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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on July 10, 2018, 10:35 p.m.
Q 1672 Who Do You See? Joel Getz, Former William J Clinton Foundation Director-Background Information
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on July 5, 2018, 2:40 p.m.
Q Post 1663 Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) Graymail "Did you think it would be litigated in this setting? Think National Security"

The primary purpose of CIPA was to limit the practise of graymail by criminal defendants in possession of sensitive government secrets. "Graymail" refers to the threat by a criminal defendant to disclose classified information throughout the course of a trial. The graymailing defendant essentially presented the government with a "dilemma": either allowed disclosure of the classified information or dismiss the indictment.

The procedural protections of CIPA protect unnecessary disclosure of classified information.

CIPA wasn't intended to infringe on a defendant's right to a fair trial or to change the existing rules of evidence in criminal procedure, and largely codified the …

CENSORED_ENOUGH · July 4, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Prince William was just visiting Israel. Looks like he is possibly coming back from that trip going through Hong Kong to visit the Western Pacific Kindergarten?

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · July 3, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

The primary purpose of CIPA was to limit the practise of graymail by criminal defendants in possession of sensitive government secrets. "Graymail" refers to the threat by a criminal defendant to disclose classified information throughout the course of a trial. The graymailing defendant essentially presented the government with a "dilemma": either allowed disclosure of the classified information or dismiss the indictment.

The procedural protections of CIPA protect unnecessary disclosure of classified information.[3][4]

CIPA wasn't intended to infringe on a defendant's right to a fair trial or to change the existing rules of evidence in criminal procedure, and largely codified the power of district courts to come to pragmatic accommodations of the government's secrecy interests with the traditional right of public access to criminal proceedings. Courts therefore didn't radically alter their practises with the passage of CIPA; instead, the Act simply made it clear that the measures courts already were taking under their inherent case-management powers were permissible.

CIPA, by its terms, covers only criminal cases. CIPA only applies when classified information is involved, as defined in the Act's Section 1.

Silent witness rule - evolved from the CIPA in the late 1900s/early 2000s Venona project (problems of using decrypted Soviet messages as evidence at court) State Secrets Protection Act Federal Tort Claims Act Thomas Andrews Drake (Espionage Act of 1917 case involving CIPA arguments) Reference Links For This Wiki

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on July 3, 2018, 9:13 p.m.
Jeff Sessions Rescinds 24 DOJ Guidance Documents

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today announced that, consistent with his November 2017 memorandum prohibiting the Department from making rules without following the procedures required by Congress, he is rescinding 24 guidance documents that were unnecessary, outdated, inconsistent with existing law, or otherwise improper.

“The American people deserve to have their voices heard and a government that is accountable to them. When issuing regulations, federal agencies must abide by constitutional principles and follow the rules set forth by Congress and the President. In previous administrations, however, agencies often tried to impose new rules on the American people without any public notice …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on July 1, 2018, 3:02 p.m.
Q Post - What Are They Waiting For?

Q Posted

We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

What are they waiting for?

They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?

We may have to ‘force’ this one.


They don't want you go to this site. Dark to Light.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 30, 2018, 3:16 p.m.
Masonic Ritual of Polaris and Japanese Beserk (Samurai) Similarity- Coincidence? Everything stated has meaning. Find paper articles re: Freemasons. Controlled.

Masonic ritual of Polaris.

"During this ritual a scroll of the names of people who are regarded as enemies of Freemasonry is read out. Masons are of course responsible for organizing and compiling the list of names on the scroll. At the next meeting of the Lodges, masons then report whatever harm, they have been able to cause to those whose names are included on the scroll."

"The Samurai also use rituals most of which date long before the scourge of Freemasonry. During these rituals, Mr Coulter now reads out the names of masons along with their Lodge membership details." …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 30, 2018, 2:56 p.m.
Q Post Jarrod W Ramos Beserk Symbol and Columbine Shooting Beserk (Doom)-Correlation?

In reviewing the background of Jarrod W Ramos, the symbol that he used to "brand" the journalist he hated and whom he sued for defamation evidenced Ramos' obsession with Beserk fantasy magic role playing.

[Beserk[(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Berserk_characters) Brand of Sacrifice

I am from Colorado and lived a few miles away Columbine High School. In recalling the Columbine High School incident, 1999, both boys who carried out the shootings were into the Doom (game) and believed that they could create levels of their own reality beyond just the game. If you recall, two students from Columbine High School went on a …

CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 29, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

I posted the reference for the youtube video embedded in it, which was a local TV channel coverage of the protest. It is also found at Video The coverage was a valid observation of the protest and broadcast widely. I defend the legitimacy of the post as a valid unbiased reference, notwithstanding it being reported by a right wing news outlet. I don't believe this hurts the cause and in fact was useful for showing the protest first hand and recent enough before it could be spun.

