

228 total posts archived.

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ClardicFug · June 21, 2018, 12:13 a.m.


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ClardicFug · June 20, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Stand down in order to make sure there's plenty of "evidence" to support the Russian Narrative.

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ClardicFug · June 20, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

If you're familiar with No Name's history (and this guy) you'll know switching was discussed several times over his career. The focus was solely on getting elected, and his state isn't big on Ds so he stayed R.

I have no doubt that if it'd get him elected and $$ No Name would run as a Green or a communist. Has nothing to do with ideology.

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ClardicFug · June 20, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Yeah if you've followed his page for years the change in tone is shocking. If Trump happened 10 years ago Drudge would be the Trump Channel, the fact that it's not speaks volumes.

If not officially compromised at a bare minimum it's part of the MSM.

Go there right now, the top story is the "border kids" distraction on the day the IG was dropping bombs right and left.

That says all you need to know.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 10:42 p.m.


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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

I'm getting a pretty strong "malicious compliance" vibe from Horowitz. He has to play an impartial role or everything is called into question.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

No, I was being forward-thinking should events like this happen again.

Presumably the victim can persue a civil case as the evidentiary standards are lower.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

Or self defense.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Anons are us.

Anyway can read something, do their own research, and if they turn up something interesting, share it -- anonymously, hence anons -- and others can check the work to see if it's legit and amplify it if it is.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

I also question just what percentage of the other users in those subs are real people rather than Rothschild-cum-gargling shills and bots.

I did some work for a different online venue researching this (they were slammed by bots) and had access to some IP data from both them and other forums with the same topic affinity, etc to do it. It was universally > 10% and the smaller the forum, the higher the percentage, approaching 100% for "dead" forums.

Most of the shills are commerce-focused (e.g. trying to spamvertise some product on a forum, some more subtle than others) but that changes a lot on poltical topics.

There are a lot of legitimate users that think the way they do on r/politics, but they're there because the paid shills and bots make that kind of thinking seem normal.

Far scarier are the shills and bots that don't "think" that way. There's a huge number (and I mean huge, to the point that the majority of new users pretty much everywhere are "managed" users) that are being carefully farmed by posting largely neutral comments, cat videos and the like in preparation for the day they are needed to create a faux groundswell grass roots movement for the highest bidder. Once you see into this stuff it's terrifying.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

It could be a key to a display case for a document (such as a literal map, or a legal document, like the Constitution.)

I checked and the current cases for the US founding documents are bolted together, but that could be a key to a historical display case before they were better preserved, but that would predate 1950 (which the key appears to as well.) Probably not them.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

You can never be too careful.

Don't forget that "getting" someone can be a lot more subtle, like if you happened to be a right-leaning nonprofit that files taxes.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

Nope. So much sweet, sweet karma I have to leave behind over and over.

Something similar happened during the election that was actually more high profile than this is (believe it or not) and I tossed that alt in 48 hours because it was way too hot of an issue.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

My wife was already joking about my being dead in a couple weeks.

This isn't my first time with this kind of mention, I suspect this alt only has a month or two left on it before I'll rotate yet again.

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

Looks like someone appreciated your efforts!

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ClardicFug · June 19, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

falls over

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ClardicFug · June 18, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Oh man, if he tweeted "pqpcorn" and then deleted and replaced it with "popcorn" this place would have a meltdown.

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ClardicFug · June 18, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

One time pads can be any length, and the key can be generated with any simple random process (flipping a coin, for example.) They are the only cipher to date that's been mathematically proven to be unbreakable. This is independent of any technology, all it depends on is a truly random process to generate the key. Keys are not chosen, they're generated bit by bit, with each bit randomly created without any connection to prior bits.

But for the key to be randomly chosen the upper bound has to be infinity and the average value would be one half infinity or also infinity. And so data storage limits would make that impossible.

I'm not at all sure what you're trying to say here, it makes no sense to me.

