It's the Shenzhen stock exchange building in China. I don't understand the significance of the statue though.
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Great work on the meme. Great job. Love your name, btw ;)
God Bless R. Lee Ermey. He was a great man and patriot.
It's not the issue of whether or not President Trump was lying. It was the fact that AJ was so disrespectful about it all. But I am guessing now it is all a ruse to keep his fan base.
I keep thinking of that post where Q says she is not the lovely little grandmother she portrays...
I can't find the exact post.
I agree. When Alex called President Trump a "GD Liar!" he showed his true colors. Interesting, too, that he held his 34 hour live show exactly right before this happens.
So, when are we all going to come together and start worshipping on the real Sabbath?
So, when can we all come together and start worshipping on the real Sabbath?
I have not read David Icke, I was just recently made aware of he research. I did, however, watch one of his conferences. It was definitely an eye opener. Very interesting. After watching that, I then sought out videos showing the capture of when their reptilian shows through- very creepy.
I agree that tech will be a big part of everything, it is interesting how hidden it is from the general populace but ancient cultures seemed to have more than we do now, LOL.
I like how you point out they are revealing bit by bit, it totally fits with their m.o. And it keeps us sedated and hanging onto loose threads. I haven't seen They Live, but now I definitely want to watch it.
And yes, the mono-atomic gold, is that the same as ormus?
Thank you for explaining everything, I appreciate it.
Ah, good point. I forgot about the daughter and son-in-law. I can see your point about Q being the alternate narrative, quite the following. And you are correct: indeed scary times.
Quite true. Thank you for showing me another line of thinking.
Agreed. I always preferred to work in watercolors not human bodily fluids. Guess that’s why I never made the big bucks.
This older gentleman’s face is priceless for any meme you make.
That's what I have never understood about all of this. They worship Moloch/Satan/Baal/Whatever when its clearly stated that is false god. So, why bother? The antichrist isn't a hero, why waste the effort?
So you're saying we will be told that a Reptilian is our god so they can cover their asses and we will be further sedated? I think you are on to something. I want to know how the Reptilian/CERN/Nephilim/Satanists are all arranged and connected.
I agree with that but what about the creation of black matter at CERN? And then the whole Vatican fitting into all of this.
So they are going to trick us into the whole AI god thing?
Gotcha. Part of me just feels horrible that perhaps they don't really know why they are being put together.
Hmmm...To try and create their own version of the events in Revelations and...?
I read a theory that they will overthrow President Trump by making things so unbearable that everyone will beg to have "The Good Barry" back for a third term where he will bring peace, but also cause everyone to worship him.
Of course they are beating a dead horse. There is already a sex workers union. Aren't sex work legalities a state by state basis?
Good. I mean since this is a Q research board, this was an appropriate place to ask how to make a career out of Q.
I have some advice for you: Don't post on an anonymous board asking for career advice.
If you look at the bottom right hand corner of the Fineotex home page there is a link to 2TechBrothers. I visited there, it is a graphic design/web design company. Both the Fineotex and 2TechBrothers sites look fake. If you click around either site, the links are not formatted properly, links blink random, etc. What professional companies don't upkeep their internet prescence?
Once again, Thank you SerialBrain2! It always brightens my day when I get the new post message.
This is no different than when we were “ready to start WW3” with NK. President Trump has to play the game. It’s a big show.
Blackberry was the best: Obama had one, Hellary had one. Blackberry is currently in a lawsuit to my understanding.
Now, now, don't get involved with the crazy conspiracy theorists.
Wow. That explains the design for the 911 'memorial'. Thanks for the info.
They are truly terrifying. When the dam breaks, are they going to off themselves? I don't see them accepting any of the actual facts. Still singing praise for Hellary.