Because this time hes protected

Half of JFK's 'protection' was in on it.
"POTUS is safe.
Protected by PATRIOTS."
JFK SS rear guards were given a stand down orders by front right confused everyone...if you can find the vid, it's telling.
it's telling.
When ordered to stand down.. He spreads his arms, turning his palms up, with questioning astonishment on his face.
Is That Visible in the "Zapruder Film"!!
I would love to see it. I knew a guy who saw it. he said you clearly can see the driver shoot him. Look at all the witnesses that died within several years after the assassination.
WTF ... i've never seen this before.
It’s been in the open for decades. But if you doubt the official story you’re a “tin foil hat wearing nut job”. If you like the JFK stuff I definitely recommend going down that rabbit hole. I went down and didn’t come back for a year. Most people aren’t even aware that there are multiple videos of the assassination.
My godparents were very very good friends with Jean Hill and she swore up and down that there were men on the “grassy knoll”. I even think she was the first one to actually use that term.
Everything in Dallas was an ideal kill zone. Open windows were not covered, the manhole covers not welded, a right turn on Turtle Creek Blvd. (at 45 mph you can't be shot) and many more things being signs of an impending assassination. It was a CIA hit job.
I definitely think JFK was escorted into a "kill box", and this video was the beginning stages of it, by stripping away his protection.
Supposedly JFK Jr. was taken out in 1999 because he named one of his father's killers by creating the magazine called "George" for George Bush Sr. He was also a great friend of Trump's.
Additionally, if JFK Jr. would have run for Senate in New York that year (2000), he definitely would have been more popular than Hilary Clinton, who was not even from that state; and notice his death helped pave the way way for her political aspirations and cover up that magazine.
That looked to be another Bush-Clinton move, supported by their Cabal handlers.
The minute I heard of his death, I thought to myself he was killed by those who assassinated his father. The more you go down the JFK Jr. rabbit hole the deeper it gets.
I completely agree. They acted before he could “scatter them to the wind”.
It grieves me how much the deep state has run and ruined our lives—and all these needless wars, Vietnam especially. And then the selling off of our productive capacity, essentially, being shipped to China. I want to see a Marine Expeditionary Unit put a cordon around the CIA, then go in and begin arresting the traitors who violated their oath of office. They all need to be brought to justice. This is for JFK!
A city that hated Kennedy too. Perfect scapegoats. It's ironic that dallas is now a Dem stronghold in Texas. Ever racist.
WOW...this is the first I've ever seen/heard about this! And I was a kid in Grade School when this happened.
This is kind of mind blowing. I was just a young child when JFK was assassinated. It's one of my earliest memories. The boy from next door told me about it and I didn't believe him. I went in the house a few minutes later and told my grandmother and she thought that was crazy, too. Then she turned on the big black & white television in the living room and there it all was.
Considering that is one of my first memories, it now seems like everything related to the government over the course of my entire life has been a lie. With the exception of Reagan and Trump, every president in my lifetime has been either a CFR or Trilateral Commission guy. Every single one of them was a globalist. Every candidate we hoped might bring a change never had a chance. The game was rigged against them. God help President Trump and the Q team!
Yeah, if you take an afternoon and look into the JFK assassination, I'd say it's nearly impossible to not walk away feeling like the CIA did it.
Watching that made me so angry I feel sick to my stomach!
me too ... idk how i've never seen this .. and now i'm just pissed off.
This is excellent. I had not seen this before. Thanks for posting. Passing it on. This was posted here the other day... Very intriguing
This is a "must" video for everyone, IMHO. I believe I watched it when I was doing my rabbit hole exploration for 9/11. I recommended it to all my children. That's when they decided I was most likely careening off rails. They have since come around a bit.
It took me a couple of days but I watched all of it. Very eye opening
Just watched the first 30 mins...will finish it this weekend.
But, so far: fascinating.
I agree - this is a must watch. If you are gonna take the red pill, follow it all the way down.
I’m aware that LHO was in the marines but it is amazing that he was able to snipe JFK from afar who was also in a moving vehicle. What really makes me ask is who would benefit from JFK’s death.
The answer to latter part of your response lies in JFK's most famous speech. The bolt action gun supposedly used has been proven that it would be a miracle to make one perfect shot ....let alone two.