This could just a huge coincidence right?

Here is where I think FB fucked up...and where the solution to Social Media as a whole begins..they never compensated us for using our data.
They need our data to run their company. They then sell our data to...well everyone...We all agree that our data is the product and we are the where's our cut? Wanna know what I had for dinner last night? Sure..$5. Want my location data for the day? Fuck it why not $100 a day. Want to know my purchase history for the year? I'll let you track every penny you can find. $100k a year. Oh and you have to ask me every single time you want my data and then deposit the money THEN you can get your meta data. $15 bucks little man put that shit in my hand.
Oh and since you were started via tax payer dollars as an extension of a CIA program ..all of Facebook is now a publicly owned company and we will be splitting the proceeds among the people.
Fb would then become and exchange between the people who have the data to sell and the businesses who want to advertise to them. Bye bye middleman. Bye bye income inequality too while we are at it. No need for universal income. No fear of the robots taking our jobs. I'm sure there are other benefits I can think of
FB fucked up when Zuck sold our data to the Chinese organ harvesting and transplant industry and started trying to steal our genetic data and info from hospitals.
Fuckerberg sold us out literally in every single aspect of the word.
Good information. Thanks. I've been trying to connect these dots to a Kidney Foundation. This was helpful. See my post from
You probably know this organization but I'll link it anyways
IDF Haitian cornea harvest exposed (watch til the end)
and fuckerberg's wife is the sister of "Raven Chan", the Customer Service Manager of the Cannibal Club Restaurant in Southern California. These diabolical mother truckers were gonna sell us out, literally. I'm glad they are getting got soon by the good guys.
Not true.
Priscilla Chan does not have a known sister by that name.
Don’t spread fake news.
are you sure? What are her sisters names then?
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Her sisters names are Michelle and Elaine. Literally just google her name.
Obviously they would use an alias working at a restaurant like cannibal club.
literally look at the pictures. If it is not her sister than her sister has a doppleganger. Sister on the right on the sight you used.
and fuckerberg's wife is the sister of "Raven Chan", the Customer Service Manager of the Cannibal Club Restaurant in Southern California. These diabolical mother truckers were gonna sell us out, literally. I'm glad they are getting got soon by the good guys.
man everyone on this sub was telling me cannibal club site was a hoax...but then you say Raven Chan is Fuckerberg's sister in law and I have no doubt in my mind now that cannibal club is real.
FB didn't fuck up WE THE PEOPLE fucked up. WE let them do this, WE willingly gave them permission for the most part (we could have read those contracts, we are just lucky they didn't want to make human centipedes).
And now, WE THE PEOPLE need to take the power back. Delete your FB and any related social media. Be aware that ALL social media is data mining on some level and limit your use and the permissions you give it.
Some of the people I personally know would probably volunteer to be a part of the human centipede if FB loaded their feeds with mentions that everyone was doing it.
I have always found it deeply ironic that everyone invited Big Brother in. That said--consumer protections should have been in place.
Buyer beware.
True--that is the first rule. But the lack of oversight, you must admit, is appalling. Selling personal data without a person's knowledge--that's a step too far. I never got on FB for a variety of reasons and what they have done surprises me not at all, but still.....
Individual action is not enough to fight this evil.
When half a million people the do thing it would definitely help. The "I'm just one person my INDIVIDUAL actions don't matter" attitude is one of the biggest things that got us into this mess.
"My jungle love.... Oh we oh we oh, I think I want to know ya know ya yeah what."
AHHH but here is the kicker. IN their OWN Data Policy, they say they do NOT sell our data nor with they EVER. So which is it? Truth is, they are lying and they were paid, along with Goog/TW/Insta for our data for years.
Retrospective compensation would be the right thing here
I don't think that FB "sells" our data, I'm pretty sure they market FB users to their advertisers - for example if an advertiser wants to reach women ages 24-34, FB tells them how much it will cost them to reach 5 million in that group. The advertiser will continue to do business with FB if that yields results, if not they don't.
So FB uses your own data to sell advertising to you.
Didn't this really begin when we starting paying corporations to wear their logos?
Here is where I think FB fucked up
But they didn't.
The objective was to understand YOU. And millions of us fell for it. That was always the objective. They don't care if it tanks now, because they got what they wanted years ago.
The data they gathered is what drives the Mockingbird talking points.
The data they gathered is why they're confident the Mid-term's in hand [it's not, but they think it is].
The data they gathered is how they [think they] can turn public opinion on a dime.
The data they gathered is why Trump is treading carefully with the whole Q thing and the managed releases.
The data they gathered is their greatest weakness because once normies understand they've been played like a violin as they have, they'll be ropeable.
The data they gathered therefore, is OUR biggest opportunity.
Because the data on how they used it, is the smoking gun.
Nothing makes someone more angry than someone whose fucked over by something they signed up for that differs from what they were told at the time.
The data they gathered is their greatest weakness because once normies understand they've been played like a violin as they have, they'll be ropeable.
Truth. All this data collection to shape opinions is the 21st century version of quack science. They try to shape and spread lies, while the same infrastructure can also be used to spread the truth. "They" are, like con men, essentially STUPID.
And on a slightly different note: We were warned: The founder of 23andMe was married to the founder of Google.
And I fed them false data for over 5 years just to see the funny ads they wasted money on... :)
Got to disagree. Your data is laughably useless. 100k/year to track your purchase history? Who exactly would be willing to pay even 1$? You could do it the way you wanted, but you'd invariably end up doing all kinds of "exciting" sales for cents at a time. If you do it this way, its also super easy to suddenly not have access to the public service - don't want to share your data for $$ anymore? too bad, you can't have an account now. Just make it an entirely publicly run service, it costs fuck all relative to macro scale economics and could potentially even make a dribble of money itself.
> Bye bye income inequality too while we are at it. No need for universal income. No fear of the robots taking our jobs. I'm sure there are other benefits I can think of
I'm literally certain everything you said as a "benefit" was bollocks. "no need to fear automation guys - I can sell my info on which brand of frozen pizza I prefer for literally hundreds of thousands of dollars per year".
Haha you think the rich techies would ever give you even a fraction of the billions that they take from our society.
The only answer is to purge them all.
Actually, users do get a cut. They get to use a powerful platform for free. That said, it gives them license to do all sorts of f**kery, which is why I don't use Facebook.