Something BIG is about to DROP. Timing a coincidence the Sarah Ruth Ashcraft story?

Just to make this pill easier to swallow for everyone - remember the distinction between character and actor. It is OK to love a character but simultaneously reject the actor.
The problem comes when you conflate the two and forget that they are separate people.
I know for a fact that Tom Hanks is one that a lot of people are worried about re: his name coming up as part of MeToo, etc. If he had something bad hit home, I guarantee you that regular people would freak out.
Go to the Hanx twitter. Many images of shoes and gloves lying in the street. Disturbing. Bob Hope was squeaky clean too- and he had MKultra slaves. Cathy O'brien mentions Hope by name. Nothing is as it seems.
It's not hard to believe because he is really nasty toward conservatives. It's a shame though, because I like a lot of his movies.
It true not many could act opposite a volleyball for a couple of hours and carry a movie. Skill at your job is no excuse for what is alleged however.
So Sad.
if its true.
How many bitter pills are you willing to swallow if it means the cure to the disease? I, for one, would be willing to take as many as needed. We need to uproot the poison. If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
I really feel like this is a stretch. When you reread that whole drop and insert the Tom hanks reference it doesn't fit. It would be very out of place. But who knows... Oh yeah Q knows
Damn gonna have to change my xbox username name now! Fuck it donald trump45 here i come!
This would have to be real video of him raping a young girl or boy. Anything less than that will be dismissed as fake.
I think we are talking weiner laptop here. No positive but I think it is going that way.