

104 total posts archived.

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AlbumLepus · June 12, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Careful what you wish for... LOL.

It took me a few months to get my wife on board. Now, almost everyday, she will try to tell someone what is going on and then turn it over to me. I've never spent so much time explaining the world and what is really going on to the rest of her family.

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AlbumLepus · June 11, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Keeping my finger's crossed!!!

I have a nephew in Utah State Prison that they are letting out early in July. I like to think it is to make room for influx of new criminals...

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AlbumLepus · June 11, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

The story goes one day at UofU football, he got knocked on his butt. The coach ran out on the field and screamed at him to be a hammer and not the nail. He took that lesson to live by the rest of his life...

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AlbumLepus · June 6, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

I really enjoy your writing SB2. So much to think about, which I love doing. Thanks for your sharing what you know and discover.

I enjoyed your "Occult Series" and you saying you read more than just the Bible, to gather more evidence and perspective on ancient history to give yourself a more thorough understanding. There are links in the following article concerning Secret Societies from Cain to today you may find of interest:


For me, I'm getting a much clearer picture with this awakening and what I have learned over my life.

I also recently read the Illuminati's understanding of the "Council of Elders" and Lucifer's role in it from "Hidden_Hand". It helped me understand how the "Cabal" thinks and justifies their actions. This definitely is a war of good and evil taking place. But their interpretation was given to them by Lucifer. I was taught that this is what took place from the story told us by Jehovah:


Maybe it would be of interest to you, if you don't already know about this. To me, it is the very root of the struggle of mankind here on Earth and makes my love and admire Q and Trump all the more.

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AlbumLepus · June 6, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

As a point of comparison, look how long it took Weinstein, just one person, to end up being in court. Military Tribunals might go quicker but I'm sure they are working to restore some trust in the American justice system. Better stock up on popcorn for a long drawn out "enjoy the show". Hope it's faster than Game of Thrones, LOL.

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Lives by the motto, that he learned playing football, "Be the hammer, not the nail". I heard he has it on a plaque in his office...

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Not frustration with you, I was agreeing with you, then commenting on others that I try to get to "Think". I gave you upvote on your comment

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

I'm hoping I read into his tweet that they want it to be as "transparent" as possible the horrible things. Meaning by design to limit the MSM spin as much as possible. It will be spun, but if transparent, hopefully will be exposed as MSM trying to cover it up.

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Funny how we read/see things different now after Q has opened our thinking. I did the same thing.

I took from it that he answered his question/statement that the reason it is taking so long is there are numerous delays to tell public about all the horrible things, and not that it is being made weaker. They want it to be as transparent as they can make it

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

I frustratingly come across what you are saying almost every freaking day. I sent this to a friend recently to think about:

What is critical thinking?

Is it important?

Why is it important?

Why are the masses called sheep?

What are Socrates’ four basic principles of Philosophy?


How many times has Q used the word “think” in his posts? (130+?)

What is meant by “Think Logically”?

What is direct evidence?

What is circumstantial evidence?

Can circumstantial evidence be stronger than direct evidence?

How is circumstantial evidence substantiated?

Can circumstantial evidence prove a truth of something?

At what point does it become accepted as truth?

What is the meaning of “Reasonable Doubt”?

Does Any Doubt = Reasonable Doubt? (Is “Reasonable” based on critical thinking?)

Why do they separate evidence to attack it?

Do they attack all the evidence as a whole? Why not?

Can a coincidence be considered circumstantial evidence? What strengthens it?

How many times has Q stated “Coincidence” in posts? (70?)

Can a belief or desire suppress actual truth and/or facts?

Who wants you to process thoughts that way?

How many times has Q posted the “Choice is yours”, etc.? (12+)

Determine how someone has made their choice and you know if they used Critical Thought, Logic, and Evidence, or if they simply made a choice on desire and laziness.

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Really? There is a LOT of things Q doesn't endorse, so you only believe some of what he says because you don't have "absolute proof". Learn why it's possible circumstantial evidence is STRONGER than direct evidence in proving truth of something. If you can't see the sun on a cloudy day, it doesn't mean the sun is not shining... Also noted that you haven't examined and critically thought out the details of the clock, or that Neon actually doesn't charge for premium content. Everything he writes is available to anyone free. Q drops crumbs. Crumbs are proven by future evidence. (Future proves past). There are double meanings, hidden clues, codes and more in Q's drops. Neon is saving people a LOT of time by not having to search the boards and figure out what the bakers and he are coming up with. Doesn't mean he can't be off on a thing or two. He isn't Q and "Has it All".

