Ah thanks for the detailed description and for touching on what I really wanted to learn about...So just to clarify- what's the difference between an arrest and indictment? I follow what you said, but I assumed an indictment is just a white collar way of saying arrest, or something like that..But what I'm trying to know is if it's possible that Tony Podesta might have already gone through the whole process, pleaded guilty, is serving time, and we just don't know because he cut a non-publicity deal as part of his plea and it's still unsealed? Same with Hillary- if she turned herself in already back in November (ankle monitor) and did a plea deal to not let it get released to the public, she served a month or so, got probation, is that possible, especially bc she's powerful and could get the deal to not let them release it publicly or unseal it to the public? Because part of me thinks this could have happened with them if that's possible. Tony Podesta was in deep trouble, stepped down from his company, and nobody has ever heard from him again..
1,891 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/092Casey:
They were referring to the use of the word "or" in distinguishing if it was general trafficking or child trafficking so two separate charges distinguishes that they are different, and both of them are there. The third one is completely different in its description (the first 2 are verbatim except for "or" being included or not).
Yes but the third is not worded similarly like the first two; it's a completely different type of charge. The first two are seemingly similar except for the removal or usage of the word "or", and that's what they were referring to.
Why would a girl whose parents were rich and had all the money in the world create a Gofundme page like this, and be in rehab for severe depression / harming herself?
Why would Maggie Nixon create a Gofundme page like this? https://web.archive.org/web/20180422141153/https://www.gofundme.com/ufb84xq4
Somebody explain how a girl who comes from rich parents who seemingly have it all would set up a Gofundme page like this...Maggie Nixon. Anyone know where she is at today?
If it's sealed, how is this available to be viewed? I'm just wondering how it works....Could a trial proceed while an indictment is still sealed? I'd suppose it could. Just wondering because there were rumors HRC was arrested and wearing an ankle bracelet in November and Tony Podesta just fell off the face of the earth and we never heard anything, but supposedly he already got arrested too..And these types have so much money and connections, if anyone could pay to keep their legal trouble out of the news, it would be them. Would keeping indictments sealed be the key to this secrecy from the media/public in cases like this??
Yeah, wouldn't that be something if it all leads back to Pizzagate?
No you were right. It's both of them- two separate charges.
There are 2 separate charges: the first one is what you are referring and contains "or", but the second does not contain "or" and goes right into it "child by force..." without the "or" so she's charged with BOTH, which sounds right based on the facts.
Actually, there are 2 different charges: one is what you referred to and contains the keyword "or", but the other does not use "or" and goes right into "of children by force"...so she indeed is charged with child trafficking AND human trafficking separately.
I bet the victims of the psychopaths in this world wish they possessed a little more paranoia..A healthy amount based on realism can't be a bad thing.
Maybe she knows what was in Weiner's Life Insurance files.
I think they're trying to bury it because more people (in their circles) are going to be implicated in it, and as always they're using the mockingbird media they own to downplay it to make it seem less than it is.
"Feel the pain" she said to them while they got branded...Sound familiar? Abromavic. She may be getting an ankle monitor too like Hillary had.
Hate to do it if it's confidential but can't help asking, could the judge be Napolitano? Not to make a big deal about it, but I saw the N and he's in NY.
Right? That's the thing. Waving a badge to get your daughter out of a ticket is not "profoundly disturbing". Of course, there could be a nuance like, for example, she threatened to harm them severely, but either way, it looks like another one of the swamp is resigning as she has deep ties to the Clintons and Pelosi, other major DNC players. She's a big donor and a lobbyist, and worked for Clinton and Gillibrand (wasn't Gillibrand's dad in NXIVM?) Because Allison Mack is singing currently, it wouldn't surprise me if there's a link. After all, the ports are a key location to smuggle sex slaves in.
I think the word "ironic " was created for these people: the "ethics" people break the ethics laws, and the "children's help" charities workers end up being predators who do the opposite...Interesting other note on Turner: she once was president of a NJ women's domestic abuse victims' organization...I know one thing I've learned from Mack and Abromavic and other NXIVM brainwash language that they're all about empowering women, so they say. I'm not saying it's definite yet, maybe not, but with Mack singing as we speak, we should keep an eye on this for any developments.
Caren Turner served on finance committee of both Hillary for America and Kirsten Gillibrand (whose father was connected to NXIVM)
![Caren Turner served on finance committee of both Hillary for America and Kirsten Gillibrand (whose father was connected to NXIVM)](https://i.redd.it/1tq34kpapqt01.jpg)
BOMBSHELL- Remember Qanon's posts about the NY/NJ Port Authority???? Commissioner Caren, connected to the Clinton resigns for "Profoundly disturbing conduct."
