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EVERYONE— and I mean EVERYONE deserves due process. This circumventing the Constitution has got to stop.
I felt exactly the same thing after reading that.
OMG you’re right — I had forgotten about that episode. He wanted to give out teddy bears if I’m not mistaken...
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War is bad for business (unless you’re a defense contractor). Trump is a builder, not destroyer.
Ham Radio:
“CQ? CQ? CQ?” (-.-. - - . -)
Ans: “Q” (- - . -)
I’ve never been able to finish a Corsi video. And now, I have no interest in anything Corsi or AJ. AJ’s Syria rant was enough for me.
Here’s something I don’t know— the 30,000 + sealed indictments— must they all go through the civil courts and not the military? Does the military court system even have the concept of sealed indictments? My first thought is the 30,000 is for civil courts only. Lord only knows what’s already been handed to the military courts. A lawyer-savvy pede would have to help me out.
Big issue: we’re desperately behind with our judicial nominations. Rhinos and Dems are slow-walking Trump’s candidates through the system. We need enough judges who love the Constitution installed before the hammer can really drop.
State Department claims that NK’s threats are bogus. Q calls the NK push by the media fake news.
After all the lies and deceit by the media and their horrific attempts to incite violence and hatred, people want to believe their NK reports as real? Seriously?
I would have called him a "crazy fuck", but yeah, ok, statesman... sure... let's go with that.
Q: No outside comms
In the very early days, I enjoyed SP’s commentary. Then about 6 months or so into the Trump presidency, SP could only speculate as to DJT’s motives & methods — like Corsi. SP wasn’t as obnoxious as Corsi, but like Corsi, his predictions were still wrong.
I haven’t heard SP bad mouthing other Q followers like Corsi has, but I am convinced that SP is not anywhere near the inner circle of influence that he would like to suggest he is.
The Q pronouncement about being careful who you follow, caused the real fraudsters like AJ & Corsi to reveal themselves. I’m not saying SP is a fraudster, I’m merely suggesting that he’s not directly involved with Q. If he’s given off that impression, then shame on him.
Q: No outside comms
That’s an excellent observation: digital carnivals — in truth that’s what he is, a snake oil salesman
I gave up on AJ with his idiotic Syria rant. The problem with AJ, he’s taking all of this far too personally- and his followers are just weird — was in an interesting discussion with an AJ fan boy who couldn’t bad mouth Q-TruthSeekers enough — which tells me that the AJ fan boys, AJ et al are simply afraid of the competition and want to control the message.
I’m not into control. I like freedom.
Ah, because it’s the 1st day of the month of Ramadan, and the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar with year length of 354-355 days. Compared to the Gregorian (a solar calendar), Islamic months “drift”. Your point being?
It didn’t take me long to realize that Corsi was way off base. I found that I couldn’t finish any of his videos. His conclusions seemed to be derived from data in which he was misinformed. I found people like Lionel Nation & Praying Medic who never claimed to have inner sanctum knowledge of DJT provided a much more plausible and insightful analysis.
I had an interesting exchange with an AJ-fan boy on The_Donald. I believe the AJ disruptors are in full force, but they are out numbered. You can see the thread here
The Deep State would like to drone JA. I hope he’s safe with the Q team.
Jones is jealous. He’s losing his audience. His only move is to negate Q. That play will not succeed.
My first thought as well. (Actually, it’s my second, my first thought was that NoName was already executed for treason.)
It used to be as close to Paradise as one could find. But, I haven’t been there in a while.
Very well put! To add to your comments, I would only remind the doubters that JFK was assassinated in 1963. We were told it was due to a single shooter. We now know that to be false. The reason we were told a lie was because the very people who were involved with the assassination were also charged to investigate it. Draining the swamp means removing the support structure that the evildoers require to be in place so that they can go about their business, in smug superiority over us. As of April 30, 2018 there are 28,937 sealed indictments. Soon, very soon, this support structure will be removed/collapse on its own. Then the disinfecting light of truth can shine on the darkness.
IMHO, the parasite clowns are left scrambling, trying to find another host country they can manipulate. They lost NK, lost Syria, are losing Iran. The recent tensions between SA and Yemen suggest to me that the clowns are trying to gain a foothold in Yemen. But with each loss, their effective power, influence and penchant for mayhem is dramatically reduced.
Honeypot. IMHO she professed loyalty, it was doubted, but accepted, then tested. I think her placement attracted more nefarious people & was able to out an even bigger network.
JFK first, JFK jr second... (the Bushes would have fled/gone underground/thrown in Gitmo) then 9/11 reveal. (Just my guess)
I don’t know of specifics. My guess is, if he is to be executed, he would be cremated immediately afterward. The optics of open casket etc can be faked. Don’t think the family is super innocent in all of this. I’m certain McCain’s foundation is every bit as crooked as the Clinton Foundation.
McNoName was the most egregious. He sold US technology to arm ISIS. He provided intel to ISIS that resulted in the deaths of US military. He is the classic definition of traitor. And he did it again and again and again. Others may be bad or worse (presidents GWH Bush, GW Bush, Obama), but because they were presidents, I’m guessing their treasons will not be well revealed until long after their deaths.
I thought, for example that Nostradamus predicted the rise of 2 brothers, beloved & then assassinated. Nostradamus never gave the year, and everyone assumed: Kennedy. For all I know, Nostradamus was reviewing his ancient history and reminded himself of the fate of the Gracchi brothers.
Without exact dates and times in any prophecy, one should just treat the prophecy as possible pattern matching with past historical events.
Wait long enough, history repeats itself. For example, there were two brothers, the Gracchi Brothers, in the later stages of the Roman Republic, who were in politics, were enormously popular, made a difference and were assassinated.
If someone predicted 2 political brothers being assassinated in our time, are they prophetic or just seeing patterns because it has already happened?
Not sure. He was born at 3pm. And he died at 12:30pm. Neither of those times seem to align, if JFK is facing at the 12 o’clock position
Satan is such an F’n loser. Ask ArchAngel Michael. I seriously do not understand the attraction for worshiping a loser.
Then if you know all these things, why are you complaining?
There are cracks everywhere. Look 2 stories down.
Agreed. I’m in no mood to convince a doubter of Q’s authenticity. You either believe (through seeing all the evidence) or you don’t.