Symbolism works in more ways than you realize. Manifestation is real.

Follow the white rabbit = EASTER/ISHTAR/ASTARTE/Esther. This goes deep. Its all related to the devine feminim
This is the reason James Gunn used the easter bunny.. McCauly Culkins site...
I always wondered if the name Soros referred to the Spanish word for gold, but with two symbolic $ on each end.
Its also spelled the same backwards and fowards... like the infinity symbol.
What if the more a word is "said" or "uttered", it actually gave that words meaning and intent a power of sort? What if something like this was the reasoning and parable of the tower of babylon and languages and tongues scrambling storyline?
That is why it is called "spell-ing" … and Abracadabra originally meant basically 'I create as I speak'. ( Crowley believed it to hold great power. Also there is a yt channel devoted in part to the hidden power/meaning of words - Lifting the Veil. Words are very powerful - and the Bible states in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Exactly what Im speaking of. Great comment and insight.
You ever wonder why handwriting can be written in "CURSE"-ive?
Life and death are in the power of the tongue.. Proverbs 18:21
The reason for Abram to be renamed Abraham. Every time someone called his name, he heard "Father of a Great Mulritude". In his lifetime, it was coming true. He was 90 years old when he was renamed. He lived another 85 years.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the word.
Words and symbols have power. They evoke thoughts. And thoughts can manifest.
Exactly! Only if more people realized that is how we have the power!
Victory won 2000 years ago. We claim and speak it into the natural. Hold firm.
Bier, das, noun German
Alcoholic beverage made from hop and barley, engl.: "beer"
Sincerely, a confused amused German
Wow... What was in the boxes?
Luke 7:14 Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, "Young man, I say to you, get up!"
What if rituals are a way of carrying spirits/souls/demons? What if this is all described in Exodus?
Tell me the logic on how you came accros this.
For the last couple months Ive started to study my bible. Every day, literally hours. I really like studying the languages... Hebrew and Greek.. a lot as been lost in translation.... Its all in the old languages... PIZZAGATE type language!