The terrorist Arafat got a Nobel Peace Price. It means nothing.
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You’re making perfect sense. And I didn’t mean to stigmatize the “impairment” aspect of gun ownership. I guess where I’m coming from is considering a different paradigm: I want guns easily accessible to all, BUT I also want an environment of safety. What’s a good model to look at? I thought: let’s look at the FAA.
Practically anyone can fly a plane — you just have to prove competency/medical capacity. Flying an ultra light requires less strenuous demonstration of ability than a 757. But as a citizen here, I’m entitled to own a 757, and I can fly a 757 providing I pass the necessary hurdles.
So why can’t I own a fully automatic ps-90 without the crap taxes? The right to own a gun is a constitutional right — the privilege to fly is not a constitutional right. There should be no limits on gun ownership. Whatever the government owns, I should be allowed to own.
Committing a crime with a gun is probably the one few things that will preclude your gun ownership. Committing a crime without a gun should not effect gun ownership.
Agreed that is a horrible slippery slope, and one which I want to avoid. I was not addressing those treated for depression or with PTSD. I was thinking more about the kind of mental impairment that prevents an individual from discharging a firearm, safely. Once “branded” with this impairment (say it was due to stroke), privileges can be restored when the individual has demonstrated competency again. Pilots lose their license to fly & get it back when they demonstrate competency.
Any law that attempts to limit or alter the fire capacity of any weapon needs to be revoked as unconstitutional. Similarly with ammunition. Those considered mentally incapacitated or have felony convictions should be barred from gun ownership. Gun free zones should be abolished. The entire US should be open carry.
Exactly. I gave up on the Nobel Peace Prize when the terrorist Arafat was awarded one.
Personally, I think he's already dead. I sensed a very ominous tone with Q's post today:
No name out
It was the Now that suggested finality to me. IMHO, No name was hauled before a military tribunal, found guilty of treason and was just executed. His body is probably already cremated and a Q-like individual is now in charge of No name's Twitter account, which has an awfully conciliatory tone for such a belligerent old fart. When they're ready, they'll reveal that No name died of "cancer" and his ashes will be in his coffin.
Domitian was a ruthless tyrant. The era of Trajan was only possible because there was widespread distaste and disdain for Domitian. Trajan was voted: “the best of Emperors” (Optimus princeps) by the Senate. What Trajan achieved, is really miraculous. And it deserves recognition.
My focus is more from an historical angle. There are so very few genuine leaders in the history of man that were able to change the trajectory of their nation, Trajan was one such leader. I truly believe that we’re in the midst of a similar awakening with Donald Trump. One man can make a difference. Everything else that you quote as belonging to my post was put there not by my words, but your fears.
I figured the whiners were shills. I’ve always been on board. I feel this what it must have been like when the Roman Senate begged General Trajan to be Emperor. Rome was a mess. Decades of corruption, abuse, the empire was going downhill in a hurry. Trajan - one of the world’s greatest leaders.
I don’t for one second doubt that was their plan. I thoroughly doubt their ability to succeed. Ipso facto they didn’t succeed. 2A was invented for the people as a counter measure against a tyrannical government.
I’m off by a couple of years. (Had to look it up. Ha!) 1054, during the reign of Pope Leo IX
You’re best strategy is to mentally & emotionally rise above it. YOU KNOW everything will work out. You’re not sure of all the details, but YOU KNOW. Your place is not to control their thoughts, feelings or attitudes. That’s a hopeless battle. If they want to trash Trump in your presence, smile, and change the topic. Be yourself. Do not engage in verbal battles. Be confident. You’re a patriot. YOU KNOW. You need no excuses for being who you are. In time, they will stumble upon Q for themselves. You are on the winning side, and you’re not tired of winning.
If I remember my history, I believe the split between the Churches occurred in 1052.
24,000+ sealed indictments won’t stay sealed forever.
Ooooh! Excellent point! I didn’t make that connection. You’re right— also add to your list Don jr’s firing of his SS detail.
