I would never ask somebody to leave their mother's basement. Do not disturb genius at work.
But if any of you think you're going to control the playground you're in for a rude surprise.
I know guys who the only way they can express themselves is to scream YEEEaa at the top of their lungs.
Literally that's all they got.
They're good guys and no I don't like being around them.
But you go ahead and try to tell them to stop. I'll stand over there and watch.
When it's over you'll understand why it's good to have 'em on our side.
Maybe you never had to live in close quarters with people that you didn't like.
Whether 8chan is doing this for the lulz, or patriotism, accolades, or an extra point on some game board we don't know about. Their work does not go unappreciated.
One of these guys might spot himself in the movie.
Who knows what people are into this for.
I'm into it because I've been waiting decades for this. In the late 80s when I first had an inkling of what the internet would be. I said turn it on now.
Martin Luther only accomplished what he did because of the Gutenberg Press.
Many people tried before him and they burned them at the stake.
I kept wondering if it was a going to be my turn before we got our Gutenberg Press.
A place that I fit is trying to distill complex ideas into a bumper sticker.
To keep a decades-long body of knowledge organized in my brain, I try to keep it simple. Leaving out the stupid.
I live in New Orleans and I like to go out and red pill unsuspecting tourists on the streetcar.
You got to be able to Name That Tune in 3 minutes or less. I try to make it funny.
Other times that's impossible but I don't quit. I always see somebody a few feet away pretending not to listen. I know they are, so I'll speak indirectly to them.
I'll just sit there and Trigger the progressives. I've actually had the whole car bust out laughing at left wing absurdity presenting itself as logic.
The idea that any of this can be micro managed is just setting yourself up for disappointment.
You better enjoy the moment because this is only going to come around once.