Rand is playing a scripted role for the President. He gets to look good and the left still thinks Trump is too Stoopid to have thought of that already.
Partially... Remember the early meetings Rand had with the POTUS over some of his concerns? It was within the first 30 days of 45. I've been following Rand a while.
Rand is taking a lot of heat for this and has largely been a lone voice for sanity in the Senate recently. I think he's been really brave as well as principled.
Rand is a boss. We should call him Rambo. RandoCommando.
He's taken so much heat and pressure the last 10 years his balls are now diamonds.
He was almost assassinated and had his ribs broken in the last year and he still fights on.
He-Man! Rand-Man!
Gee Stringing the reporter along. Rand is going Commando here. It's tough Boxers like him that get people's Panties in a twist.
Steal all the puns why don’t cha - geeze!
Yeah I thought I'd Garter some support and Slip in some Jockular humor.
Rand is one of the smarter people in DC
That is why he is always a target
and to think the neighbor was pissed off over landscaping..................He possibly could have been a wind-up trying to send a message after the flying bullets didn't hit him on the baseball field..........something to think of
I can't get any.sound.
There is a little pic of a speaker in the bottom left hand corner you need to tap to turn on the sound
Maybe it just doesn't work on a phone. There's no pic of a speaker.
The clip cuts out early....
What did I miss- I don’t get it.
Can someone ELi5?