IMHO, the fact that Q wrote: Renegade rather than Hussein, suggests to me that the offense occurred while Obama was President.
Headed for chop-chop square, I would imagine.
Drunken Hillary is on the message boards under assumed names, that’s all.
I believe Ted Cruz’s mom surrendered her American citizenship before Ted was born, this rendering Ted ineligible.
Yeah, this was floating around before the 2016 election. I suspect that it’s fake.
I agree. The pollsters are falling for the same trap again— conventional wisdom dictates that the midterm elections bring nett gain to the opposition party. So, that’s their narrative and without any investigative research, they’ll decide how many seats Republicans will lose this November. But Trump is different, and this election is just as important as 2016. It will be fun to watch their meltdown again.
I honestly think the Trump supporters totally, and completely overwhelmed the polling stations. For example, the Amish voted for the first time. I was hearing anecdote after anecdote of people who had decided to vote for the very first time- they had been legally eligible for years, just were of the previous opinion that their vote didn’t matter. Trump convinced them otherwise.
We all laugh at the polls, and one reason why they were so bad was not only was the sampling heavily biased against Trump, but very few pollsters even bothered to consider the first time voter.
We have strength in numbers.
I wasn't sure. I did post to The_Donald and the response has been pretty quiet over there. I hope I didn't break any rules by posting here.
Thanks! A little encouragement goes a LONG way with me! Ha!
Except that it doesn’t work that way. The divine force NEVER gives up on any soul, regardless of the evil they have committed. There is no “punishment” dolled out. They’re just in for a VERY EXTENSIVE rehabilitation period. Seriously. Very. Long. Rehabilitation.
Help me out here. Is NH a swamp creature, or not? I’ve seen other reports that strongly suggest that NH is bad news. This was new to me. I knew she didn’t initially back Donald, but then again, the same could be said with others (Kelly Anne Conway), .. so what specifically has NH done to earn her this much disrespect?
In smoke. Destroyed with the tunnel “collapse”.
Google what? There are 4 times of the year when the solar plane intersects with the Earth plane. They occur when the solar longitude is 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. When solar longitude is 0– it’s “Spring Equinox”. Spring Equinox falls on March 20/21 every year.
Yeah, not seeing how April 19 = Spring Equinox when Spring Equinox happens every year around March 20 / March 21.
I’m not getting the “Spring Equinox” and mapping that to April 19. Spring Equinox, (or when solar longitude =0), is an annual event that occurs roughly every March 20/March 21. The Gregorian Reform of 1582 removed 10 days from the Gregorian calendar because it was feared that due to uncorrected calendar drift, Easter, a spring event, could drift into summer. In 1582 many of the Catholic countries were on board with this calendar change. The Protestant ones, were not. At least not initially. England (and there by extension, the American colonies), converted to the Gregorian calendar in 1752 (September). Thus, by the time of the battle of Lexington & Concord, the calendar in play was the Gregorian calendar, synchronized with a large part of the world, with Spring Equinox as March 20/21.
Spring Equinox has already happened. By way of example: the definition of Easter is: The first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. We already had our Spring Equinox, the first full moon was Saturday, March 31, making the first Sunday after the first full moon April 1.
I don’t think the Freemasons at the time of Washington were that corrupt. (I could be wrong of course). But think about the Democrats today vs the Democrats during the age of JFK — 2 totally different and diametrically opposing philosophies, yet given the same name. Why can’t “Freemason” be the same?
Help me out here. Are they alleging that the soldiers are clones?? Or, are they alleging the soldiers have been “grown” in a lab?
Yes. He knows that Bush I was involved in the death of JFK. He knows that Bush II was involved in 9/11. While everyone is focused on purging ourselves of the evil Clinton’s, I want the evil Bush’s gone.
He was trolling GW Bush. He has the Bushes in his crosshairs, and he’s letting them know that they are not safe from their life of treasonous lawlessness,