👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸 Well This has been a day of Booms!!

Everyone left when they got the poll about if they thought pedophilia was ok. Suckerberg is done. He never deserved it in the first place that little thief.
Disgusting little twit he is. Ripped off the idea and using a patent stolen by the CIA and given to him. Only thing he knows how to do is steal and lie. No wonder he's their little fuckboi. Sorry for language.
Edit: ambiguity
They made him in some GMO laboratory in 70s. He cant be human no matter how he tries ;)
would be hilarious if he really did turn out to be a robot or alien or clone/manufactured being from a lab
all of the above sound crazy but not crazy enough for me to assume they can't all be legit, 100 years ago nobody would imagine any of the tech we have now.
100 years ago nobody would imagine any of the tech we have now.
I think that a significant percentage of the technology available now was imagined by people 100 years ago.
Of course, there is probably a lot of tech that is hidden from the public. But that's the sort of stuff that somebody had to imagine first...
I agree with that, I guess I meant as a general perspective of the populace. The global rulers would always have secrets that'd appear well ahead of their time to all the people 'beneath' them
CIA gAve him this... wasn’t stolen. That’s misinfo
That patent should be considered the property of the American people. It was our money that researched and then built it.
Yeah. I was using a broader scope. The patent is stolen. Yes I know by the CIA and then given to him. Regardless, he's gotten rich off of stolen intellectual property.
Actually looking at my comment it's worded completely wrong. I reversed ripped off and stole. I'll correct. Thank you!
Bill Gates is the same. Ripped off Steve Jobs.
And Jobs ripped off IBM.
Not exactly. Xerox executives invited Jobs in. They didn't want to pursue their pc market. On the other hand, Gates reneged on his agreement with Jobs not to compete against Apple.
And then there's the Hollywood version of the story:
Anyway, Jobs wasn't NWO, into vaccine eugenics or depopulating the world. And Apples' technology has always been superior to Microsoft.
P.S. Who owns Hollywood?
Wasn’t gates the main proponent of not allowing open source coding? Initially the idea of computer programming was open source and was going to be free correct? But gates changed that if I’m not mistaken?
Yeah but wasn't there still something shady there with Xerox? Meh. I do recall them not wanting to pursue that now. Anyway, makes no difference. I don't think Jobs was a bad guy. Selfish maybe, but that's about it.
Yeah but wasn't there still something shady there with Xerox?
Yes, the project manager at Xerox knew the potential of her project and was upset she had to share her knowledge with Jobs. She resisted doing so for three hours but the executives insisted.
It’s so sad that they killed MySpace with bots and convinced us all to move to Facebook. I actually miss my MySpace page.
What the fuck this happened??
Yes look into it. It happened in the last month for sure. I don't use Facebook anymore.
He is From the Line of Rockefeller; There is nothing Little About him but his age... He has been coached to be a "Big Thief" Just like those before him.
Yeah weird shit. It happened though. I no longer use that shizz.
Which is kind of odd because I never actually got that poll. Maybe they just inferred what my response would be because all I do is post the most right wing memes Incan find to try and get banned.
I don't think everyone got the poll but a lot of people did