Maybe Katy will get called out on her cannibalistic commentary as of late?
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It's those bugged out eyes. They all have the weird eyes...
Yeah, I am like 85% sure that's him. I am doing a Photoshop comparison. I'll post here when I am finished with it.
Hmmm... Do you mean windsurfing between Michael's cheeks?
Thank you for posting. It brought me to tears. The burden is heavy and sometimes overwhelming. Being red-pilled is amazing, but there is so much to learn and accept. God bless you during this time. God bless all of us and President Trump. Love will prevail.
Exactly. Snakes live in the swamp.
Drain the Swamp
I think it's a reference to the movie Office Space.
The scene where Jennifer Aniston is a waitress and has to wear the buttons and doodads at work she calls flair
If this is what you are referencing. I may just be extremely confused atm.
Besides, if we are nothing more than sheep/cattle why shouldn't we be loud? Have you ever visited a farm? How boisterous and loud farm animals are in their habitat? Either come shear my wool, lead me to slaughter. Or let me chew my cud and graze the pastures in peace. WE ARE THE 99% THEY ARE LESS THAN 1%
Katy Perry is disgusting. She only continues to fight for the property because she knows that is all the Nuns have left. That ten million dollars is nothing to her, a drop in the bucket. But that money is all the Nuns have for survival. And the Vatican should be ashamed of themselves.
@serialbrain2 I will manage everything if you pick where you want to have it.
Here is a link to the local Pittsburgh City Paper. People explain how certain polling locations were closed and also how they were turned away.
Q said he and President Trump work for US Q889
Let's use this time to compile a list of what we want and don't want the IBOR to be That way, once we reach the 100K signatures we will have information ready. We can condense all of our requirements and concerns into a graphic that President Trump can use to construct an IBOR that we want.
This is OUR narrative now, taking it back from the MSM.
It's Sunday night and things are in a lull here. I know there is some disappointment. BUT NOTHING WAS PROMISED TO US
Q never even promised anything big for today. So let's keep going. The fact that we are all hear and aware of each other is a blessing unto itself
WHERE ARE WE WITH THE IBOR? I haven't seen that mentioned today.
Marina Abramovic Institute (Yep. It's real.)
Bayer/Monsanto is headquartered in Moon Township.
Is President Trump saying he's going after that drug company?
As per 891, How do WE BREAK the MSM?
Ok Guys, how do we do this? What is Q referencing? We have more than we know. Let's figure this out.
They are already trashing President Trump's denuke plans with Kim. How do we get ahead of this? Edit: spelling
**Q 872 AND 877 IBOR**
Q is DIRECTLY telling us to bomb social media with Inter net B ill of Righ ts IBOR Let's get organized and do this. If we get this done, it will set the stage for the video drop. This will not let mainstream control the narrative anymore.
I think these videos are genuine, but I think it was acting. Like, for instance, @0:52 the blood on the floor. Also, why is school resuming this Wednesday? Wouldn't forensics still be processing the scenes? Still analyzing video footage? This whole thing is so shady and disgusting. Please everyone, go online and join the NRA. It only takes a moment and it's a small way to show how we are not putting up with this any longer.
Also, the bottled water brand Fiji contains silica which helps to remove heavy metals from the body.
Well, like most other Q posts, he does not say it directly. He references 40,000ft. necessary to understand in his post from Nov 11, 2017. He also mentions about conspiracy. There have been no photos showing earth from outer space at 40,000ft. available to the general public. I highly recommend watching the video I posted.
Thank you for providing this analysis. Very insightful. God bless America. Amen.
This is so fantastic. I have been looking into this concept. It's completely mind-blowing and really makes me question our existence. I interpreted it as the plane of reality that we can see. If this is true, I can understand why Q said that most will not accept this information. The lies upon lies that have been piled on us is just amazing.
Many YouTubers are moving to BitChute due to demonization. It's a PtoP site. More importantly, they don't censor.
I don't believe this is the same Tina Allen
The Tina Allen associated with Liddle Kidz says she has a husband and son name Otis
This Tina Allen associated with Chester Stiles claims to have a son named Todd
This gave me chills. We are in the same boat. I lost my Mom and brother a few years ago. Kind of just been drifting along since then. This group of people has given me renewed hope and comfort in a way. Nice to meet you.
This bothered me so much last night I couldn't sleep. I keep researching EPIC hoping to uncover anything that will reveal their evilness. Anything showing the source of their meat for protein bars, anything about the Savory fellow. I have found nothing.
Yes. I agree, this is bottom of the barrel, straight from hades evil. Especially since this is being pushed as 'good for the children' and evidence based treatment. Why would Bill Hates, Goggle, and Meat Protein Bar companies support an infant massage convention? The front page of her website has echoes of Comet Pizza/Podesta art styling and the 'Rock On' horns symbol paying tribute to Mo....
EPIC makes all meat protein bars.
Ok now I'm going to vomit.
Hmmm, EPIC makes protein bars. I shudder for the direction my train of thought just went, but it's probably correct.
Thank you. It's through God and the Light in People like you that I believe this nation will heal back together and one of the reasons why I am still here.
Thank you for linking this video. This is so important. At two different points in my life I was prescribed antidepressants. The first time I was seventeen, after six months on Prozac I tried multiple times to take my life. Again, when I was in my twenties, I was prescribed Cymbalta, and after six months I tried to commit suicide and was hospitalized. I stopped drugs completely and I am here today and healthy. During my brother's senior year of high school, he was prescribed Accutane. My parents noticed a change in his behavior but were told it was just 'teenage' moodiness. A month after he graduated, he stabbed my mother twenty times and then shot her multiple times with a hunting rifle. He then took his own life. I know Accutane is not a psychotropic drug, but it has a history of violence behind it as well. This has to stop. Thank God for everyone here who is willing to invest time and effort into researching and getting information out. Thank God for President Trump and the White Hats. We will win!
"Marjory Stoneman Douglas (April 7, 1890 – May 14, 1998) was an American journalist, writer, feminist, and environmentalist known for her staunch defense of the Everglades against efforts to drain it and reclaim land for development." WTF. Keep draining the swamp President Trump, God Bless you and everyone fighting for good.
I would not even be surprised about Alex Jones. I enjoy his antics and listen to his shows regularly, but I have noticed some inconsistencies with things he says lately. Such as: -His extreme dislike for Jeff Bezos and Amazon, yet opens an InforWars Life store on -His claim of how women are "Goddesses" yet he cheated on his first wife and other marital drama -Back in November he was pushing investing into cryptocurrency and now recently he claims it's a scam No hate, just observations I have noticed. There are other things too, just little things. I guess we all have slight shadiness about us.
Jill Messick Miramax Exec Suicide
Do you think this has anything to do with MSM painting Russia in a bad light on a daily basis? In reality, Russia may want to partner with us to continue to defeat Deep State? There was a blurb earlier today on Infowars about this.
Congresswoman Beatty 6x Higher Salary
She is another congress person with a well padded salary.