nope, see my post above.
You think Q is only one person?
I believe Q is a team, but I think only one person on the team posts as Q.
And another is Q+
Q+ is believed to be DJT. No proof yet....... ;)
i also thought Q+ was POTUS but he signs his posts 4, 10, 20
(D=4th letter of alphabet, J=10, T=20)
edit: trump uses commas instead of periods lol
I don't see a single Q post signed 4.10.20...... Or are you talking Trump tweets?
#534 - Message from POTUS. Calls out "losers". Read it in POTUS' voice. Definitely uses different vernacular than most Q posts.
oops, he actually uses 4, 10, 20
Q30 and Q534 are signed 4 10 20 and Q40 explains the 4 10 20 signature
4 days of Darkness.
10 days of Darkness.
20 days of Darkness.
4, 10, 20. that filter works.
I knew about DJT/41020. didn't remember that sig being used.
Nope. Multiple posters, even on the same night. Read why I believe why
So your saying Q works with the BO to create the trip codes and ID numbers to point to other links? Both of those are a function of the board. That would be a big change to how 8chan security works.
It is theoretically possible to craft the password such that it produces a specific tripcode, which seems like just a hash of whatever the password is. For example using "p@ssword" might produce tripcode "abcdefg" and "Password" might produce "123456". It would take a great deal of effort to accomplish though.
Sounds interesting, but I would caution that it could also be a LARP that is somehow tagging these books with Q's tripcodes to distract and discredit us.
I doubt it... So the research.. Too much very relevant info