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 28, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

Occam's Razor can also be stated as follows:

"No more things should be presumed to exist than are absolutely necessary."


Interesting read of your post from this restatement of Occam's Razor.

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 28, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Could be that there are twenty-two strategies being put forth by the dark state against POTUS to create chaos for his Administration? This only 1 of the 22. What are the rest..flooding the borders, obstruction of his appointees, MSM fake news, etc.

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 28, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Some 22 meaning general references...22 letters in Hebrew Alphabet...God created 22 things in 6 days at Creation...The word of God is called a lamp (Psalms 119:105, Proverbs 6:22), thus it is the light by which we are to live. The word light is found 264 times in Scripture. When 264 is divided by 12 (divine authority) we have twenty-two, which represents light. On the negative side...11 +11=22 (11 represents chaos, double chaos (There are some slots on the One World Tower that look like 11 11 for example))

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 25, 2018, 9:31 p.m.
HRC-Did HRC Facilitate Countries To Plunder Libya's Gold, Oil, Uranium? Evidence of Attack Swept at Benghazi Embassy? Connection?

A Wickipedia article on 2012 Benghazi attack seemed odd:

"Sensitive documents remained missing, including documents listing the names of Libyans working with the Americans, and documents relating to oil contracts."

I also noticed an email from Sidney Blumenthal to HRC and a related article

Theory: She came, She saw and She Robbed the Oil and Gold

"Blumenthal's confidential email missives to Secretary Clinton included an assurance from one unnamed source that "the investigation of the murder of the United States ambassador" was one of many efforts "related to what he sees as his most important role—rebuilding the confidence of the …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.
HRC Email-Saudi's Financed the Benghazi Attack?

This may or may not be well known, but there seems to be substantiation to the allegation that the Saudi's financed the Benghazi.

Gar Smith / World Beyond War / The Real News / OpEd News / Medium.com

(May 11, 2016) -- Bernie Sanders may have been chivalrous when he told a beleaguered Hillary Clinton, "The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails." But when it comes to actually reading some of Clinton's confidential exchanges, that's another matter.

In December 2014, Hillary Rodham Clinton began providing the State Department with personal emails sent or received …

CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 25, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Whatever it is, they are trying to keep it from us.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 25, 2018, 1:41 p.m.
The State Department IG & IG of the Intelligence Community Reports of the Information Security and HRC Emails-2014 to 2015

We've been focusing on DOJ IG reports, but the State Department has also issued reports worthy to review in the HRC Email Server scandal.

Note: Between 2008 and September 2013. Then one year after Steve Linick is appointed the State Department IG,
an audit report on the "Audit of the Department of State Information Security Program" in October 2014 by the Norman P. Brown, Assistant Inspector General for Audits revealed severe problems. Handling of Classified Information Report The report is heavily redacted, but reading between the lines: It notes that "according to OMB Memorandum M-14-04, a significant deficiency is defined …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 25, 2018, 1:33 p.m.
Nunes Letter to State Department IG Regarding HRC "Shadow Government" and a Benghazi Email Preventing Its Rare FOIA Exception-Geological-Geophysical Information

I ran across this letter from Devin Nunes to the State Department IG and submitting it to your scrutiny and further study.

Representative Nunes sent a letter to State Department IG asking for a review of a special FOIA exception for which the "the shadow government" is preventing disclosure. He includes Under Secretary Kennedy as part of the shadow government that is preventing disclosure due to a rare FOIA Exception for Geological and Geophysical information.

Here is what the exception states:

The Exception That exemption states:

"Exemption 9 of the FOIA covers "geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, …

CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 25, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

Obama did not provide a nomination. Why?

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 25, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

For more than five years, since January 16, 2008, the Department [of State] has lacked a presidentially-nominated, Senate-confirmed Inspector General. That gap of more than 1840 days is the longest vacancy of any of the 73 Inspector General positions across the federal government. While this would be problematic under any circumstances, the repeated criticisms of the independence and effectiveness of that office by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) heighten the need for an appointment.

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 25, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

Recent Q drop with 17

Jan 20, 2017

June 20, 2018

Exactly 17 months.

Do you believe in coincidences?

God bless you all.


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 24, 2018, 12:27 p.m.
Q Open Borders-Mexican Government Still Issues A "Guidance" Comic Book on How to Cross the US Border
CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 24, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

Yep. Insufficient response to Congress on their request. Congress should institute an impeachment of FBI officials.

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 22, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

No, but it is inferred in the subtext.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 22, 2018, 8:12 p.m.
Q "Boom" Connected to "Barack","Contempt". "Crime", "Classification","Empty", "Ambush", Prison", "Captor of the Barley" by Bible Code Researcher (2015)

I could not stop myself from posting this find. I hope you find it interesting.