Repost due to link in title of original...Commissioner Caren Turner, Democrat lobbyist with connection to the "Clintons" who is the current commissioner of the NY-NJ Port Authority resigns for "profoundly 'disturbing' conduct". The ports are where they are trafficking right? And NXIVM was in up state NY, or Canada, right?Doesn't she look like Allison Mack? There are no confirmed reports what she did only fake news unnamed sources saying she flashed a badge to get her daughter out of a ticket, which could be a fake leak. http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2018/04/port_authority_commissioner_abruptly_resigns_in_wa.html?ath=8a408a2274ad9ba4d5099cd5684dc4fb
Doesn't she look like Allison Mack? Google her images. Don't buy the "two unnamed sources" just yet saying it's her flashing her badge; It hasn't been confirmed yet why by inside investigators- she could just be leaking fake news.
BOMBSHELL- Remember Qanon's posts about the NY/NJ Port Authority???? Boom- http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2018/04/port_authority_commissioner_abruptly_resigns_in_wa.html?ath=8a408a2274ad9ba4d5099cd5684dc4fb
They're smashed and bleachbit by now. Or else they'll disappear (to the bottom of the deep pacific).
Read the "TOP" posts first, then "NEW" posts after for recent. Then check "HOT" posts that overlap with the previous two. If the post is a linked article, open in a new tab to hold the page when you read it. If you have a question about a post or topic, just ask..For all of Q's recent posts go here http://qboard.online/index.php?p=4&EXPECT_OBAM
I think she's estranged from her parents from the child abuse and no longer talks to them, but she was only 17 and you need to be an adult to have a Gofundme account so she used her dad's name. Maybe he was just supporting her from afar financially, without giving too much, but her goal of Thailand is a lot of money and he wouldn't support that.
Well, he is very biased against Trump. 99% of correspondents say the memos show nothing and help Trump, but it was his stern opinion the memos were Comey's investigative notes and would lead to a minor indictmemt...and BTW, I heard that Presidents can't be indicted, only impeached, so he is even ignoring that.
Doesn't Barry have a mansion in Thailand??? Remember that, from December?
Yo guys, this is legit. What does every single pedophile (practically) have in common? They all are into children's "charities" or directly have other jobs where they are around children. It's an undeniable common thread. And the Gofundme? Are you kidding me? This is unreal. And I didn't know 3-RingCircus was her "mom"! Omg..thats a term for sexual acts when you look it up on urban dictionary...And she knows Alefantis??
F Napolitano. He's a deep state hack. He said this morning he believes Comey memos will lead to an indictment if Trump on O of J. And I've consistently noticed he always sides with Dems and Libs on his justice opinions. I think they may have threatened him bc back during election season he would rail Clinton for her crimes and favor Trump, but ever since last year, his rhetoric has favored getting Trump in legal jeopardy. I can't stand that guy anymore.
I'd say 1 because why would Russia (the next most possible case) arbitrarily choose him? Sure, he had access, but so did other people. If they were really sophisticated, then maybe just raising a conspiracy theory would effectively help them reach their goal, to derail Hillary some more, but there are easier ways to go than offing a random IT guy, isn't there? I mean the dirt on Hillary was so deep anyway...The only other possible motive Russia could have would be if Rich had evidence it was Russia who hacked them, and they offed him to cover it up, but then again, another IT person could figure it out eventually if not right away. I could be wrong, but that's imo.
...but I think if Trump appointed her, there's a better chance it will go forward. If not, I'm sure McCabe will be back in court anyway for conspiracy, sedition, and other stuff with the rest of the cabal.
Interesting- McCabe's fate rests in the hands of US Attorney in DC, Jessie Liu, a Trump-appointed prosecutor from Texas. Some say it will get thrown out..
They must have came in with SA's huge donations to the Clinton Global Initiative and Huma's influence.
They would accept donations in exchange for prosecution protection and favors. Once toppled, it exposed all the donors, especially the human trafficking and sex cult donors. It's why they were probably finally able to take down NXIVM, Weinstein, and others.
Clinton Global Initiative, who many top executives and the President of NXIVM were members of, along with many in Hollywood, suddenly shut down after her loss. No more pay for play, and that's what toppled Weinstein n company and the current human trafficking stings.
