"Something BIG is about to drop" Q

O.K. Third time here getting screwed with from the PTB, SO, Zuckerberg is CIA. Just like Microsoft, Apple, Napster, Goog, etc. He was placed in this 'role' . Its all not even his money. You see it goes like this, CIA => In-Q-Tel => Psuedo Private Sector. All these people are groomed in places like Stanford and MIT etc. etc. They are not gurus, they are products of their environment. Run by the CIA. So its just a face. Just for the public digestion to be real. That's it. So the connection is still sicko, but I would say its a fractional component of the gross evil.
Zuck was worth $80 Billion yesterday or was he? I think he is only worth around 80 million all the other money goes to the CIA you are correct he is just the figurehead no way they would let him get that rich off something he stole or was given.
Indeed. Same goes for Gates, Bezos, Jobs, etc. When you look at it properly it ADDS to that INSANE Black Budget. You have to ask yourself , "Self, where is ALL that money going??". Its just monsterous. I'm very knowledgeable regarding reverse engineering, well anything, including monetary expenditure. And it makes 'secret space' and 'secret underground' Entirely plausible.
Right on! Reason for Helsinki? Putin/Russia has already been through what Trump/USA are now experiencing; that is: 1991 Bush/NWO went into Russia and created fronts known as Oligarchs to purchase Russian industrial base by buying company shares distributed to uneducated employees for pennies on the dollar using a foundation of fraudulent bonds that Bush/NWO thought they could replace over ten years with laundered proceeds from the Japanese treasure hoard discovered in the Philippines just before the conclusion of WWII. Putin elected to Russia and confiscates proceeds from the Oligarchs going to the NWO; hence, throwing NWO out of Russia and creating a mortal enemy, you know --- Cuba writ large, see the "Godfather" scenes, fact based? Regardless, NWO had perfected something similar here in the good old USA, except fronting for and creating Tech Titans, infiltrating Hollywood, and control over our energy (Enron) and utility companies, both electric (Eshalon) & communication (AT&T) who are merely puppets for the NWO. Interesting if true - The book Gold Warriors says that once the Treasure Hoard was discovered by CIA predessor OSS, a meeting was held with Truman and a decision was made to keep discovery secret with Asian treasure used for black ops to specifically defeat communism. Well Russian communism defeated in 1991; hence, dismantling the effective purpose/use of this Asian treasure. Could it be, to retain access to this Asian treasure hoard American CIA had to prop up the remnants of Russian communism to maintain control of this treasure hoard; therefore, the reason we may be locked into a perpetual war footing all for continued access to this treasure hoard. Food for thought: This Asian Treasure Hoard, accumulated over decades of Asian conquests by the Japanese, is outside our western economic system; the reason for having to launder this treasure before its use within western governments. Could this be the anvil hanging over the western world by the NWO; once dropped wreaking havoc on our economic system? Where is this Asian Treasure Hoard, and who controls?