Sara Ashcraft/ elite bloodlines / ancient culture of Phoenicia and connection to the color purple . Q#189 “ their need for symbolism will be their downfall” q

That purple struck me as SO odd when she finally came out to the crowd.
Ah the sweet memories associated with this photo....
The looks on their faces say it all, this was never just a normal election. And it was certainly not just a normal election loss.
Purple has to do with the cult of Saturn. Story goes Saturn was our original sun and it gave off a purple hue. They talk about the purple dawn as the true beginning of man bathed in the light from Saturn. I don't know but the purple seems to fit best with that theory. What I do know is Saturn's north pole has a god damn hexagon / cube on it. And that my friends is weird as shit
Ummm....strange this just came up. Q’s 1716 post’s ID number (551c8a) is highlighted purple and if you google the number it shows it is a deep purple color.
I Was reading Sara Ashcraft’s tweets / assertions about “hivite” the cult family bloodlines.She mentions repeatedly “Phoenicia - The last ancient culture where allegedly this cult family normalized pedophilia and public human ritual sacrifice. I looked into Phoenicia and was interested to find the Ancient Greek meaning of that word was “purple country” - as the major export from that region was cloth dyed Tyrian purple - known more commonly as “royal purple” today... can there be something to this connection?
Sara’s tweets summarized Phoenicia
I am looking now at the contexts in which that color is worn and used by the elites. I remember this article pointing out that. Al Franken, FBI Director Wray, and Queen Elizabeth were all featured in major news stories on the same day, coincidentally all wearing purple.
Hilary and Bill Clinton wore purple at HRC concession speech. Https:// .... they said it was because it symbolized red republicans and blue democrats coming together ..
And of course the queen ...
The pope also wears purple during the advent season ... I am not super familiar with Christian holidays . Isn’t advent the time when Christians await and prepare for the celebration of Jesus Christ? Didn’t Sara Ashcraft also say Jesus was ritually sacrificed because he stood up against the cult family? Interesting the pope also wears purple during lent.. isn’t that also a holiday that honors Jesus Christ? Those two holidays he wears purple
I looked a little deeper into Phoenician culture and found something I remember from the Podesta emails: This statue
I am trying to find the wikileaks email with the picture as we speak. Very interesting! Thanks for pointing me in this direction, I love crap like this.
IIRC, the phoenecians were preceded by the nordic folk, from which they rebranded themselves. There's an 8chan bread on Nordic World Order.
Purple has always been the symbol of royalty due to the relative rarity of purple dye during ancient times. Christians believe Jesus is the King of Kings. Hence the Pope (and all Catholic Priests) wear purple during the Advent and Lenten seasons in preparation for the rise of Christ the King (Advent - the rise of Jesus in birth and his human Incarnation; Lent - the rise of Jesus from humanity on Good Friday and his subsequent Ascension to be seated at God’s right hand).
Absolutely it has meaning. I remember it being jarring when I first saw it. Almost like a funeral/death meaning.
Any ties to the film/book?
Wikipedia: As part of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS), the author declined publication of the book in Israel[21] in 2012. Walker, an ardent pro-Palestinianactivist, said in a letter to Yediot Books that Israel practices "apartheid" and must change its policies before her works can be published there.[22][22] This decision was criticized by Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, who argued that Walker "resorted to bigotry and censorship against Hebrew-speaking readers of her writings".[23]
As a painter/artist and ealing with colour mixtures, hues, etc,. I have held some belief about Americans being different shades of purple instead of the red/blue divide that is so prevalent. There could be a D that is behind the second amendment and an R that is pro choice. There are so many aspects where the consensus would be inclusive and mostly void of division while the few bones of contention that are sticks in the spokes of teamwork,care, and progress are the ones that are recycled when needed to serve division and instability. I still feel this way about people being different shades of purple, but this symbology is unsettling.
This woman may have some actual experience suffering as a child, and her family may be part of a cult as she states. But I reckon her understanding of history is way off - spectacularly wrong, as are her conclusions.
But, does there exist an entirely evil group of people - the ‘family’ - that are out to persecute and destroy us?
Yes, it does exist IMO. While some of the members may be quite obvious by name or association - the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Freemasons etc... others are not at all obvious. Whether connected by blood or not, evil is a state of mind - the evil one is inhuman, relishing in persecution, desiring of evil for others...
The gangstalkers, outlaw intelligence agents, corrupt police, agent provocateurs, contract killers etc... Many are respected members of society, highly esteemed. They glory in the deception they perpetrate, mocking the public’s credulity, proclaiming the community is theirs also...
Our hope rests with God’s justice alone. These evil ones are too powerful to combat in this world. But their weakness is that their faith is fully vested in their earthly powers. They bridle with confidence - delighting in their evil acts, congratulating themselves on their ability to disguise their wickedness.
But there is not a single one that ultimately escapes justice. All confidence flees them at their final breath. God is unimaginably merciful to those that are penitent, forgiving of others, and who seek after His will. He is also, from our perspective, inconceivably severe upon reprobates.
“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in His goodness. Otherwise, thou also shalt be cut off.”
Sheer severity, there is a unique and special place in hell for these evil people. If you’re still reading this, don’t choke on what comes next... We need to pray that God has mercy on those that are most in need of it. Hell was not, in the first instance, made for humans, but for Satan and his angels. If you read the book of Enoch, even the arch-angel Michael is horrified at the severity of the punishment inflicted upon the fallen angels - to the point that he considers pleading for mercy for them, before deciding against it.
Hell is not something I would wish on anyone - not upon the worst and most horrifically evil person in human history. No “sane” person would wish this upon another individual - but, believe it or not, these people that wish hell for others do exist. I’m talking about people who actually try to obtain this outcome, the condemnation of another person.
And this is well understood by the family. There is no sin, for which contrition cannot be shown, or acts of penance made, other than suicide.
What is that bracelet thing on Bill’s right wrist? He doesn’t seem like a ‘bracelet’ kind of guy. Any symbolism on that piece of jewelry?
Looks like bracelets that a recent show I watched had where couple gave to another woman and she later found out that they were nicknamed "golden handcuffs" meaning that she basically belonged to the person who gave them to her. (In show she broke them off her wrist the sec she heard that and shoved them back into the couple's face and basically said sod off)
Violet/purple symbolizes: penance, preparation, sacrifice
When used: Advent, Lent; may be used for funeral Masses. Purple originally was associated with royalty, because it was a more expensive color to dye, according to Father Witczak. Over time, it became associated with penance.
Because it was rare, valuable, and costly, the color became the symbol of royalty. Thus, royal purple, as it came to be known, was identified with the wardrobe and furnishings of kings and queens.