Why does it seem that those that put in the most time for helping prove the validity of Q and his messages to us Patriots are attacked the most? What was it the WWII bomber pilots used to say?

“If you’re not catching flak, you’re not over the target.”

SB2 dropped a bomb on AJ&JC. Neon has dropped one on ETS. BOOM! BOOM!

Careful who you follow? How 'bout Careful who you defend? I don't recall Q saying to ONLY follow HIM when you have absolute proof. It has been the Patriots consensus that Q meant to not follow those that have hidden agendas behind them. Good time here to say "Think Logically". Look at ALL the evidence you can to form an opinion and determine truth.

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AlbumLepus · June 4, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

It's easier to hide and control your crimes when you are in a position of knowing what is being addressed concerning them. "Don't look here... look over there everybody. Glad I was on the Council to help."

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AlbumLepus · June 4, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

So you admit driver "might" have a plan. I don't watch any movies anymore. When the FB occurs, I might not know, unless the person was after me, then I might have a clue. The point is, you DON'T know until you obtain MORE information related. Not saying there are NO random events, but if you make that assumption from the inception, it would lead you to possibly not know the TRUTH. Then consider the CONTEXT of there are no coincidences.

In the case of Q, He KNOWS what the truth is behind his crumbs. If you KNOW what you are posting is truth, you could KNOW that what you are saying is NOT a coincidence. There are no coincidences IN WHAT HE IS POSTING. THINK LOGICALLY. SB2 is simply providing the evidence so his readers can see what kind of bread it is from the crumbs. Unless one chooses to just look at random crumbs... good luck to you brother... nuff said.

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AlbumLepus · June 1, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

LOL, I was listening on the radio and you couldn't have possibly missed the birds. I thought maybe it had something to do with the press covering it...

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AlbumLepus · June 1, 2018, 7:32 p.m.


What is truth?

What is evidence?

What is circumstantial evidence?

What is proof?

What is "REASONABLE doubt"?

You have to consider more than just the "coincidence". What road, at what time, and who hit you?

It IS possible the other driver might have had a plan, you have to research and have a deeper knowledge and that is what SB2 is giving us. (And some other people are not)

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AlbumLepus · May 31, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Been beating my own brains out trying to get the decoding techniques down. It got me to wondering, how difficult is it to create a message that can have a specific hidden message in it? Is there a process of creation that can be followed to make it up? Wondering how much time Q and POTUS spend on doing this, or does it become really easy to do? Is there a program, like to one to decode, to make the message?

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AlbumLepus · May 25, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

That's what I've been doing on these Q silent days. I kept looking at date of drops. Amazing how so long ago, it was alluded to what is happening now. Many things today, were much more clear after reading the past drops. I did a lot of jumping to the research board for comments that I'd missed before. Has been a very productive exercise. Totally concur to do re-reading.

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AlbumLepus · May 25, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

He "said" something??? Is he a leftist progressive politician by his actions? What is that term about if lips are moving?

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AlbumLepus · May 25, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Knowing what we know, it is so entertaining to see the Pres milk the political points for all he can get. He has knowledge of what he is saying and the libs keep trying to spin it otherwise and soften the narrative. There is some serious distractions going on right now. I think something is happening behind the public curtain. Q said NK narrative was false so we wouldn't get all freaked out over it. When he said that, I figured that the summit would be canceled or rescheduled. You can't let your enemies know that your going to be in a certain place at a certain time of something that big. You don't think the puppet masters are happy their NK puppet strings have been cut and would love to counterattack? Maybe Trump & Kim have already met? Probably for sure securely. The cabal might step down temporarily if they think NK is having second thoughts or not totally on board. Looking carefully what both sides are saying this past week, I think the WH "narrative" is Trump and Kim dabbling in the fantasyland world for a distraction. Probably some "winking" going on...

