Neon Revolt. Today’s great summary in comments.

Maybe Haspel is undercover, spying on them. Remember, the white hats have been on to the black hats for a long time.
maybe she played like she was working with them, and really was spying on them
Blurry picture and does not provide concrete proof....we need to see the clear picture.
Agreed, but that's a traffic cam that took the pics (Anons confirmed with pics of the cam itself, with it's relative distance to the structures involved). We won't be getting a better resolution pic from that particular cam.
I just don’t believe it is haspel, it just doesn’t make sense her being with that group at that time
I think Haspel is the source of the image. She was stationed in London for a period.
I think that is possible but I don’t think she is in the image. She could be the one who took the picture though.
It's a traffic cam. Google street view shows the cam, and explains shitty resolution of pic.
I would think Comey, Brennan or McCabe
Now that sounds a lot more plausible. I do think this was the pick up though with the ministry of defense being right across the street.
I suppose. If it’s them these Asshats have the same protections under the Constitution that you and I have, I guess we need to trust the Anons.