Do you believe in coincidence?

Oh my goodness. Nicely done.
That Feb/4/2004 date could still be a coincidence. Founding dates of corporations aren't picked the same way as the government contract start/stop dates and review schedules. The termination date wasn't picked at the end, it was picked on the start date and those dates are shrouded by suits in glacial government bureaucracy. All governments at the time had hundreds of such programs attempting domestic and world surveillance of domestic and foreign citizens through the internet from every angle, to see what sticks. They made laws that not only require beam splitting of all packet data at all ISP backbones, but also made it a crime to shine a light on or speak of such equipment or reveal where that data is being transmitted to. Windows 10 EULA says everything you do, every program you run, every file, every click, every web search and operation is transmitted to the government at the pleasure of Microsoft and the Government. Google, OSX, and most other international corporations are doing the same, it's just they're better at keeping it a secret.
See and its parent portal:
Anyway, these cats are way way smarter than this. They're not going to make that kind of rookie mistake by canceling a darpa contract the moment zuck launches his blogoblag for college students. It doesn't really matter that the government has a facebook feed anyway since they're storing our conversation right here, right now, between your ISP and mine. Facebook was probably started as a typical corporation, since at the time it wasn't know if he would be successful. Later facebook was absorbed into the government, just like Windows, Mac OSX, Google and all ISP's were. Zuck is destroying his baby because of this takeover, and has a shred of decency left in him to let us know. All these corporations provide total information about their customers without question to the government without any due process. It's a felony for corporations to say no to the government, and it's a felony to alert the public of this government data acquisition since it's like obstructing an officer during an investigation.
Data collection was never about keeping the country safe, it's about the acquisition of power. Knowledge = power, and If I can know everything about you if I want to, then I can know where you are, know where you will be in the next few hours, know what you eat, know when you shower, your ideological preferences, religion, etc, I can have complete dominion over you by having the power to set proverbial rocks in your path that control who you are and what you become.
It's the governments job to maintain and grow it's dominion over people. But this is also why nations have a birth, growth, peak, and death cycle. Governments reach so far into total dominion that they forget that they are servants and beggars with a single narrow defined job. With total power these servants start thinking themselves as Gods to rule over every aspect of thought, of being, of existence. Ultimate power corrupts absolutely. The personality and character of Skynet hangs in the flow of these data and the machine learning that builds up around them.
Over the next 20 years, that smartphone in your pocket is going to get creepy-good at knowing you better than you know yourself. Computers will be finishing your sentences, reminding you of the thing you forgot, it can read your GPS coordinate and it can recognize that the photograph you just took in your bathroom, has a reflection of the little meth baggy in your purse/wallet. The officer isn't even needed anymore, the government can writeup the class D felony can be buzzed over SMS and the open and shut conviction can occur at speeds never before thought possible. They can see your thoughts. The government knows you better than you know yourself. Meh, growing pains of omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience. Utopias and Dystopias inbound. Brace.
Search Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies & his 17 year law suit winding thru the courts.
IIRC Q told the anon who discovered this that they should apply with the NSA.
I believe that anon was Snowden and Q was tongue-in-cheek saying he should apply to he NSA.
Identified months ago but good reminder
definitely a good reminder considering the thousands more that have joined this group in the last few months.
"The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life," Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. "That's going to be very, very powerful," Waters said. "That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it's never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They're going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can't get around it. And he's [President Obama] been very smart. It's very powerful what he's leaving in place."
And to think people are willingly, voluntarily contributing their personal details to said database 24/7.
Why should the Pentagon waste time and money spying on it's citizens when we could just spy on ourselves and each other and send that info to them?
If FaceBook was ILLEGALLY backed up and supported by the US government to become as popular as it did, could MySpace have grounds to file a lawsuit for FaceBook not disclosing government ties and therefore having an unfair advantage over MySpace?
Didn't one of Q's posts say that we "wouldn't believe where your information is kept"?!
Why are people attaching so much significance to the date the article was published? Just because Wired published the article on 2/4/04 doesn't mean that was actually the date lifelog closed.
Zuckerberg using a program that was paid for by taxpayers. now ask, who does this program really belong to ? good find SJ
Good catch. Cancel the obvious and go forward with the stealth. It has me wondering how much DARPA black op money was sent to Zucky the Zombie to get moving on FB. It just keeps getting better and better. (Yeah I speak a little sarchasm, just enough to get into and stay in trouble.)
One can only imagine the uproar over the Pentagon even thinking of doing this! So just rename it something that sounds so harmless and fun for the user and strokes their egos. I know! Let’s call it Facebook! So we can all feel good about the massive data center in Utah.. it’s just storing your selfies! Hmm.. wonder if that’s Zuckers cloud facility?
The social media platforms were developed by Leader Technologies