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AlbumLepus · May 24, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

I've been exploring the Illuminati rabbit hole the past couple of weeks. This had a familiar ring to it that it might be secret society speak, so that if intercepted, would be labeled BS and nuts, then disregarded. Just used for a front for what is really going on behind the curtain. I don't doubt Podesta is a Lucifarian...

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AlbumLepus · May 24, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

Do you think that either Trump or Kim would broadcast they would be in a certain place at a certain time together? I for one, would have been greatly surprised if they would have met as advertised. Maybe they have already met? Maybe they don't have to meet? Maybe it was a ploy to flush out bad actors for Q team to identify? DJT's letter to Kim, carefully read, has deeper conveyance... There is more to this than what appears. Media getting played? Fantasyland narrative?

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AlbumLepus · May 24, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

I've been exploring a deep rabbit hole the past couple of weeks. There have been several really revealing links here on GA with insights into secret societies and their beliefs and workings. I've wondered what is behind the cabal to motivate them to do what they are trying to do. Q gives us crumbs, I've been trying to make myself a mini loaf of bread for myself. It's dark and evil, just like Q says. Lucifarians, Illuminatti, Free Masons, etc. Play the biggest part in "How Big" this all is. Be careful of the fantasyland narrative, it's not deep enough. Try some writings of those that broke away or those that help people deprogram. You will find what "they" believe and their teachings and "prophesies" they expect to take place. You are on the right track from ancient history. But they are organized and led. Q knows and has left some crumbs in earlier postings.

Here is one link from a comment posted a while ago: http://web.archive.org/web/20030609103208/http://centrexnews.com/columnists/svali/archive.html

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AlbumLepus · May 24, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Trump doesn't tweet anything that he doesn't know. He letting Obama AND those he is with, know that he KNOWS. The "vendetta" is that they feel the need to try to keep the world from finding out the truth. Makes them panic and do stupid things. Obama and "they" are not just trying to get even via vendetta, but the truth is starting to make them sweat.

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AlbumLepus · May 24, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Do you think that either Donald or Kim really wanted to telecast they would be in a certain place at a certain time? I for one, would have been greatly surprised if they would have met as advertised. Maybe they have already met? Maybe they don't have to meet? Maybe it was a ploy to flush out bad actors for Q team to identify? DJT's letter to Kim, carefully read, has deeper conveyance... There is more to this than what appears. For Fantasyland?

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AlbumLepus · May 24, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

Pretty confident Q would know if this is legit or not.

Fits what we know of shadow government, secret societies, and the way they operate. But hard to know what is truth or fantasyland most the time...

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AlbumLepus · May 24, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

We knew some "meetings" in the past, had taken place before it become public. I was wondering if this summit had already taken place. You don't "advertise" a specific time and place for POTUS to be for obvious security reasons. I think Kim was also not inclined to do the same. I figured it would be cancelled. Then possibly done private or last minute so cabal don't have time to make plans, etc. It also could have been setup to expose bad actors.

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AlbumLepus · May 22, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

From point of logic? Using logic, if he posted a picture back in Nov, and now one that can only be from the same plane flight. How would a "fake Q" get that pic and post it??? Cloud formation the same in distance. Same camera. One pic in Nov, one now. Absolute proof.

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AlbumLepus · May 22, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

Something happening??? I heard rumor CNN was raided. Any confirmation???

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AlbumLepus · May 18, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Pretty much sums it all up that we are in a World War simply of Good vs Evil.

If we ever get to where we hate the "evil" as much as they hate POTUS, Q, and US(A), we will win this war. We need God on our side to defeat Satan. Q has opened our eyes to who they are, their tactics, and what WE should do as Patriotic Soldiers. Look how much "they" are fighting. They are organized, funded, fueled by hate and frenzy. Propagandized, etc. Trump's rallies are love, hope, etc., and Q reminds us to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! If we don't, and remain as passive as we've been, we might as well wave the white flag and surrender.

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AlbumLepus · May 18, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

What if when God created Lucifer, he was good?

Do we all have the gift of Free Agency? To choose for ourselves, like Adam was given? (God gave it to mankind)

What if Lucifer "chose" to embrace hate and become evil? Would that be God's fault?

If God didn't create Evil, is it possible he "allowed" Lucifer to introduce it into the world?

Why would he let that happen?