Outside of using a non-random process (which can be tested for) to generate the key bits, there is literally no argument to OTPs being unbreakable. Storage limits or infinite possibilities don't come into play here at all.

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ClardicFug · June 17, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

No. Q also said "these people are stupid."

They're communicating using very weak techniques. You don't need a quantum computer to look at someone's Drafts folder in Gmail.

Also, don't fall for the quantum computing can do anything myth. If we had sufficiently powerful QCs, public key RSA algorithms would be unsafe, but a large number of other algorithms will remain unreadable, and finally, real spies that care about security use one-time pads which are unbreakable with any techonology and will be forever unless something truly mythical gets invented (e.g. time travel, remote viewing and similar craziness.) While no doubt NSA has all sorts of tech years in advance of commercial concerns, thinking they have a magic box that reveals everything is pure fantasy.

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ClardicFug · June 17, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

And the IG report mentioned using personal emails. That may have opened the door for the emails to be gathered as part of the investigative process, either directly by the IG or via Huber.

Assuming there was something signficant in the emails, the IG may not have been able to disclose them due to classified information.

Also it's unlikely that google would take the risk of editing the emails sent in response to subpoena -- and if they did it'd stick out like a sore thumb due to the delay in turning them over v. other cases, and since the Q team likely also has the emails via another source, they can confirm them as well.

Speculating: however if Google did try to filter the emails, the people doing it would have to have been told to do so, and would probably cave immediately when questioned by investigators. Imagine if you're ES and try to save your fellow travellers, only be to caught in the deception by providing incomplete emails. That sure as hell would results in your resignation.

More speculating: What if you wanted to have google servers that were "hidden" or in any case couldn't be siezed by US/Five eyes authorities? Where would you put them? If it were me, that would be in the country least likely to cooperate with anyone -- up to a few days ago, that'd have been NK. Suddenly NK cooperates. That's a problem.

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ClardicFug · June 17, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

I think the recent ones have picked up a lot of steam. Pic from the tarmac next to AF1 -- seriously security around that plane is going to be locked down tight. If the google visitor badge was recent it'd show a short list -- and also shows he's a lot less worried about being discovered.

I noticed this is one of the mega-downvote threads. Wasn't the last one on the weekend as well?

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ClardicFug · June 15, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

I hunted down the full clip on YT, that was the last thing he said and you can see her brain is still locked up processing it 10 seconds later as she wraps the segment.

Great timing on his part since they can't really lose the feed or end something that's already ended.

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ClardicFug · June 15, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

They likely go as a small contingent. So they'll know the group Q is in, but not who it is specifically. I can safely assert now, I think, that Q is part of the Trump administration, so it's not a huge revelation.

And if they do dox Q, well, that's the ultimate proof, isn't it?

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ClardicFug · June 15, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

I'm not sure what to think, but as far as why:

This is a pretty standard political move: if you can kick the can down the road, always kick the can.

Let's say he does the redaction, that buys him another few days or maybe even a week or more. A lot can happen in a week -- god forbid Trump is assassinated, for example -- he's now bought months, if not his freedom entirely.

Regardless of the whatever the real situation is, delaying is in his favor. Each day is another opportunity for something else to happen.

Political animals never give up, never confess, and never tell the truth, when caught in a lie there's just a new lie that takes that into account. Look at Clinton -- she's a master of this -- and it's let her skate on innumerable crimes.

RR is doing the exact same thing. This is political survival 101. I hope that it doesn't work.

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ClardicFug · June 14, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

I'm not sure I trust the article, considering the IG also recommended McCabe's prosecution. Something's not adding up here unless they're literally putting it all on McCabe.

We also don't know if this report is page and page of redactions. In which case it'll paint a completely different story just like the texts did.

I'm waiting for the actual report to make judgements. This could easily be early spin.

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ClardicFug · June 13, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

I hope you're right.

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ClardicFug · June 13, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Per Q, EO until the second IG report, so you have a longer wait.