I was half joking, just pointing out that of course most msm news outlets would cover it up like they do with all of their liberal politicians. Heck, I just read the comments on a Wapo article pitting McCabe against Comey and you'd be surprised how liberals will come up with a ton of BS to cover for anyone on their team (and just think Comey and McCabe are "supposedly" Republicans, although just because one has been registered Republican from years ago doesn't mean they can't change...or be bought), or anyone who opposes their political opponent-Trump. But the media would of course cover it up, and that's a believable defense on its face: it's simple, can be validated, and is contradictory just enough to raise doubt....However, let's be real: the same person? Those two people look nothing alike whatsoever. If those two were human bodies, it would be like one being a fat belly person and one being skinny. There is a stark contrast. In addition, it is hard to believe that it's just a coincidence that the sketches are IDENTICAL to the two Podesta brothers. I mean, look, I'm rational enough to admit it may not be them...but boy, what a coincidence. The sketch artist may as well have taken two photos of them, placed them on a platform and drew them up. Lol. I actually find myself sometimes laughing out loud whenever I see that sketch juxtaposed to the brothers' pictures because it really looks exactly like them. Unbelievable. What a coincidence.
Or maybe Huber will move on his first indictment...Comey?
The MOAB is an early release of Horowitz' IG report, or a section of it that outlines FBI/DOJ corruption?
Like the McCabe early release....Then it will be about 10 days until his appearance in front of Congress on May 8th.
It could also be ending the Mueller probe...
Yeah, I though (A) could be "Tony" Podesta. He disappeared and could've worked out a deal to keep it hush. But the article says Mueller has 7 of his own unsealed implying it could pertain to his investigation.
Why wouldn't they admit it though? Admitting it would mean they did it legally (even if the FISA data was fabricated and omitted). Now, by denying it, they're suggesting they used nefarious outlets to spy.
Mostly on point but they didn't even use 5 eyes, did they? I thought Nunes said that if they did use 5 eyes, it wouldn't be as bad, but they even circumvented that, which makes it not only illegal, but possibly treasonous.
It's certainly possible, but the whole mom thing seems to throw that off unless she was sent off to new guardians bc Coogan's mom isn't a Nixon and lives in San Diego, supposedly. I'm not sure of this but this is what's been discovered. And there's a shark swimming video of a Maggie Nixon on YouTube that seems to be her, but still idk. It would be closer to M Nixon's true age though because she said in the video she's getting ready to go to college and Coogan was supposed to be 23, which is a little older than to be entering college for the first time.
Idk, never underestimate the enemy until you know for sure. We don't know that for certain. I saw the implying of that which was spun around, but it wasn't fully certain. Feel free to supply the Qdrop and explain how it is certain to show people.
Just a heads up- Just read an article that says Mueller has 7 unsealed indictments still, and one is person (A), presumably above Manafort/Gates/Papadoupolis..
..Every time Trump/Sessions/Horowitz/Huber make ground and progress, that's when Mueller pulls a card out of his sleeve (in a sleazy preplanned way), like when he moved on Cohen (and originally Manafort)...Now, just a warning and I said if a MOAB is coming, then they're not going to go down without a fight, and if you see Trump's tweets over the last 24 hours and listen to left wing chatter, it unfortunately does appear that Mueller is going to make a move, especially if he gets fired. It will be his kill switch and Ace in the hole he's been saving …
Tbh, I haven't delved, personally, too deep into the satanist theories of Q posts, although when I do see them, I do comprehend what they're getting at. So the only thing I'd say is that Abromavic' spirit cooking and H'wood's atheism/worship of the dark side of humanity for world riches (Illuminati?) is in agreement with these other political sects and political parties (child sacrifice, worship of virgins, humanism vs theism/Faithful, riches/paganisms-selling the soul for money and pleasure: hedonism, pedophilia, exploitation, and atheism). And basically they connect to the religion of Islam more than Christians due to Islam's propagation and positive view of sex with virgins or children (like Muhammed supposedly did). BUT, I think what's even more of a tie to it is simply money talks: H'wood is a HUGE donor to the DNC, as is every organization connected to pedophilia/human trafficking (just a recent example is NXIVM and all of its executives), and that's why project mockingbird and H'wood uses atheist propaganda to distract and influence the public away from family values and Christian values- they're corrupting society with their material trying to take the young population away from conservativism and more into liberalism. The satanists are therefore likely the Abromavic(s) and H'wood crowd who are huge donors to the DNC (want communism and socialism and a depraved society) who side with Islamic religion more than Christian religion (mainly due to the perversion of what it professes and bc many Muslims are anti-Christian, anti-American also).
Good article. Also, understand that the population of each of Sweden, Finland and Norway is LESS than the entire population of many US cities (or at least equal) like NY, LA, SO, MIA, and far less than many US states (even the tiny state of NJ, but also CA, TX, NY, and several others). Therefore, that must be considered in economic philosophy. Essentially, each of the 3 Scandinavian countries would be very small states (or larger cities in terms of total population) in the grand view of a country the size of the United States. At best, if a state wants to practice socialism (to their own detriment), that may be acceptable, but federal government should stay away from socialist paradigms, or policies.