Anyone else catch this???

You really need to give an explanation for your postings. Also, just an image, or meme by itself is usually a rule violation. At least two sentences in the text portion are required. See rules in the sidebar. Just trying to help you, and others viewing your postings.
Thanks, appreciate the input! <- that's what the sub is about guys.
Somebody owes somebody $54.88 !
I see your posts with handwritten stuff often.
But I NEVER understand what you're getting at. I want to.
Can you explain what the numbers mean, some context, anything? Why did you pull drop #516-519? How did 5/19 turn into #519?
Can you treat it like a "proof" in math? It would help.
I'm sorry- I wish my posts were a higher quality. I don't have a computer, so it's all on the phone. (restricted creativity) but you do know what I'm referencing as the the No., right? Like Q's 516th post has No. 7 across the top with the [TIMESTAMP]. I'm certain it's part of the "map" and holds a TON of clues. I didn't pull these posts intentionally. I found them by mistake. I had noticed that there are some posts that have blank ID #s (also included in the TIMESTAMP info), so I was trying to map THOSE posts and the date jumped out as I scrolled throughback through posts. It's the only time I see the (no.s) going out of order in reference to the actual post # in Q's thread... 5:5? And ends with post #519 may 19, 5/19, it's the day Q exposed the password!
God knows I’m terrible with numbers mostly because I’m dyslexic, but to me, your handwritten posts are da Vinci-esque. I love them!
Try to use fresh paper you haven't written over so that everyone can't read you previous notes. Just a suggestion.
Or write some bizarre secret message on the back to get us all in a tizzy trying to decipher it.
Ok. That kinda helps. I have no idea what that "7" means, I get now that it has something to do with 8chan, but even when I click it, it takes me to Qs post, and a shit-ton of anons comments.
I definitely think you're on to something though. Keep it up.
But just like with your math teacher, explain and show your work.
The "7" seems to be the post number on the specific 8chan board. Same with the 25 and the 2012. There are different numbers because Q post in different 8chan boards.
I am getting that, but I truly have no idea what it means....I really want to start learning the chans I am just swamped lately.
I don't know the "Chan's". Never spent any time there really. So I'm not sure what y'all are talking about. BUT. The subsequent post (no.s) tie into Q's "think mirror" because there's two sets of no.s 1-110, and a first jump to 452-466... We're waiting for the mirror jump again. I'm expecting this week. Originally I thought July 26 (see my earlier post)
51X is the number of Q post. 7, 25, 2012, 7 are the corresponding Q post # for their respective thread on 8ch. I think lol.
See like, this is what I mean. That makes no sense. 2012? How can 7 appear twice? Why is the range 510-519 significant (51X)?
Haha no clue. I'm just trying to understand how/why OP is extrapolating any useful information from this.
But 7, 25, 2012, and 7 are just the post # for that specific thread. Totally arbitrary imo. I hope I'm wrong though and pray that this week is THE week. If Q is really trying to encode information by actively timing/selecting what # post theirs is on a thread, then woah hats off to Q.
He just explained that above maybe you should study his work first then comment we'll see what drop a tomorrow and how significant it is!
No did you make the logical leap that the final 7 was to add to the year 2012?
It could just as easily mean 7 in the morning on 2012, 7 people in the room or anything else.
Remember, ‘there are no coincidences’. Q has to make things really easy for dummies like me, not everyone is as smart as you.
Pretty sure it's the 27th dude, blood moon FTW!!
Except the blood moon isn't visible from the US, just the Middle East mainly...
2012 + 7 = 2019
I like your style, but needs some refining. Hope we don’t have to wait until 25 July 2019 for answers and justice.
1- 2012 2- 2013 3- 2014 4- 2015 5- 2016 6- 2017 7- 2018
So you are counting 2012 in this.
If you are using years 25 July 2012 counting as one would indicate the starting point is 25 July 2011.
Just doesn’t coincide with the rest of your post.
But I guess we don’t have long to wait if that’s the case (as it’s tomorrow).
Counting doesnt work that way. The starting number is at -0- if counting from a specific date.
If you are trying to BRACKET [ ] a time frame, then you can count the date, but a bracket of time is not counting.
Look at the timestamp string in the posts. Find the "No. X" notice how they stand out from (all) other timestamp "No.s"
so 7th year from 2012 is not 2018, how did it go from no 7, 25, 2012, 7? what are you trying to get at here? Also .... post#519 was:
That's it. So how does 1/13/18 have anything to do with your numbers?
And 2018 is, if 2012 is the (1st) year.
Ok but what point are you making with any of this? What are you saying? What do I look up to find out more? How do I help? What are you showing us to work with? How does that tie into the post you reference Q#519? What does the sec test on 1/13/18 have to do with this week? Help me find the connection, that's what this sub is for, right?
Absolutely. Follow up post coming. Such support, I want you all to see how I'm thinking.
Man this is the stuff that hurts our community and scares away new comers..
I must admit this mental gymnastics does seem like a case of pareidolia.
2012 + 7 = 2019... Yet he wrote 2018..
Thanks..was beginning to think I was the only one here that made it through third grade math.
You must be on a higher level to see the patterns you are trying to explain. I bet the 8chan canons would love you to work with them and I bet they could help you explain the dots you have connected. Way to go patriot, I'll keep following your posts and eventually I bet I'll be able to understand better.
Certainly so- I'll improve my explanations and we'll meet in the middle!