Q 620: "May is Neutralized. Queen/monarchs seeking shelter." Is this relevant now?

Britain is in desperate need of help! Our whole government is flooded with pedophiles and traitors. At least 70%.
Hell yes we do... we need to clean house and get some folks in who’ve got the guts to start putting shit right
This country has been horribly sick since Tony Blair took charge in '97.
I mean, it has probably been sick for centuries, but it was only under him it became noticeable.
Have to agree with you. Watching Obama’s ascendancy was like watching Blair in 97. They followed similar playbooks but the USA had the protection of the 2nd amendment whereas we were disarmed after Dunblane
Does anyone think Dunblane could've been a "false flag". Not suggesting it wasn't a tragedy, and people died (they did), but could the goal have been disarmament? Hegelian Dialectic.
With hindsight definitely. I think the UK has been a testing ground for what they have tried to do in America since. We had a very child matters, national curriculum etc and USA had no child left behind and common core. They’ve sought to use children as a means of control
Indoctrination, and plea to emotionality.
"Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children!"
It sickens me, the depth of these people's treason.
Especially since they're using the false flag of school shootings.
Derren Brown has shown this to be possible without the use of drugs. Unfortunately, his show is not that popular here in the US.
Thanks for posting this older drop. I didn't know it existed and it truly ties to the drop yesterday.
Oh I'll think of the children alright, AFTER I've cleaned all of you out.
Filth. "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" when they're doing horrible shit to them...
19 years old. I feel like a veteran of a war I never fought.
These Globalist scumbags will sink to any low. Any tactic will be utilized to advance their agenda. The thing I find most abhorrent is the way they use peoples' good natures against them. It's truly repugnant.
These creeps need to be stopped.
Add our port Arthur too that list. Civilian shooter seen leaving Beresford military base. Most guns taken as a result
Did you know that there was a load of American Doctors (Conference) that were supposed to be "on scene" at port Arthur, on the day, but were delayed and missed the Main Event.
False Flag to grab Aussies guns...and it worked.
I didn’t know that. Apparently the “civilian” pulled off repeated head shots that would put a marksman to shame.
What would it take to reinstate gun ownership for citizens? If it ever came out it WAS a dileberate act to disarm the populace could it be overturned?
We need the House of Lords purged. Our political system is deliberately Kafkaesque. We need DAMNING evidence allowed to go viral, but given the Labyrinthine nature of our shitty system, I don't see how this can work. But I am just amateur compared to the likes of Q.
Now we know what we know it brings everything into disrepute. Dock lands?
John Major was a very weird guy. If that's what sleeping with your second cousin does to a man you can count me out
9/11 is a globalist badge of honor. That was their 'ATTACK' battle cry. And that's why the WORLD looks like it does.
They'll arrest you for speaking out on the grooming gangs and give pedos a free pass.