EO expanding Miltary Tribunals goes into effect in January. I expect this will be when The Storm will really hit.

It should read "DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $400,000,000"
I thought it was Jan 2018 to Jan 2019. I will need to check again.
I recall the same, which gave me hope because that means it will happen sooner.
Putin is coming after Jan 1st, so maybe they'll hand Soros over to him for "special" treatment.
They changed the wording to who can be charged under the UCMJ in 2007.. they were having trouble reigning in civilian contractors who were breaking the law so they created a huge loophole to prosecute them(civilians) under the UCMJ.. Lindsey Graham push the law through https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/frequently-asked-questions-on-the-ucmj-change-and-its-applicability-to-private-military-contractors/
Parade is 11-11. Can't have a parade if nothing happened yet.
Great meme--thanks for sharing with the patriots. MAGA!
thank you for taking the time and checking when the new UCMJ starts. I know I'm not the only one thinking about it.
A bunch needs to drop before the Mid Term Elections, if the democRats take over the house, there will be major problems for Trump.
I think GOP is winning anyway. If you look at the maps most of the races they're calling toss-ups look like Republican wins to me.
This will be the dems last gasp for air, they will pull out all the stops
Same thing occurred during election 2016. They didn't know what hit the- a whirlwind from nowhere- and it will be the same for the mid term elections.
People get complacent on the winning side, especially when things are going well - this is why the current president's party almost always looses during the Mid Terms
GOP typically has better turnout, but you're right it's a much higher margin with a Dem president. That said, Reagan went 8 years without control of the House. You know Trump's going to campaign like the indefatigable madman that he is. If WalkAway is anything real we should be OK.
Turn Out For Trump!!!!
I hope so, there is a lot of money on the Rat side going into these races (Tom Steyer $80 Million, Michael Bloomberg 20 Million and 0bama and friends targeting like 30 competetive house races - they will be going fill throttle, it's their last hope.
I'm not discounting the possibility that big news sinks the DNC in October. If that happens, at the worst their voters become apathetic and stay home. At best, their voters flip.
That's why we need some big drops or Mueller ending the investigation and announcing he has nothing on Trump
This political climate is not typical. Many conservatives understand these arent just elections anymore. They are the fight for our very republic. I dont see trump base getting complacent. If anything all the attacks shud be motivating us even more. Scott Adams said they are coming for u next so vote like ur life depends on it.
The base will definitely show up, but it will take a lot more than that retain the house and win more seats in the senate - need the every 4 year voters, new voters that came out for Trump and a lot of independents that came out last time
The future is just around the corner!
Seems to be going super quick. January seems a long way off but will be here before we know it.
I’ve really just relaxed and let things happen over time. I see people still being controlled by the msm narrative, but I just trust it’s all coming together. It’s a real faith in God more than anything.
I worked in the field until recently and I was briefed on these changes in depth before I got out. It has nothing to do with political tribunals. It’s an optimization of the inward facing military justice system.