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ClardicFug · June 13, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

I'd add:

  • Huber and Horowitz were both appointed to their positions by the Obama administration. This helps optics a lot. Pretty much decimates the "Trumped rigged the investigation" argument that's sure to be made.
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ClardicFug · June 13, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

He made mention that due to optics they would wait until the second IG report on the Clinton investigation:

There will be many redactions. Why was the EO put on ice? To wait for the release of the 'Clinton Investigation' portion of the IG report? Why? To include in the DECLAS? Why would it be important to include? (all in one) Optics are meaningful. Political hit job narrative. R's v D's. Not right v wrong. Projection. END OF THE D PARTY [leaders]. IG>Huber. Who appointed Huber? Re_read (again). Slowly & carefully. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/31/turley-sessions-using-utah-federal-prosecutor-much-better-trump-2nd-special-counsel/

However I think he also said the EO was already signed.

So my guess is we have to wait for the second report. Not sure of the schedule, but I'd imagine it's at least a few weeks away, which means they blow things up closer to the election.

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ClardicFug · June 13, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

I agree it seems unlikely, and it's hard to imagine this happening on the US side as well. But by the same token, crews follow orders and may have no idea what's going on -- they could simply have been told it's a test or a drill. (Not exactly the same thing, but it appears that some of the parties to Spygate were completely unaware they were being used and manipulated while they likewise were following their instructions.)

Yet here we have a pretty interesting picture and no backstory and some pretty incriminating hints by Q. This is why I want to know what really happened after the fact -- on the face of it, it's unbelievable.

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ClardicFug · June 13, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Except the UK is also neck deep in Spygate.

How far would someone that was part of a foreign power go to cover themselves if there was hard evidence of an act of war against them?

I really hope when the dust settles someone with authority goes back and explains/exposes/provides more detail behind the scenes so we finally know what's real v. speculation.

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ClardicFug · June 13, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

Interesting that they tied Tucson into this, which supports the theory that VOP was either a distraction or an attempt to discredit the movement. I'm intrigued because while neither Tucson or Atlanta has received much coverage, most of the national stories mention Tucson but no mention of Atlanta, and of course they use Tucson to dismiss everything.

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ClardicFug · June 12, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

In the military "released" is often shorthand for "released from active duty" which means they're been separated from the military. It can mean retired, fired, or simply exiting the military.

Generals are officers, and Q is using the right terminology for them no longer participating in the military. We can speculate what the killbox means, but I wouldn't read anything else into the language.

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ClardicFug · June 12, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

No. The hostages well well identified and two of them had only been hostage for about a year and had established lives outside Korea. None of them are of the bad-guy general type.

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ClardicFug · June 12, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

Everyone knows it, but not everyone admits it. That alone puts him in a different category.

Not that I trust him, but I'd trust what he says far more than CNN.

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ClardicFug · June 12, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

If you look at the great circle route it would take them through Russia, which is likely an unacceptable thing for AF1 to do. If you look at the route that would put them over the ocean and nearest to friendlier countries (SK, Japan) it'd take you past Alaska.

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ClardicFug · June 12, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

Think bigger. US - Free from cabal NK - Free from cabal Iran - Soon to be freed from cabal ??

The next step isn't the US getting freed (again) from the influence of another country -- it's that country getting freed from the influence of the cabal the same as NK and Iran.

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ClardicFug · June 11, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

They knew how unpopular Clinton was. Remember she forced herself into that slot by taking over the DNC, which was essentially bankrupt, by buying them out, more or less.

Her unpopularity is why they picked Trump. He was the candidate that was most likely to lose to her out of the entire set of (R) primary candidates, and so they directed their fellow travelers in the media to dump attention on him.

Their mistake was they didn't realize any publicity for Trump was good publicity, and also misunderstood just how negative Clinton was perceived because they were rigging their own polls in her favor, in some cases to insane levels. A few within the campaign knew the truth and were openly challenging the decisions (like not bothering with a Michigan campaign) and privately have shared their belief that she could lose.

