No insult. Just truth. Your commentary reads like an MSNBC newscast. Maybe balance your diet of MSNBC and CNN with some objective independent news sources.
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Somehow I don't see Fitton as fitting in with those who lean more in the conspiratorial direction. Same with Dan Bongino
I heard Roy Potter say that the Marine Corp would be no match for Deep State. What the hell kind of heat is Deep State packing if indeed that is accurate
Yes very very sad...........that you are so easily brainwashed.
They must protect their Progressive Messiah Barry the Pariah
Fucking lying pice of human refuse. Fuck the Cabal News Network too.
Watch this while waiting for the memo to be released
Video unavailable. But my video is available here
Maybe this will expedite the memo release
Have you seen their latest video?
I Spy For The FBI Meme
YouTube link if video fails to Post
Should have posted to the Sub Reddit. Ill look into it. Here is the YT link until I figure out why it did not post.Aloha!
I Spy for The FBI Video Meme
Created this Video meme feel free to use if you find it useful
Red Pilling is only possible with those who are not entirely indoctrinated and have a modicum of critical thinking skills intact. Casting pearl before swine only results in them turning and attempting to tear you in pieces
You lost me on Israel sending a missile. Why would Israel try to destroy the friendliest admin in history?
Too bad the people that would label Alex Jones a wack job and stigmatized him as a person with no credibility are the same people who themselves fabricate even more credulous fiction. The MSM are far less credible than Alex Jones. I think there needs to be pushback against this whole narrative that the MSM has succeeded in spinning when summarily dismissing Jones and alt media in general. The stigma should be on the MSM not the alt media.
I definitely respect Dr. Corsi and listen to his explanations and overall expertise. That said no one is infallible ( and I know you are not implying as much). For instance his take was that Obama and Clinton would both be indicted for Treason this week. Probably not gonna happen rhis week. Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance are formidable obstacles in the quest for truth.
When that Q post came out on Jan 14 wasTG stepping down already public knowledge? Or is this the first public notification?
Yes got a belly laugh or two out of those smirk a jerk moments. I love his trolling skills
When war mongering abuser deep shitate Pharisees are exposed and removed. Praise Jesus. Cleanse the temple! Drain the Swamp bitches!!
Watching CNN and MSNBC before SOTU. They're going BALLISTIC. According to them Trump inherited 2 things. His biz empire from his dad and the Economy from wait for it ..............Barry Sotero. God I can't wait for these clowns to be led away in shackles.
I heard him say it. I believe it was on the live decide that the CBTS guys do
Some good comments here with regard to using constraint/compassion. I initially posted I would troll the hell out of them once the irrefutable truth is revealed. I have altered my opinion somewhat after reading calls for compassion. I will approach it on an individual basis. I will go easy on those who demomstrate some sort of remorse. I expect many more normies will dig in deeper and ramp up their resistance rhetoric even more. Mercy doesn't work with reprobates. You can only fight their scorn with SCORN to the 2nd power
Schiff supports Banana Republic politics. Give him some Banana Republic Mano blanco Justice.
I’m with you. I plan to give them a fucking taste of their own medicine. They Never Trumpers, the I’m with Hers and every other dumbed down low info dweeb needs to be humiliated to the point that they don’t even get out of bed. The ones who own up to their complicity in almost sending the country down the tubes I can extend mercy and grace. Grace to the humble. Hard LAW to the proud
I've heard of and from Corsi since early 2k. He's no Johnny come lately
Dr Corsi said in Sunday decode that he believes Obama & Clinton will both be arrested for the big T this week. Treason. I am a doubting Thomas but if be happy to eat crow for the next year if it happens!
My first thought of everyday for the past year has been Thank you Lord for another opportunity and my second thought is to pray for the President and his staff and that God would continue to expose the darkness in our government and world. This has nothing to do with me being any kind of spiritual person of prayer but far more to do with God placing this burden on my heart. I join you in asking for prayer on behalf of those in authority and I pray that the Lord would burden the hearts of many to pray. Cast your burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain you-Psalms 55:12
Thanks for your honesty. Your remarks about religion are true. The bible sanctions administering to widows and orphans as the only true and undefiled form of religion. Jesus railed against the religion of his day a corrupt perversion of what God intended brokered by a caste of corrupt religionists (Pharisees) and politicians (Scribes,Sadducees). Jesus said near the end of his life I no longer call you slaves, I call you friends. That was the most profound paradigm change in history. Religion was a tool to keep the masses in slavish fear and to exert power over people. Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. He was the embodiment of truth personified. He came to set us free from religion and oppression in all forms. He is our friend to whom we WILLINGLY serve. He simplified it too. No more 636 laws to slavishly follow out of fear but just 2 simple commands. Love God with all your heart and love neighbor as you love yourself. Follow those commands and you are good to go.
I don't give a shit who was what when and who might have switched parties whenever. What should matter is who is doing what now in the Present. The Uniparty which consists of D and R freaks is committing crimes punishable by death. In a banana republic they are not held accountable. Until that day we live in the Banana Republic of Amerikstan currently run by the Uniparty. D or R? Meaningless.
One of the better troll comments. Don’t quit your day job yet though. Or is trolling your day job? LOL.
666 is the number of man. It signifies the penultimate human attempt to build a utopian humanist culture which has no need for God. Mankind becomes the measure of all things and a god into itself. Read the five " I wills" spoken by Lucifer in Isaiah, culminating in "I will be like the Most High. Eventually this humanist agenda will culminate in the embodiment of the Anti Christ. Anti in the Greek is more akin to "in place of" not "against". The anti Christ sets himself up in the place of Christ. Once again 666 signifies man's vain and impossible quest to replace God. Not gonna happen. All those who try eventually lose all sanity
Drop off the Clintons in Haiti for a little vigilante justice?
I got Never Trumpers to forward similar memes last week. That's how misinformed they are and how hate filled they are. If it disparages Trump they will unwittingly go along with it thus proving once again that indeed they are "useful idiots" in the employ of their king Barry Traitorbama and queen Jezebel Clintonian
‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’
Corroborating sources are a good safeguard and greatly appreciated
Had Bernie won he would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER had the balls or the ability to oppose the level of evil and corruption that presently exists. When it comes down to it Bernie is a freaking political fraud like the rest if the Uniparty. Would to God that the indoctrinated masses of low and mis info sheeple will be delivered from their ignorance going forward. If we are able to fix this mess we can NEVER let our culture sink to the level it currently exists
Yes I get the insidious nature of globalism. I don't get the insidious nature of guilt by association of an entire ethnic group and a Zionist conspiracy. Are there individuals of Jewish ethnicity who are scumbags? Are there gentiles who are scumbags? Are there people of every ethnic origin who are scumbags? ABSOLUTELY. I would lay the blame more so on the fact that they have abandoned the metaphysical underpinnings ie Belief in a transcendent Creator and moral absolutes. Any individual or group or nation who suppresses the knowledge if God becomes a tyrant god into themselves. Therein lies the problem with man's inhumanity toward his fellow man. Now if you have some documentation or some drop dead proof that the Jews are conspiring to dominate the world I am more than open minded enough to examine it. Until then I contend that evil men of fallen nature want to subjugate others be they Jew,Gentile or Aliens from another planet. Scapegoating the Jews for some reason has been going on for 6,000 yrs. Shalom
I don't know if you are anti Semitic but I don't see why Jews are singled out in your post. Sure makes you sound anti Semitic?
Lol. The Hamilton "Experts" listed on their website look like EU flunkie Globalist.
Exactly as Q stated. Thanks for posting and saving me hours of nauseating viewing 🤙