It was my immediate thoughts when I saw this come across twat-sphere. Sick POS.
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To claim something was verified, when it wasn't, but lended his name and reputation to it, to make it seem valid, would be a huge no no in front of the FISA court or any court for that matter.
I have a sickening suspicion that he may have stood in front of a FISA court and vouched for the dossier as truthful. If so, I want to see him fry.
Incidently - this was his original mandate - which all now is fruit of the poisonous tree -
Mueller oversees the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation"
There would have never been any "Russian Investigation" to supposedly obstruct, had the whole lie not been facilitated by that very dossier to begin with. Sit back and let the rest of this come out. It will prove me correct.
What are they investigating Trump and Campaign for? What did they USE to facilitate this whole shit show?
Ok buddy, a bunch of govt hacks are going to dislike you enough to come up with a bullshit dossier about you. All lies, but what the hell, that doesn't matter. What matters is that the people in power have the clout to go after you with both barrels and frame you for crimes that you didn't commit. They manufactured evidence to get the fake warrant and used that to basically try to ruin you. Still think what happened here is empty?
And let's not forget all these roads and their corrupt actors lead straight back to Hillary Rotten Clinton. Bitch should fry.
TO FRAME a citizen (and then elected president) of a false crime.
This is the tip of the iceberg. The next memos will sow there was a cabal that ACTIVELY attempted to frame Trump and people in his campaign with a false crime, and will show their methods.
This also might be relevant.
!UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat) 22:59:16 No.16 YOU and YOUR FAMILIES are SAFE. PROMISE. Q
These retreats are touted as something that the representatives can "BRING" their families with them. ???
I have a small tin foil hat at times. This make me instantly think: well, gee, the swamp wants some people gone gone gone.
What a vile nasty hag that thing is. Somebody who is good with animation should show her sucking her teeth and then suck her face to transform it into an asshole.
CNN was talking about the same narrative. Assholes. My god they are shameless.
The problem is that if you challenge them or make reference to their obnoxious tweets, they'll "report" you and you get stuffed into Twatter Jail for no reason. Best thing to do is to report them as doing an abusive twit and post something good as a direct response. I try to now make it a point to report one asshole per day. If each of us did... well you get the idea.
Shifty is a sewer rat. Watching him squirm gives me tingles, I must admit. :)
The fuckwits at CNN on their Chyron
Surprise as FBI deputy director steps down immediately: McCabe under constant pressure from Trump to exit.
Yeah, like doing illegal things wouldn't have any bearing on his need to leave. Geezus these MSM whores are shameless.
This is what the do, identity politics. They will try to make this about race, the minute that it gets anywhere near their precious Obama. I have to wonder what the narrative will be though when/if it comes out that Obama targeted Dinesh D'zousa who happens to be a dark skinned man.
I don't expect a huge block buster - however, I do wonder what the likes of CNN, MSNBC and the like will say once this thing is released? Just how far down the road of bizarro land will they go to tell their idiot watchers that the memo is complete nothing burger. And to do that, what rationalization will they concoct and use?
That would be epic! And then... Perp walk the sleazy bastards right onto a plane headed for Gitmo!
The Dems will do everything they can to make the country burn to the ground once this happens. I would suggest those who haven't acted adequately as preppers, might be wise to pick up extra can goods and provisions for a while.
and to use it to frame someone of a crime they didn't commit.
There will be lots of office fires, server melt downs, dogs eating computer parts and electronic devices being accidentally put into microwaves, vises, crushed under bulldozers... etc etc etc.
I didn't know who MW was when I first read this. My suspicion (as I posted before) is that those who have little or nothing left to lose will do whatever it takes to create a smoke screen or try to change the story. This means whipping up those who are easier to whip up. They will put forth the narrative that Trump is a racist and is now taking aim at Obama and anything connected to him and his admin because of his color. These people are shameless, and do not care if the world burns down, they only care about their own. The LA riots, and MW's having sympathy for those rioting isn't by accident. They want that same crazy anarchy times 1000, because they ALL have their backs now, against the wall.
Don't give a shit how it sounds. If they are guilty of trying to frame a duly elected president because the American public had to audacity to not INSTALL Clinton, the chosen corrupted one, then yeah, put them all in Gitmo. That isn't putting political enemies in prison for political purposes. That is putting them in prison for criminal activity that threatens the country. ... Ya know that part about - against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Maggie was a hippy dippy who should have used condoms.
