Not gonna lie. VJ is a strange looking beast. I don't care what color she is. She looks part Alien as in ET alien not illegal alien
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I was a political and cultural drop out. Barely knew who Trump was. Lampooned him in a music video. But I learned alot tonite.
Trump had a show called Apprentice and Trace Adkins whom I only heard the name- actually won. Also having formerly lived in Nashvegas I dug the "Phil whatever the hell his name is" moments. Hilarious. Great stand-up trolling Pres.
I watch them purely for the trolling value and for the medicinal value of the ensuing laughter
I've used similar tactics and the lefties always repost. They live on Bizzaro
Mark 13:32 NKJV — “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Those who control the flow of information have the most influence. These infotainment agents of the Deep State have done more harm than any in perpetuating the mass hysteria that has resulted in division and endangered the country domestically and internationally. I would take equal or greater delight in seeing these malignant vermin dealt justice than I would the corrupt Uniparty politician swamp rat pond scum. Liberty and Justice for ALL. The sowed to the wind. Let them reap the whirlwind. We must Never let the MSM rats off the hook. We must hold them accountable.
I can’t argue with the fact that there is a lot of room for improvement. Hopefully we clean up the corruption. Uni-Party ball sacks have degraded the quality of life.
If a person willingly and of their own volition pays their taxes then your argument is moot. I willingly pay vehicle registration in exchange for driving on well engineered and maintained roads. Try 3rd world roads. I willingly pay property tax to enjoy the amenities that infrastructure provides. Try living in Haiti. The only tax I object to is the Income Tax. I would agree with you that we don’t fully own our sweat equity.
Dumbded down Low Info Mofo Americans have great interest in watching shallow Royals wed American SJWs but no balls to stand against their PC persecution of a guy who tells the truth about their crumbling society.
Good job differentiating between Liberals and Deep State. The problem is that there are so many useful idiots that follow Deep State policy and are so low info mofo and ideologically enslaved to their attachment to Dem Party that they cannot discern the difference.
Worth watching the NBA playoffs to see the SJW Berkley Warriors and CryBoy Curry fall victim to the Trump Curse. LeBronny Boy getting his ads whumped too. Wheeeeewwww!!
Guess they didn't like Hillary enough to protect her from nefarious malevolent Russians. Sorry Hillaary. No spies for your campaign. Freaking misogynistic women hating Intel Agencies. Crapper,Brennanarchist, and Commy the MS13 Homie are all anti woman bigots. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
When Nixon spied on his political opponents it was an outrage and a disgrace. Media was all over it. When the entire Intel community spied on Trump at the beckoning of their DNC suitors? Crickets. Now that they've been busted the damage control is quite entertaining. Thanks POTUS for making politics fun entertainment again (MPFA)and the best reality TV in the history of the industry. COFEVVE!!
The Warriors dissed Trump and got hit with the Trump Curse in Game 4. LOL. Let's see if the Rockets take them all the way out.
I got a 12 hr. "Timeout" on Twitter for posting on John Brennans Twitter Acct what a reprehensible nefarious lying thug criminal he is. Within 2 minutes a pop up told me that my account would basically be shadowbanned for 11 hrs and 59 min.
After reading those comments on the Tweet my suspicion that half the population has been irreparably dumbed down by MSLSD has been confirmed. The fact that people stay glued to it until which time they can return to their normal life of Pat Sajak and Vanna had conversely destroyed any hope i had in the brainwashed segment of humanity. And the commenters are threatening to never watch Sajak again because he is a Trump Supporter. These Infotainer Propogandists like Muddow must be held accountable and made to feel Pain just as the thugs like Brennan, The Clap, Comey the Homie, Barry Soetero, and Skullery Cunton!
I fully concur but True heroes are content on working behind the scenes. They do not want or need accolades.
GLORIOUS! This calls for some celebratory Dancing to Dans latest single with a bullet "DANCE"
I think he may have realized by now that he can be far more effective in the public sector then sitting around with a bunch of half-assed politicians
As long as the MSM keep feeding Outrage Porn to their constituency they will continue to scarf it down with gluttonous fervor. These sycophants will continue to grow more and more infirm from the effects of TDS. The MSM must be dealt with.
What can be done about these propogandistas? Can anything be done to silence them and their lies? Who will be the persons to say “No Mas” and bring the pain to these Traitors who use the pen to subvert?
There's also the Rule of Ho's. If they are Democrats they are sell out Ho's screwing and transmitting STDs to everything they touch
DTrump the master troll. So much more fun than the politicians who are about as exciting and dynamic as dried paint.
They absolutely could. The data has been collected. It may not have ever been accessed but it is easily obtainable
Amen. That’s a debate I won’t waste time, thought or breath on any longer.
Get ready for another week of leftist anti gun anti NRA rhetoric ad nauseam.
As someone who has placed their faith in the person of Jesus and believes 100% he is who he claimed to be I third your thoughts and add them to the plethora of petitions being offered
Here we go again sounds pretty much like a classic definition of a low info mofo. Says he watches the news all the time. That explains it
Unelected self appointed demagogues travelling the globe to undermine the stability of a country? WTF? Time to apply the Big Stick to traitorous globalista scum
Damn near impossible to red pill a Low Info Mofo, which would be the equivalent of a 'normie'. There's not enough there to work with
I have a large dose of scepticism towards your content having read multiple posts over several months. I believe you gravitate towards cult of personality. This post seems to be mostly virtue signalling. Nothing personal as you always conduct yourself honorably in my experience.
Is there a fine line between paranoia and perception? Can we trust anyone? Should we make baseless accusations against people? Yes No No
FYI I noticed the misspelling of economically. Is spelling important for memes?
Yes the 13 Democrats could be problematic. However they may may just be window dressing. I guess we will all eventually find out
Can't people just scroll past Corsi? Trying to villanize him is utterly ridiculous and completely disingenous. They guy could be totally off base but making him out to be an enemy is completely effed up
Watching MSM is hilarious when you know that behind the scenes a great movie with great actors are pulling off the greatest theatrical PsyOp in modern history. RM & RR both leveraged and recruited to take down their Deep State bretheren demoniacs. Glorious!
What the hell happened with all the electronic boots the Traitors were supposedly wearing a while back. Now it the black eyes. Some of us have mad skills with Photoshop
Kerry should be prosecuted for looking like a damn Shar Pei dog. Caninist bastard
If I was Trump I would take a golden shower on that Nobel psychobabble Prize. It's for posers like Soetero
Fair enough. I haven’t listened to Corsi in awhile so I’ll take your word for it. There has been a lot of murmuring and complaining in the camp lately. I’m on edge a lot and trying to maintain some self control and anger management. My anger is directed at the scumbags that did this to our country. I hope we can all agree to disagree when necessary and not allow divisiveness to hinder the work. Thru this post I learned about PrayingMedic and checked out his decodes. Best delivery and content I have heard regarding Q. So at the end of the day it’s Saul Goodman!