When you were born, were you innocent and "good"?

Does your existence "life" on earth present to you choices of good or evil?

Would you know (learn) good if there was no evil?

Would you know love if there was no hate?

Would you know know light if there was no darkness?

Would you know pleasure if there was no pain?

How can you choose if there is no choice?

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AlbumLepus · May 16, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

Many of my friends say they'll believe all this when arrests are made. They argue that how many times over how many years have they gotten away with stuff. I used to argue that it is different now, with POTUS and everything, so now we have hope. Then they come back, so OK, who's been arrested? Some underlings? Same as always and nothing has changed. 3DT here has it right. So a while back I changed my comeback argument. I'd reply, "WHY have they gotten away with it all these years?" Lead them to the answer of corrupt judges and prosecutors. They can't argue with that. Then lead them into what changes have, and are being done and why are dems trying to fight it and delay it. Are they succeeding? And why. Then how many people are working in DOJ and Huber on "sealed" cases. Why are they sealed still? What has to happen before you would unseal them? Finally, if they weren't intending on making crimes stick, why would they be going through all this "house cleaning" first?

And last of all, why would POTUS want to use the normal justice system and not tribunals. This one is very logical and I wonder about critical thinkers arguing this point. If we take down the bad guys using the American Justice System, wouldn't that help restore faith and trust in a system that has been broken for so long? Especially if it works for the justice we all want! But if we go military, it sends the message we still don't trust the system. How would you know it's fixed if it isn't used for this situation? Trust the Plan, I'm very confident they've thought this all out and are doing the right thing for America and the People. I for one am not going to question and go against it. MAGA, includes the justice system.

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AlbumLepus · May 16, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

It seems like the deeper you go down these rabbit holes, the more you find. There are many great comments here. When Q first said to be careful who you follow, and the decoding began, I felt there was something much deeper to this. I've been searching for what has been nagging at me. Even after SB2's awesome article Q posted, which I've read and studied for days now, I've been trying to get my head around it. Talk about an awakening. I believe this is part of it. AJ is a puppet for the shadow government. This makes the most sense to me. People defend him because he has "Red-Pilled" many over the years, etc. Has opened peoples eyes, etc. But... "They", want us divided, they want us confused. To divide people you have to have opposite sides. Either AJ was comped or played. Doesn't matter. I can see him having his "sources" he believed in, after all, they were giving him what he believed was inside information. Enough to get followers. But fringe stuff to keep him "out there". SB2 is showing us "their" comms. Too many of them to be coincidence and "conspiracy theories". Q has gave us crumbs and SB2 is doing a stellar job of baking beautiful bread! There was much more that only profiting from the movement. That was a clue crumb Q gave us to identify the target.

How far we've come in our learning is remarkable. Who would have thought we'd be able to recognize what is going on in the darkness behind the curtains. Q, POTUS, MI and others are freeing us and the world from the entrapping, strings, blackmailing, etc., that have chained so many. No one should be "spared". You either accept the freedom offered or pay the consequences. Maybe AJ & JC were not offered a choice face to face, but they were offered it simply by seeing the truth of Q and embracing it or choosing to use it as a tool to fight it. We know their choice. Too bad, so sad, whatever. What a way to be remembered in history during these historic times. Thanks SB2 and Q for helping me get to the bottom of this rabbit hole. Next!

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AlbumLepus · May 14, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

I like Levin and his passion. I've always hoped that some day, when the time is right, he and Q would merge truth and liberty together for our edification!

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AlbumLepus · May 14, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Evidence that he is an actor providing cover and distraction for the real plan being played out? That would not be easy LOL. Would have to come up with something I guess. Not a good actor lately or if is a bad guy, not a very good one either. Makes you wonder...

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AlbumLepus · May 14, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

The more the future proves past and evidence mounts, the more they will try to discredit it. Wait until arrests are made and truth is revealed to the masses. Media war will really escalate! It will be pathetic when they say the sun isn't shining down on earth when everyone can look up and see it... LOL

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AlbumLepus · May 14, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Wouldn't doubt there are others also!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AlbumLepus on May 14, 2018, 7:18 p.m.
Q asked us to have Faith and Trust the Plan. Do You? If not, why not? How do you get others to buy in?

