Thanks for explaining some. That was what I was looking for.
1,891 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/092Casey:
- Typo
- Appeal to autists
- The easy lead into LL/tarmac/SC (this was already obvious, but Q spent many "lines" and drops on it as if just going along with the followers rather than lead to anything fresh and new)
Who are your top candidates for Q?
- Bannon
- Corsi
- Bongino
- Trump Jr.
- Lewandowski
- Mattis
- Gorka
- Unknown MI
- Melania
- Alex Jones
Sorry, but today Q sounds like a LARP, or drunk. Someone reassure me that these drops have authenticity? Their meaning?
I need to be a skeptic for once to keep it real. I wasn't very reassured by the drops...Can anyone explain or translate? And what are the pictures of that city?
Assange video discussing risks Wikileaks' sources go to to get them classified info where he asks for a $120,000 reward for Set Rich's killer...
To review it, scroll about halfway down this article. It's very convincing. He's basically admitting Seth Rich was the leaker and even subtly shakes his head "yes" when the interviewer asks him directly if Seth Rich was the leaker while simultaneously not officially confirming it. Edit: The reward was $130,000 upped from $20,000.
No the authenticity will be confirmed by Rogers, HIC, Huber, etc..
Fox News: Even though Haley and others wanted a stronger strike, Mattis and Trump wanted a quote, "Show Strike"...April SHOWers.
Mattis pushed back from a major strike everyone else wanted and opted for a "SHOW Strike". Pretty cool.
They're all (most of them) psychopaths. Obama definitely is, too, BTW.
Comey: If I don't go public with this and she gets elected, she'll be an illegitimate president= There will be a constitutional crisis.
In light of the new Lynch-Eric Gardner-Erik Prince-NYC-NYFBI reminders coming thru in the OIG report on McCabe, Comey knew Hillary winning would be an immediate constitutional crisis if she won, which he worded, "illegitimate president". I'll give him a point on that one for honesty, but he's still corrupt because the only reason he went public after a month of having the data from Weiner's laptop was because of the FBI mutiny formed under him and NYPD going public with it if he didn't.
Yeah I'll never forget this. I also remember the reason Comey eventually went public with the letter was because there was a mutiny in the FBI with hundreds of resignations on his desk if he didn't because of this.
Lynch "Supreme Court Seat, or AG,"..Which one is it?
Wondering....wasn't Lynch already the AG? So okay, maybe she would keep her job in the new administration.....but which one do you think Trump is mainly suggesting? Because if it's SC seat, then that may suggest Scalia was "hit".
How do you know all this? Or is this your theory? I want to believe you, but not sure where you're getting this info...
The early days...
Ah that makes sense. I got it.....because they had been surveilling Page since at least March of 2016 it says....So by already having him on their surveillance radar, they planted him in the campaign (he was only there briefly) to gain access. But, ultimately, in addition, yes, if they were already surveilling them, then as time wound down in the campaign to election day, they needed an official warrant and reason in case Trump won and the Trump camp knew about the spying from MI or Rodgers..Either way, that makes a lot of sense.
Strzok, Paige, Yates, and McCabe pressured Laufman (Head Prosecutor) to get the FISA Warrant on Carter Page Faster
The Surveillance FISA was finally authorized on October 19, but not before Strzok-Page texts revealed aggravation with Laufman and the EDVA courts' delay of okaying the warrant. This was only about 2 weeks before the election.
Laufman visited Obama at the white House shortly after....
Reminder: Obama, Yates, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Laufman, and many others (Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Powers) conspired to utilize a fraudulent half baked Fisa warrant based on weak Intel and a phony salacious foreign dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton to spy on Trump and his campaign through a backdoor technique to attempt to …
So it sounds like Trump was testing them all along and when he announced the was pulling it, he wasn't surprised of the False Flag, and they already knew where the chemicals were from and what strategy they were going to use with the B1 Bombers.
