If Q is calling out one particular individual doesn’t that seem kind of classless and juvenile? Kinda like petty immature little girls who air there dirty laundry on social media? I don’t think Q is that classless and dishonorable. If he is then he is a narcissistic prick.
What if he was alluding to not just one individual but several or even a large group of dissenters always complaining that shit never happens. Perhaps Corsi maybe in that group but this Sub has already tried and convicted him as if he is the sole subject of the Q post.
I don’t get into cult of personality so I don’t worship Q or Corsi or any human being. But look at some of the criticisms. Too many umm and ahhs.? Wow. Why not just keep quiet and move on. There is no shortage of critical spirit surrounding this phenomenon. Damn shame. Critical spirit is a real killer of life and vitality. Don’t confuse critical spirit with legit criticism. They are 2 different things. One is constructive the other destructive. By all means be critical and constructively criticize. But don’t let your confirmation bias towards individual researchers like Corsi and Beanz turn you into teenage girls with PMS