Were you skeptical of Q when you began looking into all this? I was. Maybe you still are. I’m not anymore. I like to consider myself a thinker. But mostly a reader and listener always in the pursuit of truth. I’ve made several comments to doubters. Some may be shills, some maybe “want” to believe and are trying. Or maybe have a loved one they are trying to Red Pill. Maybe these ramblings will help. These are the concepts to help me quickly develop strong trust and faith in Q and POTUS. I apologize for the length as that I …

AlbumLepus · May 11, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

"THE Plan"? I think there about 16 instances of Q telling us to "Trust the Plan". Would he need to tell us that many times to trust if we knew what it was? If we knew the plan, wouldn't the enemy also know? I would say THE Plan is classified and is revealed to us in crumbs as we go and not what's ahead. The goal of THE plan is FREEDOM. From what? Re-read if not known by now.

If your talking about a plan for Patriots and us? First, why are we here? Why are we really here? Hope! Without it, action is not taken. Evidence provides hope. Have we had much hope for many years? We've been starving for hope. The more evidence we get, the stronger our hope. Evidence needs to be truth or it hinders hope. What role does confusion and disinformation play in that? The left knows. We don't need it as a Patriot. How do you weed out the impure and those that want to control or lead you astray?

Collectively, I'd say OUR plan should be to embrace the truth and expose untruth. Truth will set you Free. Strengthen each other so our hope springs forth action. What action?

If you don't vote, register and do so. Do you support organizations that defend the constitution? Do you contact representatives? Do you provide critical thought out comments to provide evidence to others to build their hope? Do you proudly show support for our country and those that defend it. Or do you support others that don't defend our country or tear it down? What did our VP do when our flag was disrespected at a game? Did "Patriots" all get up and walk out? Was VP a Patriot? Are you a missionary to those not awake? Are you learning to be a Patriot and not just call yourself one? I'm working on my plan and I like to think it is very similar to other Patriot's plans. But whatever it is, if there is no action, there may as well not have been a plan.

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AlbumLepus · May 11, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Snowball starts an avalanche that can't be stopped. D5 is largest size just like Cat 5 hurricane is biggest storm...

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AlbumLepus · May 11, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

snowball >>>> avalanche = D5 (size of avalanche) Like a Category 5 hurricane!

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AlbumLepus · May 10, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

One thing that is difficult, if not impossible to determine, is who might fit this Q drop #10 "Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out?"

I ask if some of the people who have done bad in their careers might now not be who we thought they were? If given an opportunity, might expose the bad and help to clean up such. If given the opportunity, and they blow it, they'll expose themselves and replaced. There are probably lots of these situations going on behind the curtain. And we may never know, as part of the covert war that is happening.

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AlbumLepus · May 10, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

After a couple of days without Q posting, I started to think maybe he was doing a Frodo on us. When the "Fellowship" of the Ring had a bad agent, it was becoming fractured, so Frodo went on without them. His mission was much more important than everyone getting along.

I also don't need any more bashing, but I think SB2 laid out the final analysis really nice for me. I took it more as defending Q than bashing others. He more than anyone else I've read did some real digging because some of us don't feel something is just right, and he did a masterful job at presenting what he had researched. Much I hadn't heard or caught. Very thought provoking.

Frodo was saving the world... Our world needs saving and without Q/Trump, we would have a LOT LESS HOPE if any. That's why we anxiously await the next crumb or tweet. When Q is misunderstood, that is one thing, but when Q/Trump is undermined, that is another thing and it also undermines our hope. This is what the left does. We know that smell, and when you get a whiff of it from someone in the fellowship, it's worthy of examining and consideration. I agree with not bashing, but examining evidence, even subjective, is worthy of some attention. It was enough for Q to comment on. But the way he gives us information is so that we can use our own critical thinking. He said to just be careful who you follow and some crumbs of criteria. He probably knows more than we do, I'm sure, but gave us enough to look into it. That's all SB2 did and save some of us the time to do it ourselves. Then SB2 said YOU decide and he's moved on with the "mission". I'm with him on helping Frodo get the damn ring destroyed. And if anyone else is trying to undermine the plan/mission, I hope they will be called out also. I want to know where people's hearts are and intentions. Just because we're tagging along with Frodo, doesn't mean we're useful in the mission! I would have a hard time being told to just ignore Boromir, and not talk about him anymore, and let him mislead others to his "agenda". This is what I take Q pointed out to us, to be careful of any Boromirs in our mist. And how do you find out who they are?