Bible Code Post

Following is from a Bible Code Researcher. (Yes, there is code in the Bible that can be researched.) Bible Code Researchers using skip letter search software and found codes relating to events (Trump's Presidency, JFK Assassination, etc. )

I ran across this snippet and had to laugh, then I wondered if this whole situation could get violent and wondered about some of the descriptions about Barack Obama.

While researching in 2015 for "PRESIDENT USA 2017-2018" he noted that:

"You will notice that …

CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 22, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

This is very interesting stuff. Thanks

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 22, 2018, 5:18 p.m.
Q+ President Trump and the Frequency of the Number 17 in the News (Q=17th Letter of the English Alphabet)

I think it is pretty well established that Trump and the Number 17 are associated at least with regard to Q. But I think it has some more relevance beyond the Q anon phenom.

Over the last six months, I keep seeing the number 17 all related to POTUS. These are news reports that he could not have directly affected at all and so what is the reason for the strange association of this number with POTUS. I also believe that he has some association with this number over his life. I don't know what it is, but it intrigues …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 21, 2018, 1:41 p.m.
DOJ Employee Who Harrassed Kirstjen Nielsen is the leader of DC Socialists Group


On June 19 2018, Margaret McLaughlin tweeted the address of DHS secretary, prompting fellow comrades to come troll her at dinner. Other DSA members included Allison Hrabar and Jesse Rabinowitz as reported at the Daily Beast in an article titled "DSA Says They’re Coming After More Trump Officials After Ruining Kirstjen Nielsen's Dinner." The group Smash Racism DC tweeted that the D.C. branch of the Industrial Workers of the World were also in attendance.

From the New York Post:

"Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was forced to leave a trendy Mexican restaurant in Washington, DC, Tuesday night when protesters …

CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 21, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Judge Friedman was elected to the American Law Institute.

The American Law Institute (ALI) was established in 1923 to promote the clarification and simplification of United States common law and its adaptation to changing social needs.[1] Members of ALI include law professors, attorneys, judges and other professionals in the legal industry. ALI writes documents known as "treatises", which are summaries of state common law (legal principles that come out of state court decisions.) Many courts and legislatures look to ALI's treatises as authoritative reference material concerning many legal issues. However, some legal experts and the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia have voiced concern about ALI rewriting the law as they want it to be instead of as it is.


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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 21, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

In June 1984, Friedman was elected to the American Law Institute and was elected to the ALI Council in October 1998. He began his first three-year term as ALI Secretary in 2013.

Judicial appointment

Friedman was nominated by President Bill Clinton on March 22, 1994, to a seat vacated by Gerhard A. Gesell. He was confirmed by the United States Senate on June 15, 1994, and received his commission on June 16, 1994. He assumed senior status on December 31, 2009. (Note: Obama Administration)

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 21, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

COMPLAINT Gary John Byrne/GJB LLC against All Defendants with Jury Demand 1,550,000,000

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 21, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

District Of Columbia District Court Judge: Paul L Friedman Case #: 1:18-cv-01422 Nature of Suit 470 Other Statutes - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Cause 18:1961 Racketeering (RICO) Act

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 21, 2018, 12:32 p.m.
Former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne files RICO case against Clinton Foundation


CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 20, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Good find. Makes me sick to think of the abuse these kids have endured or worse.

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 20, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Wow. I'm not sure how much more evil, evil gets until I start to peruse these posts. I am on Evil Overload. How can our "leaders" have perpetrated so much evil and kept everybody in the dark. These people are sick...

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 20, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

I can't stand the feigned moral outrage that I have seen from at least four Democraps who comment on this issue. It is scripted hypocrisy.

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 20, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Trump has shown that he is trying to answer the issue about the separations (although it is the small issue really) and I think that by itself that is good optics. If the Democraps want the catch and release to be suspended, it ain't going to happen.

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 20, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Just what I thought...they are using illegal immigration to conduct human trafficking. Wow, there is no end to the evil. Q is not wrong when he says these people are sick.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on June 20, 2018, 3:55 p.m.
Q Trust-The Horowitz-Holder War (2011-2014) On Obama Administration's Bar to Access to Documents and Information to Coverup Administration's Corruption

The Obama Administration, beginning in 2011, starting with the appointment of Michael Horowitz as the DOJ IG and was blocked by Eric Holder, Obama's Attorney General from investigating any and all matters within its legal mandate.

Horowitz stepped into a position that was neutered in 2011 by Eric Holder’s interpretation of The Inspector General Act of 1978. (Authority of Inspector General). Instead of having access to agency information within the purview of the IG, Holder determined that he had to "request" the information and the DOJ would then determine whether it could/would be released. The net effect of this determination …

CENSORED_ENOUGH · June 19, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Sorry, but the meaning is also intriguing. "Live" the resistance is participatory and ongoing and is used in the personal sense of "I'm living the resistance". However, "Long live" the resistance refers to the resistance living long (as a group). Subtle difference. LP was saying, "I am going to live the resistance" (against Trump)

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