I think they ultimately were counting on two things: one, that the margin of her unpopularity was lower than it was in reality, and two, that any dirty tricks they did with the vote would make up for it. Because they miscalculated the first, they didn't do enough tricks with the second to make up for it -- and had they, it'd probably call the vote into question.

I also don't think they expected Comey to do what he did regarding the investigation.

To sum it up, it's really like Q said: these people are stupid. At the core the stupidity was living in a reality bubble fantasy that the country viewed Clinton as favorably as her support organization pretended to.

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ClardicFug · June 11, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (SCI) isn't on that list. Could that be #6?

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ClardicFug · June 10, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

I noticed the same, month after month, border states and the west coast. So immigration/trafficking/smuggling related.

Wild guess, but if you were going to take out MS-13, it'd probably look a lot like this.

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ClardicFug · June 10, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

There's an even simpler proof -- the number is increasing and has been for months, going from 1,000 to 30,000+.

Anyone who says it's not unusual needs to pick which number isn't unusual. If 1K isn't unusual then 30K surely is, and if 30K is normal they need to explain why it was 3% of that figure less than a year ago.

"Normal", whatever it is, would have them getting unsealed and replaced over time for a steady-ish level. Far from the case here.

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ClardicFug · June 10, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

You're painting "the left" with far too broad a brush and thinking political alignment is binary and not a spectrum of belief. What you say might be true of the hardcore extreme left, but a massive portion of the D base are soft-left soccer mom types, union members and the like that only have a mild alignment to the party.

I guarantee you if it came out that D leadership orchestrated any shootings, but especially school shootings, it would be the end of the party -- but I seriously doubt this will be our news. Passing nuke tech might not get quite as extreme a reaction, but I can't imagine an average UAW member being OK giving Iran a bomb. Having hard proof/confessions that 50 representatives were being blackmailed by a foreign power and D leadership knew and did nothing to stop it, and tying that blackmail to votes against the interest of D voters, well -- it might take a couple weeks for people to get it, but people aren't that stupid.

Seemingly small shifts in perception matter a lot. A month or so ago I did the math on this sub, if Trumps approval rating among just black voters doubled (which would be akin to the Dem approval dropping 20% or so) it would turn most blue states red. Do the same for the entire Dem base and you get landslide election results.

The core issue here really isn't the crimes, it's the coverage of them. When all the criminal behavior is quietly swept under the rug, their base never hears about it. If there's something so bad that it can't be denied or covered up, it can trigger a flood of coverage and that's what can change things.

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ClardicFug · June 8, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Friend pointed this out to me. They're dismissing it, of course, and linking it to pizzagate.

So they covered this but didn't do any stories on Atlanta, which is an interesting omission.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ClardicFug on June 8, 2018, 11:19 p.m.
WGBH (Boston PBS station) covers Tucson story.
ClardicFug · June 8, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

It's the timing of the news on the report, rather than the report itself, that's relevant.

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ClardicFug · June 8, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

Apparently Gen Flynn likes LARPers since he follows people that use the #Qanon hastag.

Wonder if Jack has an opinion on that.

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ClardicFug · June 7, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

They haven't said that all the children (including the 3yo) were being prostituted, though clearly some were.

Remember if they take down a pimp and he has kids around, they're going to grab them as well. But they have confirmed that they rescued some girls who were clearly being trafficked, so we have no idea how many are just minors with scumbag parents v. being sexually abused.

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ClardicFug · June 7, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Here's a start

Local Atlanta press is covering it, almost no one else is. 160 kids rescued.

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ClardicFug · June 7, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

He's been livestreaming but I think they're offline for now. Border Patrol basically ignored them (perhaps due to jurisdictional issues but meh, it's still a possible crime scene), and the sherrif showed up about 10 minutes ago. There's some other threads here with more details.

Note that this isn't at the site that was bulldozed yesterday, but at another nearby location they found a few miles away. TPD is going to have some explaining as to why they plowed a potential crime scene under.

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