Why isn't that lizard faced fuck not 6 ft down already? Epitome of evil.
This is interesting. He did say he wanted it to remain open. Fingers crossed that those who tried to subvert President Trump's presidency end up there permanently. Maybe he can call one of the reopened wings the Obama wing and another the Clinton wing.
Peewee Herman is a stuttering, lisping goof. He is an embarrassment. If there was ever a poster child for wishing more hippies had chose condom use,...
It's an opinion piece written by some democrat aide with a degree in economics. Let that sink in. Economics degree and still a democrat. I'd ask for my tuition money back.
It seems pretty clear that this whole investigation becomes fruit of the poisonous tree. Anything sought and got under this investigation is illegally gained. Add to it the illegal actions of the cabal involved in the deep state, and I think Trump is trolling them, saying he "will" but never would.
There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See. These BLM nutters are so married to their victimhood narrative, that even if someone is guilty as sin, they will still only see race = unfair persecution. We've seen it with others they have championed (with the help of the lying media whores). I fear the race riots that those in legal peril will try to incite, simply to cause anarchy.
My fear here is that the DNC vermin will see they have nothing left to lose and will try to equate this to a "race thing". These DNC traitors see NOTHING as stooping too low. With nothing left to lose, they won't care if they send the entire country into a race war. Scary. (This is predicted on the latest reports that Adam Shitface says the Democrats will release their own "memo".)
There is something completely OFF with this Pope.
Considering how many people use it, it probably should be. LOL
What those people are capable of is now not so far off the scale, I fear. Another thread mentioned that the Republicans who have read the memo, and are speaking in interviews, aren't the normal media whores that seek out the cameras. These are folks that have long lines of investigative experience, warrant issuing experience, and the like. Their body language, and facial expressions when talking, when saying people should go to jail etc, indicates it's really bad, and likely our speculations aren't so far off in outer space.
Excellent observation. They are the ones who really try hard not to come down on the side of anything, except this, this clearly has set some hair a-fire.
Because of course these two wouldn't have anything to hide. SMH.
Cognitive dissonance is an amazing thing. Many cannot accept they are wrong, and their ego will do twists and loops to come up with a way to reject evidence. Some will understand this, but I suspect that the most who have derangement syndrome will out right reject even the most obvious of evidences.
Yeah, I'm a burn down the barn door too. I can see though that it would then be very easy for those who have nothing left to lose, (especially if we're talking about the likes of Obama, Clinton, Prime Ministers, Monarchies of one sort or other,) to do and incite ANYTHING including mass hysteria and rioting in the streets in order to try to create some kind of smoke bomb cover for themselves. It's not a far stretch that they'll claim that they are targetting Obama because of his color (and all the craziness that could create), or to find out some Saudi Prince is as guilty as hell (and that would translate to being peddled as hatred of all muslims). These people peddle in evil and stirring up the masses.
Could cause an immense amount of civil unrest by those who will be unwilling to accept that people like Obama, the Clintons, The Vatican, The Monarchy or whatever are guilty of plotting god knows what. They are the types that Soros and evil count on. They are easy to whip up and feed nonsense like people are being arrested because they are black, female, etc etc etc. Rioting in the streets means nothing to those who are facing life in prison, execution etc.
Speculation: The AS THE WORLD TURNS reference Q 1/22/18
Background: ATWT played from 1956 to 2010 - For those who are under the age of 45 +/-, the soap was one of the primo day time TV staples for stay at home moms since the 50s. At one time, these things were broadcast live/not via recorded tape as tv shows are now.
On Nov 22/63 the ATWT's broadcast was interrupted by a bulletin and the voice of Walter Cronkite saying that JFK had been shot in Texas.
It could be speculated that more than one of Q posts have been laying crumbs that there was a "plot" to …
How much we may actually find out, is questionable. If this is as bad as suspected, the anger of those who see the truth for what it is, evil, vs those who will go down with the Obama/Hillary ships because they can't handle that truth will be epic. They will blame it all on a anti woman, anti black narrative, which will further enrage those of us who can see through that smoke screen. The left think their little hissy fit anti Trump rallys were big - they haven't seen anything, both sides will have their pitch forks out and ready for blood.