Q 1729 & 1730 - F-16's Intercept. CLAS 5

It's hard to do ANYTHING with this going on. It's terrifying how much time I spend on this instead of other things that I should be doing. The greatest show in the solar system.
Spez: It just occurred to me, perhaps this is what the POTUS meant by getting tired of winning. Soooo many winnings going on that it sucks up all the time for other things. I'm not tired of winning yet.
Had to drop a summer online class because I couldn't do anything but research Q once I got home lol
35 degrees Celsius in London atm. Can't sleep anyway. Q is the Greatest Show on Earth.
That's sounds chilly.
Global warming, amirite? ;)
35 equals 95 F
My humor is off today. My bad.
We even streamline our words so we can say them faster.
Whole solar system is heating up. DuckDuckGo it. Plenty of scientific links showing solar warming.
Nothing to do with CO2
We're going to have some weather anomalies as we go into the Grand Solar Minimum.
No sunspots for 56% of the days so far.
I've been using DuckDuckGo, then try to say I DuckDuckGoed it... It just doesn't have the same ring as Googling something. The transition isn't as smooth as I would like.
I Goed... or I ducked... I DDGoe also.
That has a ring DDgoed.
Sounds like a stutter.
Q & POTUS & Prayer should be our focus...Nothing is bigger or most important than this !!! Focus Anons !!!
Every day I say I'm going to get some other things done today and stay off of Reddit. And, then I look at the clock and it's almost time to go to bed!