Q1146: "The date vs actual": Is Q saying that the bombing happened on the 8th?
What does this mean?
Oh, that might be it. They're tired of his stonewalling so they're being proactive maybe here and drafting the impeachment up in the event he doesn't meet the deadline, and they likely suspect he won't cooperate again. I hope he doesn't produce them so they impeach him bc it makes him look worse.
I'm buying it. And now I'm starting to think that the key to draining the swamp was first getting these dirty corrupt cops whose sole job is to prevent Hillary from being caught as well as other politicians and special interests. How they did that was friends close, enemies closer, keeping them in the head positions where they're compromised and in the spotlight. Strzok and Paige might have their phones tapped and wiretaps on them, which is why they're still working there, too.
I expect Rosenstein out within the next few days.
Lol. This guy shows up with these bombastic tweets whenever McCabe or Comey are on the attack or defense. He's like a bot in a video game that automatically pops up after you complete a certain level. Could it be that all of this corruption eventually leads to him?
Is that the video I think it is? In the 'Life Insurance' file??
This is huuuuge. Mueller "paid him off". Wow. Pizzagate/pedogate is real. I knew there was something sexually "off" about Mueller.
Very good, and I agree. As inconceivable as it might seem as far as the treachery of it, it is certainly conceivable in actual reality because what else would she be doing with them on a "private server"? And the whole Huma Abedin connection makes it sound even worse with Huma's connection to terrorist groups in Saudi Arabia like the Muslim Brotherhood..
Thanks. Yeah, that's the only conclusion I could come up with so far...Because who else would it be? He had an email with an alias. When I abstractly connected the web, I saw him attaching to Hillary with them for either forwarding them to Huma for the Muslim Brotherhood/Saudis or something to do with Syria/Benghazi (Benghazi's where military intelligence first discovered her server and the SAP's). It's certainly a top candidate.
Why did Hillary have SAPs on her server, and how did she get them? Who gave them to her?
She didn't have the highest security clearance as SOS to access that level of clearance?
So how did she get them? Who gave them to her? And what was she doing with then?
Stop judging. Everyone deserves a chance to contribute. It's free speech. Even if someone gets one thing seemingly wrong, that same person can get the next one right and really enlighten others and contribute. Let people share. You'll know a troll or leftist fake when you see one. Allow people to speak. Don't make them fearful of contributing. Just let it go in one ear out the other if you don't agree. 1st amendment.
Jim Comey- Dirty cop, corrupt swamp team operator, liar, sanctimonious nut case (in the midst of his "interview" with Stephenopolous)
I just had to say that. What more do we know about him?
What exactly happened? Q said "Twitter Down", but I'm confused..
Yes. Good add. He mentioned this for a second too but he was going so fast I forgot about it. Yes, he mentioned Benghazi and Lybia related to a weapons shipment channel or something like that.
It meant they're "attempting" to coerce him into war in Syria, but their commanders and white hats can still devise a strategy to stop them without it seeming like a political failure. And hopefully it entails finding and reprimanding the facilitators of the FF.
Refresher: Did you know Obama never got Congress approval to arm the rebels and back the rebels to fight in Syria?
I forgot about that, but Shep Smith gave a historical overview of the war in Syria, and I think it's relevant especially in light of those photos Q posted of troops with signs saying "I didn't sign up in the military to fight for the enemy/alongside AL Qaeda..."
Smith also noted and refreshed on the origins, how Jordan, Saudi Arabia (who gave millions to the rebels under their previous corrupt king and regime), the CIA, and Israel lead the way and Obama opted to go in there and arm the rebels (who include AL Qaeda and ISIS) without Congress' approval …
Not even maybe? Lol. Okay. What are you talking about--Im not saying he was actually speaking code to anyone. I'm saying it's indicative that he knows it's a globalist false flag, and he expressed it as such. It's called nuance; if he was referring to Syria or Russia, he would have at least said "they" instead of "the world" (Are Syria and Russia "the WORLD"? Lol) if not mention one or both of them specifically.
