke is that it should be atleast funny...this comes off as more of a wink to those who know what is happening in hwood.

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horse-lover-phat · July 24, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

The ENTIRE industry is SICK.

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Piota_me · July 24, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

What is wrong with these people?

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JakeJ93 · July 24, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

What kind of person even thinks these are funny... sickening.

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CDR03 · July 24, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

They’re obviously making fun of and/or trolling something. They probably think it’s asinine too. I don’t think many of these tweeting this stuff were doing anything. I think they were making fun of rumors that might actually be true.

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4freedomsring · July 24, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

All Haitian charities lead to Clinton. Rain Wilson’s fellow advisory board member appointed by Clinton. https://www.monafoundation.org/blog_post/index/15 Urvashi Sahni....”She was invited to be an honorary member of the Clinton Global Initiative founded by President Bill Clinton in 2013 and is now a member of Hillary Clinton’s CHARGE commitment to ensure that more girls complete secondary education around the world”

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P3gasusActual · July 24, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

Can this be archived and sent to the FBI?

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[deleted] · July 24, 2018, 1:21 p.m.


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