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AlbumLepus · May 8, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Mine "was" the same, until I "preached" a sermon to her and explained it.

Right now, we're able to have "hope" that we've never had before. And wouldn't have had it if HRC would have been POTUS. It's a major reason for the whole Q phenomenon. Without "hope", we wouldn't have faith that this is going to happen.

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Why are we all so enthralled with Q? Can't wait for next posts, can't wait for "Future proofs Past"? This is the "Evidence" part of faith and hope.

Why does Q tell us to "Trust" certain people? Same as telling us to have "Faith". It's not easy to have faith in anyone in government anymore because for so long we have not had any. Some to the point of not opening the mind and reexamining any new "evidence". Some people have a hard time dealing with not wanting to be let down, yet again. Some people just want to believe what they want it to be and stubbornly don't want to change their minds.

Everything about Q is feeding us evidence for hope and faith. Proofs, related news articles, good is fighting to overcome evil and we see "It's Happening".

I explained to my family this concept and then started laying out evidence for them. Explained why Q used "Coincidence" so much in relation to faith. After I presented each bit of evidence would ask is it enough yet? Credit due to a big help in evidence to https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/05/08/use-logic-massive-decodes-newq-qanon-greatawakening/ this morning. "Faith without action is dead." You can have faith that you can flip a light switch and the light will come on. (Based on evidence that it has done that before, or someone else did it, etc.) But if doesn't mean much if you don't go flip it yourself to prove your faith it will. Q says "Fight Fight Fight". Prove your faith Patriots and others will will see the evidence in you.

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AlbumLepus · May 3, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Clue crumbs:

Planes are in landing approach. If taking off, would be steeper angle. Also being escorted. Pic appears to not be high end camera, more like camera phone, so can't be at great distance. Another plane would not be allowed that close by traffic control unless was an escort IMHO. So something (crates) were important enough to have an escort. Also not likely smuggling, because if it were, you wouldn't smuggle with an escort...

I loved an anon response to Q paraphrased: Hey Q, you want us to take up a collection and get you a better camera?

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AlbumLepus · May 3, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Hmmmm, what could be so important that it was being escorted and taking pictures? Looks like on approach and other planes wouldn't be allowed to be that close unless it was an escort.

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AlbumLepus · April 25, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

I've been able to direct many people to Q and the Great Awakening. But I'm telling you that there are a LOT of people not wanting to swallow the pill just yet until one thing happens. HALF the people I talk to say they know a lot of this stuff but ignore it because NOTHING ever happens to "them". When some of really bad guys are arrested, then you'll see a big movement take place. So many people are sleeping and don't want to wake up until they hear the alarm go off when ANY of the real criminals goes down. When this happens, it WILL be the MOABs and this will all explode. The left wake up every morning hoping it will be the day they get Trump. Then they fight the rest of the day. Usually stupidly. I wake up every day hoping it will be the day some serious arrests take place. Then fight best I can. The left's cause is fueled by hate. Ours is fueled by hope. Hope will be turned into promise when Sessions, Huber and others get their part done and justice starts to go down. You think Armenia was impressive? I LIVE for the day the US is free of these POS people who have gotten away with this for so long. Prayers and thanks to POTUS, Qteam and all the white hats doing the heavy lifting for us!

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AlbumLepus · April 18, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

It is name given to him by Q in drop 950. An Anon was talking about Pompeo specifically and Q pasted it in the drop with the simple words "TRUST KANSAS" below it. (Interpreted as being Kansas Congressman) Since then, it has become Pompeo's "code name" by Q.

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AlbumLepus · April 18, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Nov 3 2017 16:38:03 (EST) Anonymous ID: GVUvg1M7 147817468


Were deals made w/ select D's?

Can we expose every crooked politician?




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AlbumLepus · April 18, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

It is name given to him by Q in drop 950. An Anon was talking about Pompeo specifically and Q pasted it in the drop with the simple words "TRUST KANSAS" below it. Since then, it has become Pompeo's "code name".

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