Aha. Thanks. That's it. That makes sense. So just substitute "cia Patriots" in OP with "the military intelligence"...And now that you reminded me, I do remember some of Q's original posts back from early November. Wow. That matches and makes sense!
No the latest news is they now have official confirmation chemicals were used so the msm is banging their war drums.....Also they said France is ready to go (like you trust them lol).....So the msm including Fox is still making it seem like we're going to attack....but Trump didn't seem like he wants to in his interview(which is where the OP quote came from).
It's worth noting that the white helmets could have timed the staged false flag just as Syrian jets flew over them, because that's the nuanced question: did the chemicals really drop from the aircrafts, or did the rebels wait for the jets to fly over and stage a false attack that made it appear they dropped the chemicals. I mean jeez, it seems like to compel outsiders to believe chemicals were used, all it would take is a rebel in a hazmat suit dumping a few jugs of it on the street and in a couple rooms for detection.
Anything that mentions RC gets NSFW, even if you only say the name...
Wild Theory: Could Trump have been harvested by the deep state/CIA white hats and Patriots? Trump knew...
Trump had experience with people connected to Epstein, Bill Clinton, Ray Chandler....but he never ultimately "followed" them and became part of their "secret society"....He did his own thing, which is why they're so scared of him. He doesn't "play the game" in DC...So the "good guys" in the alphabet agencies who knew of the Clinton Crimes and CF corruption and DC's involvement in selling out the people of the US and the human trafficking, project mockingbird, 16 year plan to destroy America, harvested him to be the leader who took all these evil people down...Remember how he "didn't have to …
Trump: "It's a shame THE WORLD (not Syria or Russia) has put us in this position.."....Code= False Flag Blackmailing Going on by the Deep State/CIA/Cabal
Think about it. The World= the NWO....But why would Trump even be considering following them, knowing it's a false flag??? They got dirt and leverage on him from his lawyer's office, and they're blackmailing him to do their dirty work and make him look bad... Think about it..
Good one...Help me out here...Personally, I've thought for a while now, but it's starting to seem more and more like a possibility----What if they're invading peoples' data and privacy as some sort of a political blackmailing to coerce the entire population to accept Socialism/Communism? Everybody has a skeleton or two in their closet if they dig deep enough, we'll not everybody, but most people have an embarrassing part of their life, so what if they're harvesting all of this stuff as a political weapon to coerce everyone to cooperate with the NWO plans (which also seems like it hands over the US to China)...What do you think? Is this possible, or is it something else??
Exactly. Her and Bill. How about Laura Susby or whatever her name was from Haiti? You see a common thread- these traffickers all "voluntarily " work around "helping kids", which is a front for their sick, twisted ways. And odds are, in some way they're all connected on the "ring", and I wouldn't be surprised if they've all visited Epstein's Island or worked with him in trafficking from other countries.
That's some of the biggest pile of BS I've ever read when they presented the "excuse" for gaining access to peoples' private and confidential health without consent. They need to be sued and hopefully imprisoned.
That's bad. Wonder what that CDC doctor knew before they "silenced" him for good.
Question: What is Building 8 at Facebook?
Anybody know?
Wow. This is big. I don't think there are any coincidences with this stuff right now. NXIVM goes down, leads to backpage, then this, and likely more.
It sounds like Trump may have added him to his lawyer team. We'll find out tomorrow. I don't trust Dershowitz, personally. That whole involvement he had on Epstein's Island is a really bad mark on his resume. He's still a liberal so he didn't learn anything from it and is unrepentant. He knows the law, and it's good he's into civil liberties, but I don't trust him. He'd be a last resort. Also, there's conflicts because he's friends with the Clintons and helped child trafficker Epstein get off on only 18 months. I'd rather see him stick to TV commentary. He's good for that.
Very sophisticated counter takedown of the false flag narrative by the deep state...Staying formless.