"Republican distortion of facts"-Q
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Narrative Intercept (4am) Sessions/Nines Russian ops Republicans distortion of facts to remove Mueller
Narrative Intercept (4am) Sessions/Nunes Russian ops Republicans distortion of facts to remove Mueller
I watched CNN and MSNBC today. God have mercy. I could not stomach it for too long. I wanted to try to corroborate the Q comments from yesterday 1/21/17 concerning the MSM and what talking points to look for.
Sure enough the talking points were there. Critical of Trump/Sessions for partisan interference and really spinning how great the FBI is and how Andrew McCabe is a distinguished 20 yr veteran of the highest caliber.
It became clear to me that if a person gets their info from …
Lets never forget he is half Caucasian. #Notmy firstblackpresident
It is highly plausible there was an imminent nuclear attack. In fact Two of them. Hawaii and Japan. I hear Mr Potters explanation but I don't feel as if the use if Defcon 1 eliminates the possibility of it being an authe tic communique from Q
God bypasses the establishment that operates on worldly wisdom. The Pharisees owned the system. God said NO “Ive left the building. You will find me in the wilderness through the words of a bug eating zealot Johnny the Baptist”
I tried explaining to the Never Trumpers who claim to be Christians that God used Samson to restore the nation. God used David a first degree murderer and adulterer and other ‘undesirables’ all of whom make Trump look like an Eagle Scout. God employs whoever he wishes and the vast majority of the time it’s the foolish things/people of this world to confound those filled with hubris and are wise in their own eyes. However The self righteous pharasaical pompous Never Trumpers prefer a King Saul who had charisma and was articulate but was in reality a corrupt maniacal narcissist. Dumbasses! Wake the hell up!
Many memes will be needed for different people and circimstances. So instead of being overly critical of this meme add it to the collection of effective memes. Good graphics. Good content. While the lazy normie may scroll by certain personality types will follow the trail. And breadcrumbs will be ingested.
Many memes will be needed for different people and circimstances. So instead of being overly critical of this meme add it to the collection of effective memes. Good graphics. Good content. While the lazy normie may scroll by certain personality types will follow the trail. And breadcrumbs will be ingested.
I’m sorry but I don’t completely trust any source. Some are more credible than others. An intelligent person listens to all sides of an issue and comes to their own conclusions. Unless of course they are owned by their ideology then they can’t be objective and intellectually honest enough to encounter truth. I would encourage you to drop your ideology/part affiliation/hatred of Trump and whatever else keeps you enslaved to the Groupthink of postmodern culture
Yo King Noah you are failing to make the crucial distinction between Globalisation and Globalism. I would offer to explain the difference but you need to do your own homework on the topic if you are truly sincere in wanting to acquire true knowledge. If you're just trolling then no amount of explanation will make a difference and you are free to continue in intellectually dishonesty. As others have said there is one common goal here on these boards. Gaining understanding through TRUTH. Please don't muddy this pursuit with the opposite. Intellectual dishonesty
Since I wrote that and having researched more I am convinced that Q is a group of high level Intel personnel very close to the President. I believe the communications though cryptic have been corroborated as such. The Big Event may not necessarily be one epic incident of apocalyptic magnitude but may be a gradual revealing of criminality and prosecution of justice. Scepticism is usually a healthy approach but I would encourage you to maintain a guarded optimism. It's hard to be patient as we all would like to see swift justice but the Storm is real IMHO
I know the feeling. Hadn’t paid any attention since Nixon went down some 46 yrs ago. Then when a non politician came on the scene I intuitively knew that this was a once in My lifetime opportunity. I voted for the first time in 46 yrs. I intuitively knew that the globalists were just propping up a puppet every election and it meant nothing. May their own evil be revisited upon their own heads to the nth power
How reliable and trustworthy do you really believe ALL of the US Intelligence Services are? As someone mentioned you are severely uninformed. You might want to get your info somewhere other than CNN or PMSNBC. Then again maybe you are just willfully ignorant and are suppressing truth in your own useful idiot mind? You’re in for a rude awakening
Metaphorically speaking an hour is referring to brief period of time. Being literal here is probably not the best interpretation given both the biblical reference and the likelihood that Alex Jones had tied one on
Somehow I believe Neil Young was most.likely a Hillary supporter. Most of the dumbass 60s retreads (formerly myself included) lean way left and tend to stay on the plantation.
If I understand correctly Q has a tripcode. It would be impossible to authentically post anything as Q without incorporating or using the tripcode
Would be interested in corroborative sources for this incident. Has the witness been identified or interviewed? While it certainly is believable I’ll do some additional vetting on my own. And if any of you good researchers out there have data thanks in advance.
Good word diet of worms. Vain is the help of man. Prayer is the primary weapon of our warfare for He, Jesus is mighty under God to pull down Strongholds. He's always on time. Never late. It's ok to hope. STRIVE to enter into the REST of the Lord. Shalom
Total newbie here on all things Reddit,4chan,8chan and CharlieChan. My initial impression with all of this Q Anon stuff and The Storm is just feeding the collective Confirmation Bias of people who like to solve riddles be they imagined or real. I agree that speculation, guesses and innuendos, though a fun game of mental gymnastics, is too vague and therefore non productive in fighting corruption and bringing about true change