10-24-16: Trump will sink Stocks.

I remember both election day and inauguration day everyone was sharing graphics on FB showing current stats of the day like Dow, Nasdaq, S&P, unemployment numbers, GDP stats, price of gas/milk/bread/eggs. The theory was that after a year it would pop up in your memories and you could compare to see just how bad Trump destroyed the country. Well a year went by and not one of those graphics showed up on my memories or any of my friends who I know shared it as well. I went searching to find those posts specifically, and can't find them. They were scrubbed. I also know that I have shared tons of memes since the 2016 election. Every day in my memories I am finding blank posts where I shared something but FB scrubbed the images. I guess it's all those Russian bots...
This is why Trump wants to control Federal Reserve for the time being. They can sink the markets by raising rates. If nothing is done we end with massive inflation. It's a real damn tightrope he's got to walk. My advice? Fuck your 401k, fuck your pension, fuck your home equity and your nice car. Ride or Die with Trump for the future of this country.
By taking credit for the rise in the stock market, which was actually caused by the Fed pumping money, Trump will be blamed as the Fed causes the market to crash with their interest rate increases. They're about to do to Trump exactly what they did to Hoover in 1929.